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Resignations From Liberal Vannin


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That person who is not a councillor (Holy Paladin) asked if there was something good about the Corpy. In the interests of being fair, I like my bin service.


Holy Paladin is a Councillor I am sure, more importantly all these new Councillors have failed to explain why they can happily sit on the Council having fought elections (under LV or not) to then sit under an unelected Mayor? Douglas must be unique in the UK as the only place where a Councillor can fail an election, be soundly kicked out by the voting public, and yet still be allowed to be Mayor.


What protests have the elected amongst you thought of if you are so keen to make your mark? Nothing, that's what. Maybe if any of you fail in the next elections you can have a shot at being Mayor as well?


Maybe you should be asking the question how much do the activities of this unelected person cost the Douglas ratepayer? Maybe you can answer that one?

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The mayor issue began with a procedure that was wrong I agree, she Dot was chosen to be Mayor before the elections, secondly there is nothing in the rules that staes you have to be an elected councillor to be mayor, as has happened apparantly in the past, the first actual meeting that all the councillors attended after becoeming members was to vote on whether to overturn the decision made by the council prior to there joining. The voted as was there right , but the decison was decided that she could stay as mayor, that decision can not be gone back on now. i


I agree the mistake was deciding who is mayor before a election, in my opinion not that best way to decide.


the mayor has a budget of i believe 20,000 a year, all this information is freely available at the town hall. The support the Current Mayor, yes she was un-elected as a councillor, but even though she is very ill, having fought Cancer already twice this year, she still continues to do the work that is required of a mayor. would those off us who sit here passing comment be able to do the work she does and put the time and effort into an unpaid role as ill as she is..? I did not think so.


Dot is a very nice woman, maybe a little shy and not so outspoken, but she works hard and is always polite and friendly.


So again informed opinion is welcome, but illinformed or rude comments are not.



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Dot is a very nice woman, maybe a little shy and not so outspoken, but she works hard and is always polite and friendly.


So again informed opinion is welcome, but illinformed or rude comments are not.


I have no doubt that she is a nice committed woman. But why should someone unelected by the public remain in office because they are "nice"? Should Obama have got in without an election because most of the USA thought he was a "nice bloke"? Hey he's not been elected but leave him alone he's a great guy!


You have shown your true colours as a Councillor. Dream on if you ever think you will achieve anything or provide anything of value to the Douglas Ratepayer.


PS: What's rude about suggesting someone is unelected? Its a statement of fact ...... no attempt was made to attack the personality as I have said nothing about the individual at all. I'm sure as a person she is exceedingly nice but its the status of the role I object to.

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Sultan, have i not said I agree with you on the fact that an elected person can stand as mayor, the problem is that was a mistake that was made a long time ago, and a mistake that has been rectified by the fact that a person will not be choasen as myor vefore an election...i agree common sense..


in the same note this thread is about why 6 sensible people chose to leave a party.. and if they had been brown nose then would it not have been more sense to stay on and be a yes sir no sit how high sir member of LV..?


the rude comment was the one that was deleted after i read saying that we where all wank@s etc.. but magicly was deleted..

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in the same note this thread is about why 6 sensible people chose to leave a party.. and if they had been brown nose then would it not have been more sense to stay on and be a yes sir no sit how high sir member of LV..?


I'll recap as clearly the link has gone over your head:


You post here to support why 6 people left LV - which was in protest at unelected officials running LV. At the same time you fail to see why I have a problem with the fact that these same 6 people don't see a problem with working for a Corporation that has an unelected Mayor? You must be totally stupid not to spot the irony of that situation.


What is the difference between LV not having elected posts at the top and the Corpy not having elected posts at the top. Answers on a postcard please ............. ?


Not once have I made a personal attack on the individual and agreed that we are talking about an exceedingly nice person but to be frank the six LV leavers are total hypocrites if they can't see the irony in their position. They can hardly take the moral high ground on elected posts.


You tell me, as a Councillor who has rabidly supported the LV leavers, what the difference is between LV having unelected officials in quasi political roles and the Corpy having exactly the same? and how do you rationalise your position?

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well you see the difference starts here, as it seesm you have not been reading the responses well, even if my spelling can be a little bad..


The Mayor was elected by a council vote, how manf for and against I do nopt know, but she was elected by the council at a meeting.


The exec commitee was not elected by any member of LV, they where given the positions, it is a completly different situation.



The Mayor is a position that offers no authority or power with in the council.. the council DONOT answer to the Mayor, they answer to the people.


how else would you like me to explain the circumstance of the Mayor being elected, would you like me to say it in french or latin as you don't seem to be understanding that she was elected by the council...

