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Resignations From Liberal Vannin


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Unfortunately this week's Examiner included a letter from Nigel Dobson on behalf of the Liberal Vannin Party which directed several accusations at me. T confirm, I have written to Nigel, Kate Beecroft and Peter Karran asking them to retract those accusations which are untrue, in particular the suggestion that the Liberal Vannin Party paid for my campaign or election material and that I refused to communicate with the Party.



I am happy to confirm that Steve Babb paid for his own campaign. Isle of Man newspapers edited my letter which had read " Though they appear to criticize the executive, in more than one case, they were happy to have their campaign and manifesto funded by the Party..." This statement is true.


The rest of my letter I stand by.


Nigel Dobson

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I am happy to confirm that Steve Babb paid for his own campaign. Isle of Man newspapers edited my letter which had read " Though they appear to criticize the executive, in more than one case, they were happy to have their campaign and manifesto funded by the Party..." This statement is true.


The rest of my letter I stand by.


Nigel Dobson


Local papers editing letters for publication is well out of order. Is this a common practice? Have you taken it up with them?

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Local papers editing letters for publication is well out of order. Is this a common practice? Have you taken it up with them?

It is common practice - read the editors' small print on most newspapers, national or local. Unfortunately, if they didn't edit letters, the letters' pages would soon take up 5 pages, mostly because so many people don't spokes good England, and use a paragraph when a sentence would do.

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Hello Nigel,


Thankyou for confirming the issue with Steve's manifesto.


Can you please confirm the following:


1, That I recieved no funding for my election (or walk in) as a Town Councillor and that infact only 1 Councillor recieved a paid manifesto.


2, That you did confirm at a meeting with myself and other LV members (at the time) that an election would take place at the Annual conference in Oct 2008 and that you where not corrected by either Peter Karran or Kate Beecroft.




John Faragher

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John, we know the answer to your second question because you posted a private e-mail from him in which he pretty much confirms what you are asking. But that is not really the issue here is it? The issue seems to me to be that the LVP stood on a platform of reforming the democratic structures of the Island to make them more democratic, yet haven't got a party structure that is democratic. Who said what to who is irrelevent.


It seems to me only Steve Babb comes out of this without his reputation in tatters.


1. Peter K, Kate Beecroft, Nigel Dobson and the executive look dogmatic and hypocritical by refusing a vote on how the party is run.

2. We learn that they have been conducting secret meetings with the Help the Aged lady, whilst she was involved in a public slanging match with the govt.

3. Malarky stood a platform that they would be the opposition to the ruling clique, then joins it. He stood on the principle of reform of the Legco, but months later is arguing for an appointed Legco on the wireless.

4. We have the former LVP Douglas corpy members voting to keep an un-elected mayor in place. That is so far beyond the stated aims of the party it is no wonder Peter K got annoyed.

5. We have the spectacle of a Douglas councillor, HILLS, coming on here being dismissive of all contributors, irrespective of their views, and stating he won't respond to any questions. Is that how democratically elected officials should behave?

6. Theres no question that the antics of John Faragher are far below the standards one expects of a councillor. In fact in my long years of forum posting I don't think I have come accross a series of posts where poster is less suitable for public office. He -


- is implicated in point 4

- has published a private e-mail to score a minor point, without the permission of the sender, and one that places another totally unconnected person under a cloud

- has made posts which have been petty and concentrated on picking up minor flaws in his opponent's case, without any view to a bigger picture.

- makes posts that are often so muddled that he end up contradicting himself. I wonder if he is as incapable of marshalling facts and ordering them in a structured, comprehensible manner as he has shown here, how effective can he possibly be for his constituents.

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Hello Nigel,


Thankyou for confirming the issue with Steve's manifesto.


Can you please confirm the following:


1, That I recieved no funding for my election (or walk in) as a Town Councillor and that infact only 1 Councillor recieved a paid manifesto.


2, That you did confirm at a meeting with myself and other LV members (at the time) that an election would take place at the Annual conference in Oct 2008 and that you where not corrected by either Peter Karran or Kate Beecroft.




John Faragher


Hi John,


I am not the Party Treasurer and do not intend to do our dirty washing in public. However, I am not aware that you received any funding. As to the conversation regarding the election to the executive, it does not appear in any of our minutes. However, I concede that I may have said something along the lines you quote. If so, it was my opinion at the time and you know my personal views. However, I was wrong!


The conference will now take place in January, delayed mainly as a result of a lack of help in organising it. It is not yet an annual conference as this will be the first. It is hoped that it will become an annual event. I have no doubt that the rules for the election of the Executive will appear on the agenda and an election take place not later than November 2009. In any correspondence from or by me quoting the election in 2011, I was refering to the one for the House of Keys to be held in September of that year.


Will you confirm that some months ago I offered to resign as Branch Chair due to my own work and personal commitments but it was the wish of the branch, without execption, that I continue. Perhaps not an election, but no one offered to take over.


If you wish to have any further discussions, I am probably the most accessable politician on the Island. Always in the pub. I am, and always have been, happy to meet and chat with both members of Liberal Vannin and members of the public about our party, policies, structure, problems, finances, you name it. I still am. But it takes two, and therein lies the problem.


Kind regards,


Nigel Dobson.

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Oh grow up Slim.


Declan - this has been an excellent thread, don't turn it another of your bickerfests. Don't you think you're expecting a bit much from councillors? They are just normal blokes who could be bothered to stand, most of the seats were uncontested iirc?


Thanks Albert, not really thought about them editing letters. Piss poor to do so and change the content in the way that's being suggested. Shit medium for getting your point across anyway, who reads the letters page of the local papers?

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