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Today In The House Of Keys


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Eddy Teare should step down, he wants to make all sorts or cutbacks that will effect the service of health care we have paid for, but on the other hand when its been possible to make sensible savings he turns the other cheek, this week his department with his backing awarded a DHSS two year maintenance contract to a private company at the new Hospital without going to tender.

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The New Hospital.


How may ten of £millions did that catastrophe go over budget?


Had the Isle of Man Government a clue about money the job would have been carried out professionally, on time and on budget.


Tony Brown states that the New Hospital didn't cost the taxpayer a penny (er, because it was paid for out of the National Insurance Fund).


Still, there were a helluva lot of £10,000,000s flittered away.


The money went somewhere it wasn't intended for.

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I am with you there....


Skrappy : Bill Malarky is just one person, so why do we not have a "Bell" or any other MHK Party????? or do you just pick on Bill Malarky, who as far as i can see has done nought wrong..


"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


Holy Paladin

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The hospital has really bad administration problems.


Agreed. My mum had to wait nearly a month for some pretty straightforward test results, and spent ages trying to get through to someone who had a clue what was going on.


Some of the secretaries up there definitely need an anatomy lesson - they don't seem to know their arses from their elbows.

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I am with you there....


Skrappy : Bill Malarky is just one person, so why do we not have a "Bell" or any other MHK Party????? or do you just pick on Bill Malarky, who as far as i can see has done nought wrong..


"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"


Holy Paladin


Because it sounds silly. "Malarky Party" do you see it?

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The hospital has really bad administration problems.



They lost my notes in one clinic. They were asking me to remember the last time I was there.


Spec Savers can do better than that. They send me an annual reminder to have my eyes tested.


I'd arranged for the Day Clinic to ring me when an elderly relative having a minor procedure was ready for me to pick her up. Phone call came and I set off immediately as it's half an hour away. Arrived at Day Clinic where there were 4 unfriendly, unsmiling staff at the desk studiously ignoring me as they were doing more important things on computers. Eventually one acknowledged me and after contacting someone else said my relative couldn't be released yet as her blood pressure hadn't been taken and her prescription wasn't ready. The wait was very long and boring, so I started to read some sort of mission statement stuck on the wall. All I can remember is that it was all about them - not the patients. Stuff like 'We will treat each other with respect and dignity' blah blah blah. Nothing about how they treat patients, visitors etc. It would have been nice to occasionally be given an update on progress towards prescription delivery and blood pressure taking but no, they just carried on ignoring me. I'm usually quite an assertive person but the atmosphere was so hostile that I only approached them once to ask how much longer it would be. (I actually felt like going up to the 4 of them and screaming 'I'VE TAKEN TIME OFF WORK FOR THIS - WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME HOW MUCH FUCKING LONGER I WILL HAVE TO WAIT!).

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For most of this Tynwald in this company Bell, of all people, has almost been almost statesmanlike! Then the heat is turned on him and he's picking fights with the English Chancellor and is the only person in Europe who doesn't like Obama.


Craine, Gawne and Shimmin seem to be doing their best to run their departments conscientiously whilst the rest of the Comin are acting as if they've been airlifted in from Mount Olympus.


I don't see that many outside the Comin who are ready to step in, so the best we have to hope for a positive inclusive Chief Minister, who can give a lead to the rest of the Government and hope the likes of Teare step up to his standard.

Declan - from what I gather it was TB that picked fights blaming UK - Bell hasn't been going this route. Also I wouldn't say he doesn't like Obama - rather there is an issue in trying to get Obama to not see IoM as a rogue state tax haven. From what I see Bell is the most able of the lot of them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd think without the calibre and ability he has brought to the position over the years, IoM would be in an extremely sorry state. I also suspect he would do even better if not for the ineptitude and pandering of leadership and CoMin (e.g. with bloated public sector). I wouldn't see him as a CM, and not a cheerleader for him, but I think he deserves more credit than perhaps given by some.


If Gawne is doing his best to run the department conscientiously, IMO it isn't really good enough. Fisheries (see thread 'Island Fisherman face tough year') and Farming subsidies are pretty dismal as track record. Maybe his heart is in the right place, but if he is being 'Yes Ministered' and can't cut it , then that shouldn't be good enough.


I'm still inclined to think there could be a lot of benefit in having more of a US-style system, with popularly elected CM who nominates his cabinet from best rather than from elected constituency politicians. Nominees would be vetted and vetoed or approved by elected politicians. Then the role of the politicians is to scrutinise, pour acid, press for what is in public interest, veto and reject proposed legislation and put forward any bills of their own. I don't think you could say the USA is not-democratic because cabinet are appointed in this way. It would also cut through the patronage and mutual back-scratching that seems to exist in current system, and give much needed checks and balances between executive and legislature.


Looked at that way who in CoMin - or of any of the MHKs MLCs would really have the kind of calibre and ability that might get them appointed to such a cabinet? Bell I'd think. The rest? I'd hope one could do better.

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The wait was very long and boring, so I started to read some sort of mission statement stuck on the wall. All I can remember is that it was all about them - not the patients. Stuff like 'We will treat each other with respect and dignity' blah blah blah. Nothing about how they treat patients, visitors etc.

Snaipyr I wonder if they borow these from the UK? About 6 years ago my Mother was in hospital in Southport. The hospital there had a similar set of words - Vision, Mission and Values statements all beautifully printed with no mention of patients and their families. Their biggest issue seemed to be how to move visitors out of the car park closest to the hospital so that it could be used as a staff car park. There were lots of posters on the walls reminding visitors that it was illegal to assault staff - and not one reminding staff that patients and visitors were their clients and might just get a bit angry if they were treated like dirt....and to think that they employ consultants to try and find out what is wrong with their service!!!!grrrrrrrrr

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