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Resignations From Liberal Vannin


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I am not a member of the Liberal Vannin Party but I have attended quite a few of their meetings. Apart from Steve Babb latterly, I have not noticed any of the others attending.


Steve Babb was on Manx Radio this morning (it would have been utterly farcical for any of the others to have commented) and he spoke well. Maybe he should have used his oratory skills to make further his points, directly to the Party.


In the main, these 6 people got voted in, or walked in, on a Liberal Vannin ticket. I really would be interested to see how many Liberal Vannin Party meetings each actually attended.


That really would speak volumes about them and their motives.

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"Please help us to help you and elect your local Liberal Vannin Candidate into the House Of Keys on Thursday 23rd November 2006. It’s time for change – Liberal Vannin gives you the power to change our Island for the better


Liberal Vannin

Protecting the future of Mann




"Each member of the team has been carefully selected on the strength of their skills, previous experience, and commitment to Liberal Vannin’s vision for the future of our Island."

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I have to admit that I have little time for the Liberal Vannin Party as it does not appear to be a political party as I would recognise. That is one where the members as a majority decide, influence policy, leadership etc. From what I have gleaned it appears the other way around. PK decides and every body else follows. Why that may not be strictly true it is the impression I receive.


If what the summary says on the Manx radio is true, when it refers to an unelected executive, then my impression is only reinforced as the constitution states the "National Exectutive Commitee" will be elected. If this has not happened and nor have things like annual conferences, then it gives the impression that the members are there to pay little more than lip service to an unelected leadership

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If the MR report is to be believed, this debacle shows Lib Vannin up for what it currently is: disorganised; lacking leadership; split; and above all, lacking a decent constitution. No one/executive should be unelected (by members) in such a 'democratic' political structure - this rule is stated in sentence 1, paragraph 1, on page 1 of 'party politics 101'.


Trouble in all of this is, that it is often difficult to find the right people to get involved on a small island...and this stinks of internal childish LV politics and personalities...and the settling into which political direction(s) they intend to follow. All this, particularly their constitution, should have been sorted nearly two years ago, and the fact that it wasn't, effectively demonstrates to Joe Public nothing more that the launch of LV was a 'political show', with the same effect of treating Joe Public i.e. me, with contempt. Politicians elected under the banner, now conveniently dissassociating themselves from it and its problems, walk away with little credibility in my eyes - for not seeking, nor demonstrating the ability, to sort things out.


If Peter Karran, and all those elected under the LV banner, are to retain any credibility over this, they really need to sort out the constitution (boring but essential), get out on a recruitment drive, start building bridges, and sort out these basic problems quickly, quietly and not in public.


However, the real question IMO in all of this is: 'If this is not about Peter Karran, then who continues to wield so much power and influence in the organisation, such that they have now lost seven elected representatives (in possession of a remit from the public), and why do these people still have a place in this party?'.

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If the MR report is to be believed, this debacle shows Lib Vannin up for what it currently is: disorganised; lacking leadership; split; and above all, lacking a decent constitution.

Sounds like it's ready to be the party of goverment, then.

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In the main, these 6 people got voted in, or walked in, on a Liberal Vannin ticket. I really would be interested to see how many Liberal Vannin Party meetings each actually attended.


I seriously doubt that membership of some shoddy political party like LV did anything in assisting them getting easily elected. I think someone like Steve would have got in on his own without associating with the rag-tag bunch of arseholes and half-wits that make up LV. They've become the Isle of Man's very own Monster Raving Loony party, and as someone else pointed out the downfall started with the links to UKIP and got progressively worse .... I seriously doubt they have any credibility left.


I don't think any of those leaving LV were at all interested in the party anyway, and perhaps it is they you are mainly referring to?


Steve Babb did not get in at the General Election. At the local (commissioners) election, the risk of another failure might have seemed too great and so perhaps he went for the LV voters seeing as he was in Peter Karran's constituency. I think Steve would have been better trying to effect some sort of change within the LV party before chucking it in. As with Bill Malarkey before him, if they can't do that it doesn't bear well for their skills of persuasion as politicians does it.

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I don't know if I am an arsehole or a half-wit. Never mind, I am a member of LV and have read ther constitutiion on the website. It clearly states the executive will serve for three years and then be elected at conference. To do otherwise would leave the party open to abuse by a member using their group of friends to be elected to a position of power and possible corruptly use that position to reward their friends by treating them somehow, ( normal politics for the IOM) instead, the executive have three years in this embryonic organisation to prove their worth as well as do the hard work of sorting out the business side of things and gather info and experience to ensure a successful party. Only once that is done will their success or otherwise, be judged by the membership in an open election. Some people weren't happy and felt unable to accept that constitutional position and decided to leave the party. That is their right and privilege.

The question to me is whether they will stand for election as independants now and will they repay the loan they sought and received from the party to fund their election?


On a funnier note, the question put during the debate on radio, "will they become the Malarkey Party?" priceless.

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I think Steve would have been better trying to effect some sort of change within the LV party before chucking it in. As with Bill Malarkey before him, if they can't do that it doesn't bear well for their skills of persuasion as politicians does it.


It doesn't bear well for any of them that they were ever involved with it, or that they didn't stick with it. Either way.


A few MEPs and a bunch of exceptional Civil Servants will be all that is ultimately needed - down the road. The transition from now until then will involve all sorts of this sort of stupid.

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The fact that the party seems to have made little progress since the general election shows a serious lack of commitment from it's elected members


This would seem to show that their primary motivation for joining the party was to use PK's name to round up a few votes for themselves, rather than from any desire to effect political change

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Had there been better quality candidates for LV then I am sure many of those high hopes would have been realised.


Which brings me back to the point as to why these people and Bill Malarkey left LV. If they are so smart why couldn't they effect change within the party?

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