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Fallout 3


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Looks like the ps3 version sucks balls on all levels.




"It's a shame, in light of these impressive design elements, that the PlayStation 3 version is shockingly inferior to the others from a technical perspective. Although the Xbox 360 and PC versions display the occasional visual oddity and bland texture, these nitpicks are easy to overlook. Sadly, the jagged edges, washed-out lighting, and slightly diminished draw distance of the PS3 release aren't so easy to dismiss. We also experienced a number of visual bugs on the PS3. Character faces disappeared several times, leaving only eyeballs and hair; limbs on robots went missing; some character models had an odd outline around them as if they were cel-shaded; and the day-to-night transition may cause odd streaks on the screen as you move the camera around. This version doesn't even offer trophies, whereas the Xbox 360 and PC versions offer Xbox Live/Windows Live achievements."



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"As for those claiming this as some form of victory for Xbox's architecture over PS3, the dull truth is that games will almost always look slightly better on the format they were originally coded for. In the reverse scenario, look at PS3-specific titles like Ratchet, Uncharted, LittleBigPlanet, MGS4 and Killzone to see how PS3 can perform when coded from the ground up. Bigger third-party developers, especially EA, have almost completely eradicated cross-platform hiccups - for example, our recent demo of Skate 2 led on PS3, while last year's game led on Xbox."


Still at least this gives Slim the opportunity to exude smugness, which he does so well.



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Still at least this gives Slim the opportunity to exude smugness, which he does so well.




Heh, and hows a game released at the same time on both formats AND the PC a game developed specifically for the 360? I'm more about the 'ps3 will kill the internet with its power', when in reality it's about the same and very often not as good but double the price.


Sonylol! :)

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Surely that's Bethesda Softworks poor developing as other game studios can do it, as opposed to a Sonylol. There's always gonna be a lead platform too. Anyway I'm aware of the problems and the painful time I'm having as a PS3 gamer, but I still have the opinion:


Slim = Smug.

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Surely that's Bethesda Softworks poor developing as other game studios can do it, as opposed to a Sonylol. There's always gonna be a lead platform too. Anyway I'm aware of the problems and the painful time I'm having as a PS3 gamer, but I still have the opinion:


Slim = Smug.


It's the developers fault? What game is significantly better on the ps3 than the 360?

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Read my posts I didn't say anywhere that games on the PS3 are better than the eggbox. I'm not comparing. What I am saying is that it comes down to the games studio's development/testing for the PS3 where the fuck-ups are happening.


You and I can agree that developers are having problems with the PS3 SDK and we've known that from day one. However titles can be made well on the PS3 from exclusives like Naughty Dog's Unchartered or Little Big Planet. Even cross platform game issues have been sorted out by companies like EA who had problems on a few earlier titles.


So if other game studios can do it, then where has Bethesda fallen down? It's not on the PS3's power as a console for a title like Fallout 3 (not really pushing any boundaries is it?), it's in the development and testing where they are having problems. i.e They couldn't use the SDK to get the same results as the eggbox SDK on this title - that's them, they, Bethesda not Sony (sony just raised the hurdles for them!) - others can they can't.


Anyway I didn't want to get drawn into your fanboyism, just wanted to point out I think you're pretty smug.

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played for about 6hours straight last nite, what an absolute joy...I can't really find any fault with it at the moment. VATS is brilliant and makes every encounter a gory fun filled battle! If you're into RPG's it's a must buy!


It's oblivion with guns. They've changed the levelling from a 'skill up from things you do' to a more basic 'add points when you ding' system, and added the VATS targetting system as well as real time guns which makes for a big improvement to the fights of Oblivion. Other than that it's business as usual, wander round, grab quests, go in caves. The writings good, the voice acting much better and less jarring, and the background fallout stuff is intact. There's quite a bit of alternative choice in there too, which is cool. If you liked Oblivion, you'll love it basically.


Oh tell you what else is also fixed over oblivion, the interface. The pda stylee system works very well indeed, and makes sense of all the on screen info you receive too. Skill, inventory and map screens all superb a great improvement over oblivion, easy to navigate, easy to find stuff with items automatically catagorised. Quest system also spot on and well organised. Also brilliant, the hacking and lockpicking minigames. It's fucking brilliant actually :)

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