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Resignations From Liberal Vannin


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people willing to spend their own money and time in the pursuit of a dream of democracy and fairness on this island,


Presumably you meant to add outside the within the Liberal Vannin Party which operates with an unelected leader and executive. The latter having secure office for another 3 years. In addition as John states there appears to have been no conference, party egm or agm to adopt the constitution, policies etc.


With regard to funding I believe that any Political Party should be open and honest about its funding. I am not sure what the rules are in the IoM but I would like to see similar rules to the UK. i.e. Donations above £X amount should be declared and should only be made by IoM residents/ those elidgible to vote. I also think it would be in the interest of any Party to be open and honest as it prevents accusations of shadowy backers, lack of clarity may dissuade some of the elctorate from supporting or joing the party and finally if you demand such openness and honesty of others it looks hypocritical if you do not apply the same standards to your own organisation

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Must bite my tongue and not mentiion *****.

There are e-mail addresses on the site, why not just ask if you really want to know.

It will only be fair if you ask the other MHKs where there funding comes from and where they really live, besides their registered addresses.

Pity you can not accept there is a group of people willing to spend their own money and time in the pursuit of a dream of democracy and fairness on this island, without some mysterious financial backer to pay for everything. If I decide to spend up tp 20% of my income in such an endeavour why should I be critisised for it? There are some willing to spend their own money in the greater good, some don't and they move on seeking greater glory. That's life.



Well skrappey - someone has not done their homework.


1. It appears that you stood for election under the liberal vannin flag without Peters knowledge and he is the leader of the party supposedly with his finger on the button.


2. I have spoken to a few Members and ex members and have been informed that a couple of Meetings consisted only of Babb, Malarkey, Beecroft and Karran and that communication was not the strong point of Liberal Vannin which is another reason they resigned.


Also in regard to the Executive Committee - Why should they be in their posts for three years.... they were given posts after the election to keep them sweet after failing to be elected as an MHK (what does that say?)



As the matter of party politics, I really think it is important for party politics but there are obviously more issues for six to all go at once; one of them being an executive member himself and one the fundraising chairman. it would work if PK was not all out to get 14 of his followers into the House of Keys in order for them to vote him in as Chief Minister. Although PK is an active member of government, the though of PETER KARRAN - CHEIF MINISTER sucks!!!!!

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Reasons they left are as follows:


No democratic election of Executive till 2011, this was to tie in with the HoK Elections, this was a none movable/ none negotiable rule, put in place, and was against all things democratic. Seems rules etc could be added at any time they required.........................


Seems the Exec where more bothered about there HoK (House of Keys) Election, that supporting Manx Politics, rather than make statement now, they wanted to hold back till nearer said elections to have more inpact, but is not the purpose to help the Island..?


There also seems to be a LV Ticket issue, as far as i know, only 1 Douglas Councillor faced election and the others did not have to even produce a manifesto etc, and the general public did not even place said Councillors as LV. Sara Hackman is my local Councillor and as far as I can see she put in more leg work, Door Knocking etc than anyone else, so I believe she has more the elbow greese to be thankfull for than LV.


Onchan, It makes me smile that an LV topped the poles and an LV was last..? Ste babb also put in a lot off hard graft, his manifesto was self supported and paid for by him self, again, his winning is far more to do with this than any LV meal Ticket.


Its also been suggested that they never attended meetings, i am sure that they did , I myself have seen John faragher, Steve Babb and Richard Kissack , Carol M and Sara at many. They are all human though and so may have missed a few here and there.


Also LV asked said Douglas Councillors to not attend Central Branch meetings because they where to have there own, these where to take place at late evenings at PK house, sadly its seems these could not aslways be attended by all and every occasion, as people have lifes, all councillors have young children, some are single parents, they even have jobs !!! wow !!! no longer they can not always attend meetings on every occasion. as you still have to pay your bills as as local Authority Politics does not pay ....


One Final Question, Have you ever tried to contact Mr PK on Island from a wednesday to a Monday, seesm he is always off Island..why..??? is he also a local MP ..?



on a lighter note, I was laughing out loud at the comment about keeping quite so the fools could talk nonsense!!! fantastic quote.



