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[BBC News] CCTV cameras to be replaced


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fair comment all..


the issue is that David on commented on the fact that the CCTV system needs replacing, he did not say it WAS being replaced.


I myself would want to see a full study into crime levels figures, whether CCTV does in fact reduce crime, or does it only help in catching criminal acts.


As for making you feel safe, I personally do not even think about it much, but then again as was said earlier my picture has never been printed in the paper, being wanted to assist the police with their enquiries etc.

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the issue is that David on commented on the fact that the CCTV system needs replacing, he did not say it WAS being replaced.


John - look at the BBC report:


Town CCTV cameras to be replaced


Security cameras in an Isle of Man town centre are set to be replaced, at a cost of £400,000


Caption under the photo:

The cameras in the main shopping areas will be replaced


and further in the article:

Bill Henderson, MHK for North Douglas, has previously called for more CCTV coverage in the town.


He believes expanding the network of cameras in Douglas will make the town safer.


Note 'will' - not 'would'.


The article clearly reports that the CCTV cameras will be replaced / are to be replaced.


(Can you read it otherwise - as just 'needing replacing' ?)


If the BBC haven't reported correctly - and DougCorp haven't picked up on this and corrected by now, then this is pretty shoddy media relations. What on earth is going on? Where did the BBC get the idea from - how did they get the wrong end of the stick?

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I spoke to David C , yesterday about this and he confirmed to me that it was most deffo a "should" not a "Was" and that if the scheme was to go ahead it would have to be Dept of HA funded, not by the Rate payer.


It was just something that he felt had to be done, as the cabling is over twice its recommended max age and we all know about the quality of the images etc.


I also checked through my latest set off minutes and there is no mention off any CCTV camera's etc.


But I agree this is bad reporting and I did express my concern that it had been reported that the work was being done.

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Thanks John.


The problem isn't just bad reporting. DougCorp let this happen, did not pick up on it and correct it, and that indicates a problem with communication. You as a councillor could not be sure what was or wasn't happening. If decisions and actions are not properly communicated and relevant information is not available, then of course people are going to get cynical, 'criticise unfairly' and so on. Ensuring that the public are presented with timely, accurate and adequate information as commensurate with public accountability is a duty of DougCorp. This episode gives graphic illustration that this is not happening as it should be. Deficiencies in DougCorp's processes of public announcements, provision of information, and lack of transparency and accessibility of relevant information should be taken into account - and the importance of this functioning properly shouldn't be underestimated.


Secondly, even a "should" is IMO going too far. I'd seriously question whether the CCTV should be replaced at a cost of £400,000 (assuming that figure to be accurate).


Even if paid for by the taxpayer rather than ratepayer, DougCorp should be considering whether this investment is the best way of purchasing desired outcomes. What if there are some far better alternatives that £400,000 of taxpayers money could be applied to instead - one's which would be far more effective in reducing crime in Douglas? Would such expenditure be the most efficient, economic and effective solution to the best advantage for the Borough? Aren't these the kinds of questions that DougCorp should be asking and getting answers to before coming out with statements about what "should" happen?


From what you say it seems as if replacing CCTV is something DougCorp are backing (or at least David C). It appears to be a 'policy decision'. Even if not purchased directly by DougCorp, I'd think such policy decisions ought not to be made without proper sound basis, process and business case. If David C is making announcements in capacity as "leader of Douglas Town Council" about position and policy over CCTV replacement, and this is done without proper process or sound basis, then that should surely be a concern.


Overall this suggests that in general things might not be happening as well as they should be in DougCorp, particularly in the areas of policy development and communication with the public.


John, I see you are on the Policy & Resource Committee, and the objectives of this committee are:

Policy & Resources Committee Objectives


To ensure that the overall concepts of the Council for efficiency, economy and effective use of resources are maintained and that these resources are applied in a manner commensurate with public accountability and to the best advantage for all well being of the Borough.


I'd suggest that without becoming a blamefest, this does raise questions and issues which might be appropriate for the Committee to consider and review in relation to its remit to ensure the overall concepts of the Council are maintained. I'd think after consideration of this the Committee might make some constructive recommendations for raising the standard of policy development, decision-making, communications, media relations and public accountability.


BTW I also think it's commendable that you are participating in discussion in this way. IMO there's a lot to be said for such initiative in clarifying potential misunderstandings, taking feedback and engaging with comments, viewpoints and constructive criticisms. (provided it is approached openly and honestly and not as a whitewashing spin-doctoring exercise). There's not too many politicians or councillors who do it. I'm sure it's rough and rocky at times, and certainly to begin with, but 'public accountability' in such forum discussions can nevertheless be productive and constructive in identifying issues and developing mutual understanding . That too hopefully might be something that DougCorp Policy & Resources Committee might consider.


I hope you might look over this again in your capacity as a member of that Committee and take a cold hard objective view of some of the issues this raises - not about CCTV itself, but about DougCorp and the need to raise its standards.

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