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Angry Cyclist In Bookshop Rampage


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Didn't they realise that cyclists are entitled to do whatever they please?

I mean, damn it all, who cares about Amnesty International when someone is trying to save the planet by cycling on pavements, ignoring those annoying red lights and screaming abuse at pedestrians who appear to think they have some rights, too?

And what was the hero's reward? Being told not to lean his bike against a shop window! It's insufferable, I tell you.... absolutely insufferable!

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Didn't they realise that cyclists are entitled to do whatever they please?


It's getting very Daily Mail on here lately. How is it relevant he's a cyclist? In the news yesterday were road rage incidents which involved shootings, where the people there classified as 'Car Drivers' for people to tut at? This is another angry idiot who lost his temper, why is him being a cyclist the part you want to comment on?

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Didn't they realise that cyclists are entitled to do whatever they please?


How is it relevant he's a cyclist?


Perhaps because being asked to move his bicycle appeared to be the trigger for his outburst?

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Perhaps because being asked to move his bicycle appeared to be the trigger for his outburst?


Right, which justifies rants about red light jumping, pavement cycling, planet saving and lycra wearing? Him being a cyclist is the highlight of your negativity, not the fact that he's an bad tempered tosser?


Are all car drivers gun wielding road rage loonies because someone who shot people up happened to do so from his parked car?

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Perhaps because being asked to move his bicycle appeared to be the trigger for his outburst?


Right, which justifies rants about red light jumping, pavement cycling, planet saving and lycra wearing? Him being a cyclist is the highlight of your negativity, not the fact that he's an bad tempered tosser?


Are all car drivers gun wielding road rage loonies because someone who shot people up happened to do so from his parked car?

I didn't actually mention lycra-wearing (although, to be fair, that is pretty bloody offensive!). As for justifying the rant - well, it's a rant (from the perspective of both a pedestrian and a vehicle driver) and therefore - because it is a rant - doesn't require justification!

Sheesh! Bloody cyclists!

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Right, which justifies rants about red light jumping, pavement cycling, planet saving and lycra wearing?


Red light jumping, pavement riding and abusive to pedestrians is exactly what I just witnessed down at the Riley corner junction less than 30 minutes ago,

as I was about to pull out of the Boat park 2 lycra clad F***wits turned right at clinches junction as they came from the EB's Bridge direction as obviously they could not be bothered to follow the correct route set out by the DoT during a bridge lift, to improve on the situation one was also on the pavement :whatever: , once they past I pulled out on to the road behind them and followed them to the lights of which they came to rest in the right hand lane, oblivious to their surrounding when the lights for the left hand lane changed to green they just pulled off the junction heading right straight into the path of a woman crossing the road,the light for the right hand lane was still red and the beacon was sounding and the crossing light was green yet to round it all off they felt the need to shout at the woman crossing the road who had 'right of way' <_<


with R'tard like that on the road no wonder cyclist get a bad name

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Hitler wore shoes, so did; mussolini;churchill;thatcher;bush;the kray boys;yorkshire ripper et al: I wear 18 hgole docs, am I super bad?

But, jesus;mother teeresa;ghandi and ninja warriors don't wear shoes. You may be onto something here.

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