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Reasons they left are as follows:
There also seems to be a LV Ticket issue, as far as i know, only 1 Douglas Councillor faced election and the others did not have to even produce a manifesto etc, and the general public did not even place said Councillors as LV. Sara Hackman is my local Councillor and as far as I can see she put in more leg work, Door Knocking etc than anyone else, so I believe she has more the elbow greese to be thankfull for than LV.
Fair points. None of them knew they would be walking in to the Council without an election when they joined the party. Sara Hackman put plenty of energy into her campaign and to her credit ousted the current mayor Dot Pitts from her seat. Since then she seems to have joined the gravy train that is Douglas Corporation. John Faragher, Richard Kissack and Carol Malarkey didn't have an election fight . . . they just joined the gravy train.


For example, ask any of them how many free meals/buffets (and especially drinks !!*&^!@) they've had since joining the Douglas Corporation Mayors Parlour Club. Far far better than attending some boring political party meeting in some cold room where you have to pay for your own drink and actually have to behave sensibly . . . . . .

Onchan, It makes me smile that an LV topped the poles and an LV was last..? Ste babb also put in a lot off hard graft, his manifesto was self supported and paid for by him self, again, his winning is far more to do with this than any LV meal Ticket.
Steve Babb is a nice enough chap. I would suggest he is destined to no more than a life with Onchan Village Commissioners. I'll put my left knacker on that.


Its also been suggested that they never attended meetings, i am sure that they did , I myself have seen John faragher, Steve Babb and Richard Kissack , Carol M and Sara at many. They are all human though and so may have missed a few here and there.

Total and utter unexpurgated bollox. They certainly weren't at the (many) meetings I attended. (Steve Babb 1)


One Final Question, Have you ever tried to contact Mr PK on Island from a wednesday to a Monday, seesm he is always off Island..why..??? is he also a local MP ..?
What a ridiculous statement. I have always been able to contact PK and if not at the phone number in the telephone directory, I have contacted him or left a message at Tynwald Members contact number. What a ridiculous person you are. He is far more accessible than any of them in the house. Some won't even bother to return a call.


Although PK is an active member of government,

Er, no....you need to understand what you have said in this statement.

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Reasons they left are as follows:
There also seems to be a LV Ticket issue, as far as i know, only 1 Douglas Councillor faced election and the others did not have to even produce a manifesto etc, and the general public did not even place said Councillors as LV. Sara Hackman is my local Councillor and as far as I can see she put in more leg work, Door Knocking etc than anyone else, so I believe she has more the elbow greese to be thankfull for than LV.
Fair points. None of them knew they would be walking in to the Council without an election when they joined the party. Sara Hackman put plenty of energy into her campaign and to her credit ousted the current mayor Dot Pitts from her seat. Since then she seems to have joined the gravy train that is Douglas Corporation. John Faragher, Richard Kissack and Carol Malarkey didn't have an election fight . . . they just joined the gravy train.


For example, ask any of them how many free meals/buffets (and especially drinks !!*&^!@) they've had since joining the Douglas Corporation Mayors Parlour Club. Far far better than attending some boring political party meeting in some cold room where you have to pay for your own drink and actually have to behave sensibly . . . . . .

Onchan, It makes me smile that an LV topped the poles and an LV was last..? Ste babb also put in a lot off hard graft, his manifesto was self supported and paid for by him self, again, his winning is far more to do with this than any LV meal Ticket.
Steve Babb is a nice enough chap. I would suggest he is destined to no more than a life with Onchan Village Commissioners. I'll put my left knacker on that.


Its also been suggested that they never attended meetings, i am sure that they did , I myself have seen John faragher, Steve Babb and Richard Kissack , Carol M and Sara at many. They are all human though and so may have missed a few here and there.

Total and utter unexpurgated bollox. They certainly weren't at the (many) meetings I attended. (Steve Babb 1)


One Final Question, Have you ever tried to contact Mr PK on Island from a wednesday to a Monday, seesm he is always off Island..why..??? is he also a local MP ..?
What a ridiculous statement. I have always been able to contact PK and if not at the phone number in the telephone directory, I have contacted him or left a message at Tynwald Members contact number. What a ridiculous person you are. He is far more accessible than any of them in the house. Some won't even bother to return a call.


Although PK is an active member of government,

Er, no....you need to understand what you have said in this statement.