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Reasons they left are as follows:
There also seems to be a LV Ticket issue, as far as i know, only 1 Douglas Councillor faced election and the others did not have to even produce a manifesto etc, and the general public did not even place said Councillors as LV. Sara Hackman is my local Councillor and as far as I can see she put in more leg work, Door Knocking etc than anyone else, so I believe she has more the elbow greese to be thankfull for than LV.
Fair points. None of them knew they would be walking in to the Council without an election when they joined the party. Sara Hackman put plenty of energy into her campaign and to her credit ousted the current mayor Dot Pitts from her seat. Since then she seems to have joined the gravy train that is Douglas Corporation. John Faragher, Richard Kissack and Carol Malarkey didn't have an election fight . . . they just joined the gravy train.


For example, ask any of them how many free meals/buffets (and especially drinks !!*&^!@) they've had since joining the Douglas Corporation Mayors Parlour Club. Far far better than attending some boring political party meeting in some cold room where you have to pay for your own drink and actually have to behave sensibly . . . . . .

Onchan, It makes me smile that an LV topped the poles and an LV was last..? Ste babb also put in a lot off hard graft, his manifesto was self supported and paid for by him self, again, his winning is far more to do with this than any LV meal Ticket.
Steve Babb is a nice enough chap. I would suggest he is destined to no more than a life with Onchan Village Commissioners. I'll put my left knacker on that.


Its also been suggested that they never attended meetings, i am sure that they did , I myself have seen John faragher, Steve Babb and Richard Kissack , Carol M and Sara at many. They are all human though and so may have missed a few here and there.

Total and utter unexpurgated bollox. They certainly weren't at the (many) meetings I attended. (Steve Babb 1)


One Final Question, Have you ever tried to contact Mr PK on Island from a wednesday to a Monday, seesm he is always off Island..why..??? is he also a local MP ..?
What a ridiculous statement. I have always been able to contact PK and if not at the phone number in the telephone directory, I have contacted him or left a message at Tynwald Members contact number. What a ridiculous person you are. He is far more accessible than any of them in the house. Some won't even bother to return a call.


Although PK is an active member of government,

Er, no....you need to understand what you have said in this statement.


"Gravy Train" mmm... Did you stand for Council or MHK? and the reason I ask is that most of the Commissioners or Councillors who have resigned the LV got in without an election and why?


Is it because most sit back and criticise? IMO people should be ashamed of that.


Yes Peter Karran is active and voices his opinions and in some respects does a good job.


But lets not let this blurr our vision as to the Liberal Vannin Party or lack of it now! there is more to this than meets the eye! PK stated that he saw the resignations coming so surely as a leader he should have tried to find a solution to the problems?



From information the party never really had a structure and new rules were introduced as and when the executive committee felt like it!


With respect to PK - 'Holy Paladin' it is correct that most weeks he goes to UK for three or four days. But for what?


Mrs Marlarky you and you husband went down the road to be politicians on the word of the LV party, now that you have both got your feet through the door and been fitted with the warm slippers and now one hand in the cream pot, you have decided to put both fingers up the the people that voted you in. You should both stand down and go to the people for the decision on what you stand for now.


I wonder who will the first of the new breed of politicians in they Keys to become the owner of a new Holiday home in the Channel Islands, Malta, Ireland or Spain and maybe built by a company with Manx Construction links ;);)


I spoke to Carol regarding this post. She did not have an election and as she quite rightly says, the reason no-one stood is that they dont want all the crap that goes with wanting to put something back into the Island. She rightly said that most attacks on the forum are personal and are not worth their salt. Most of people saying are not doing! I think the last comment is rather sad!

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%age, i can see hwre Lauren is coming from, but I suppose we all have a right to comment and I actually enjoy arguing the toss, if i do find it a little frustrating, ..


Still the whole LV leavers is a subject that as they state


yesterdays news is todays chip paper..lol

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A one off post because I feel that these forums are full of people who want to stir without having facts.


1. I was not elected. There was no election ecause no-one else had the backbone to stand and to take the spiteful

comments no matter what they do or say.

2. Unless you have been in the position of all six that resigned and are aware of all details - then why comment

3. The Mayor. Lets get this one straight too....

Peter Karran summond Four Douglas Councillors to a meeting and to get a point straight I for one DID attend


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Sorry pressed add reply too soon!!!


Contrary to speculation, Members did attend meetings, I personally did attend Meetings some of which only had four people there. But towards the end, the executive committee were selective as to who was sent emails and kept in the loop to inform.


Would you stay in a job where promises from the top were not adhered to? No-one in their right mind would do so!


With regard to democratic, PK gave all four councillors a topic to vote on. When the 4 discussed the topic and gave reasons why they wanted to vote the way they did. PK lost his temper saying that it was not the way he wanted us to vote.


So with one hand, he gave us the option but with another he told us how we should vote. (the reason for this came out at a later date that he had already promised a councillor four liberal vannin votes) without first discussing it with us. Is that democratic. I think not. From that day on, there was unrest.


With respect to holiday homes - a spiteful comment with no real value and brings a good reason not to read the forums.


So, now that Seven pages of forum has discussed resignations when there are more pressing subjects to discuss. I will leave the forum with a final thought..... As the executive were not voted in by members of the party or in fact anyone. What made one of the executive members resign ... did he smell a rat too?

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