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Resignations From Liberal Vannin


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Regarding the mayor being unelected.


I wonder If Sara Blackman had gone into the election without a Liberal Vannin ticket, would Dot Pitts have been elected?


We can't say of course, but I would suggest that there were enough Liberal Vannin votes/Peter Karran supporters who voted to make the difference.


Just a thought worth thinking about.

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%age, that is fair comment, and like you said we would never know. from myself walking the ward I did see far more sara posters and it seems Sara did a lot off foot work etc, Dot not so much, though to be fair to her this was due to her ill health as much as anything else.


Still how amany votes cam PK get within Douglas..? as he is historicly strongest in Onchan , and if PK getting people in had been the case, then Bill M would have won by a land slide, Wendy Megson and Inkerman Faragher would have been elected, Kate Beescroft would be in the HoK as well as the two Nigels and Roy the Red would also be a serving MHK and there would be a number of LV MLCs all freely elected off course...


wow what a powerful party that would be, still we will have to wait till 2011 to see if that is the case...

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Whcih is why I clearly stated:


We can't say of course, but I would suggest that there were enough Liberal Vannin votes/Peter Karran supporters who voted to make the difference.

Peter Karran grew up in Douglas South (if you think that makes a difference). Maybe if some of his supporters had not voted Bill Malarkey, we would have had our very own celebrity chef in the House of Keys or perhaps our very own Germanic representative.


Either way, to me they would have been preferable to Bill. Nothing personal intended, just the sense of (misplaced?) loyalty and (misplaced?) ambition that has manifested.

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Thing is I am in total agreement with you regarding Peter, he stands up for what he beliefs in and speaks his mind, fights for the underdog etc. we DO need him, but he is not the LV party as KB has cleerly stated, the exec commitee is!!!


So LV lost 6 local Authority members, all 6 where not perfect, I am sure, but they all left for the same reason, its not like Steve or Carol led the rest as merry sheep, IMO they all had issues and they all stood up as peter does for what they believed in.


On a personal note i noticed a letter in the examiner from one off the Exec , its strange that he states that teh exec never told any of the local authority member thast there would be an election at the conference, though i am in possesion off an email that clearly he says that he did and that he made a mistake, this was apparantly said at a LV branch meeting that was held at the RAF Club just after Bills resignation. A meeting that you %age have said you attended, so at this meeting when Nigel D said there would be an election at the conference, did you hear Kate B or PK correct him..? nope me neither. Also there seems a hicup in the actual dates off an election, 2011 and 2009 being mentioned.. so the exec cant even it seems get their facts straight.


We all know the story behind Bill, the story that teh exec told.. but there seems to be more facts like a constitution that changed and fact that Bill was told no to going on a Parlimentry group.. because it was against party ethics.. yet ask PK how many off these he has been on in the past..


I dont want to spladh words around like hypocrit and contradiction.. but they do seem to want to slip from my mouth...

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. . . this was apparantly said at a LV branch meeting that was held at the RAF Club just after Bills resignation. A meeting that you %age have said you attended, . . .

Nope, I didn't attend that and as far as I know never said I attended.


The LV Party: a division of views, clashes of personalities, clashes of egos, resignations, hissy fits, letters to the press, interviews with the nedia...etc.


Yep, as a political party it has all the right ingredients for a strong future.

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So, now that Seven pages of forum has discussed resignations when there are more pressing subjects to discuss. I will leave the forum with a final thought..... As the executive were not voted in by members of the party or in fact anyone. What made one of the executive members resign ... did he smell a rat too?


Typical politician, leaving before anyone replies to what he's said!


In retrospect, do you think you were all a bit hasty in joining a political party that was apparently so badly run?

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