"Gravy Train" mmm... Did you stand for Council or MHK? and the reason I ask is that most of the Commissioners or Councillors who have resigned the LV got in without an election and why?


Is it because most sit back and criticise? IMO people should be ashamed of that.


Yes Peter Karran is active and voices his opinions and in some respects does a good job.


But lets not let this blurr our vision as to the Liberal Vannin Party or lack of it now! there is more to this than meets the eye! PK stated that he saw the resignations coming so surely as a leader he should have tried to find a solution to the problems?



From information the party never really had a structure and new rules were introduced as and when the executive committee felt like it!


With respect to PK - 'Holy Paladin' it is correct that most weeks he goes to UK for three or four days. But for what?

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I Have never stood for election on the island, not under the LV banner or any other.

I have met with PK on Monday and today, no problem.

PK has never been interested in being CM.


Who hasn't done their homework (obviously not English at least)


ps If you want to know where the money for Northern Branch comes from please furnish me with your name and address and I will supply the information, along with copies of bank statements and my own personal details so you aren't short of anything.

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%age... are you one off the Executive Committe..? as I also have been to many of the Central Branch Meetings at the RAF Club, and seem to recall having seen most of the Town Councillors there. In regards to PK being accessable.. maybe to members of his Exec...


Still agree he does do a lot for Manx Politics, but we are diversing from the point that they all left because of the Un- Democratic method in which the party was run. The rest I suppose is History !!!


Still I feel Manx Politics is unique in its way , but still strongly democratic in its needs

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PK has never been interested in being CM.


So PK will be resigning as leader then before the next general election?


Surely he cannot expect that he can lead a party into a general election and ask for the electorates votes and support on the basis that if the party err actually does get a majority of seats he will resign and the party will vote for a new leader (subjecting to it deciding by then that its members are worthy of having a bit of democracy, democracy).


I would love to see PK explaining that in his manifesto. "If I am succesful as a leader I will resign. If I am a failure I will continue. PS You can not sack me as although we may or may not have a constitution I have been appointed as supreme ruler of the Party until I call an election to vote on the matter. In such circumstances my friend Robert Mugabe has agreed to assist in any such election to ensure that every member freely and fairly votes for me!"

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Reasons they left are as follows:
There also seems to be a LV Ticket issue, as far as i know, only 1 Douglas Councillor faced election and the others did not have to even produce a manifesto etc, and the general public did not even place said Councillors as LV. Sara Hackman is my local Councillor and as far as I can see she put in more leg work, Door Knocking etc than anyone else, so I believe she has more the elbow greese to be thankfull for than LV.
Fair points. None of them knew they would be walking in to the Council without an election when they joined the party. Sara Hackman put plenty of energy into her campaign and to her credit ousted the current mayor Dot Pitts from her seat. Since then she seems to have joined the gravy train that is Douglas Corporation. John Faragher, Richard Kissack and Carol Malarkey didn't have an election fight . . . they just joined the gravy train.


For example, ask any of them how many free meals/buffets (and especially drinks !!*&^!@) they've had since joining the Douglas Corporation Mayors Parlour Club. Far far better than attending some boring political party meeting in some cold room where you have to pay for your own drink and actually have to behave sensibly . . . . . .

Onchan, It makes me smile that an LV topped the poles and an LV was last..? Ste babb also put in a lot off hard graft, his manifesto was self supported and paid for by him self, again, his winning is far more to do with this than any LV meal Ticket.
Steve Babb is a nice enough chap. I would suggest he is destined to no more than a life with Onchan Village Commissioners. I'll put my left knacker on that.


Its also been suggested that they never attended meetings, i am sure that they did , I myself have seen John faragher, Steve Babb and Richard Kissack , Carol M and Sara at many. They are all human though and so may have missed a few here and there.

Total and utter unexpurgated bollox. They certainly weren't at the (many) meetings I attended. (Steve Babb 1)


One Final Question, Have you ever tried to contact Mr PK on Island from a wednesday to a Monday, seesm he is always off Island..why..??? is he also a local MP ..?
What a ridiculous statement. I have always been able to contact PK and if not at the phone number in the telephone directory, I have contacted him or left a message at Tynwald Members contact number. What a ridiculous person you are. He is far more accessible than any of them in the house. Some won't even bother to return a call.


Although PK is an active member of government,

Er, no....you need to understand what you have said in this statement.


"Gravy Train" mmm... Did you stand for Council or MHK? and the reason I ask is that most of the Commissioners or Councillors who have resigned the LV got in without an election and why?


Is it because most sit back and criticise? IMO people should be ashamed of that.


Yes Peter Karran is active and voices his opinions and in some respects does a good job.


But lets not let this blurr our vision as to the Liberal Vannin Party or lack of it now! there is more to this than meets the eye! PK stated that he saw the resignations coming so surely as a leader he should have tried to find a solution to the problems?



From information the party never really had a structure and new rules were introduced as and when the executive committee felt like it!


With respect to PK - 'Holy Paladin' it is correct that most weeks he goes to UK for three or four days. But for what?


Mrs Marlarky you and you husband went down the road to be politicians on the word of the LV party, now that you have both got your feet through the door and been fitted with the warm slippers and now one hand in the cream pot, you have decided to put both fingers up the the people that voted you in. You should both stand down and go to the people for the decision on what you stand for now.


I wonder who will the first of the new breed of politicians in they Keys to become the owner of a new Holiday home in the Channel Islands, Malta, Ireland or Spain and maybe built by a company with Manx Construction links ;);)

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Last Login, Excellent idea..lol


To be honest I think the IOM does need a PK, he is a breath of fresh air and a man who stands up for what he beliefs in, even when as he often does he finds himself standing alone.


I just IMO think his party is not about him, its about a power base for others...


But I think that PK will live on even without LV as like I said the IOM needs him more than an other MHK, I just think the Party needs to sort it self out, Its a shame that the members that left felt they could do no more from within.


Standing as a local authority person is hard, there is often no thanks just cristicism often from those without the courage or conviction to stand themselves.


In this world we all deserve our opinion and a right to express our thoughts, this includes making a choice when something is not for you.


I think I have said my fill on this subject, i just hope the Local Authority Members that left the party, can be left alone to continue doing what they stood for.

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I think I have said my fill on this subject, i just hope the Local Authority Members that left the party, can be left alone to continue doing what they stood for.


Douglas Councillors. Take one of them. Any one of them.


Ask them how many free* buffets they have had since being elected. Better still, how many drinky poos they reckon they have imbibed at said 'freebies'*.


Whatever they stood for is way, way in the past. There's a party going on alright and as far as they are concerned, it ain't the Liberal Vannin one.







ie paid for by the Douglas ratepayer/taxpayer

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%age Really offering criticism that can never really be answered by any off the councillors is wrong, lets be honest, Did you attend the fireworks display..? well that was a free party..


Yes some off the Councillors attend some functions, maybe a couple each, depending on the Committe's they are on and the areas they hold personal interest. I agree that excessive spending during this time is not welcome. But to attend say a presentation for Douglas in Bloom or Battle of the Bands and partake of the buffett is akin to saying "eat all your tea or the kids in africa will starve". The functions are usually for a reason, whether this be civic or community based. You make it sound like they get free meals all day !!!


Did you know that the IOM legislation gived people the right to have time off to attend Local Authority meetings , but there is no legal requirment for employers to pay the said person. So you have Coucnillors such as Sara Hackman, whom is a single parent, who has to make uptime or take unpaid time off to attend meetings, John Faragher also has to take unpaid time off and being a member of Policy and Resorce, Leisure and the general Council meeting, this can cost upto 250 a month, yes I am sure the 30 a meeting expense helps, but this does not re-inburse the total amount. So where is the free meal / Gravy Train Ticket now????? Richard Kissack is an accountant and has his own business to run, the cost in money is even greater to him.


They are pushing for a more balanced Government, and LV did not give them this. so let he who is with out sin cast the first stone.. so I ask would you be able to stand in the place of Sara, she works 2 Jobs, has two boys to look after and house to run etc etc.. I ask could you do it.??? if the amswer is no, them maybe just maybe its time to stop critising.


As per David Christians sensible comments, These guys work hard and at least they have had the conviction to do what they thought right.. a lot more than can be said to someone who's only conviction is to criticise on a forum, and even this is done hidden behind a alter ego..

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