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Childs Play 2008


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The Child's Play site is updated and open for business again. Childsplay is a great charity that lets you select a gift to send to a hospital this xmas, originally focusing on games but now has toys and books too. Select a hospital from the map and then choose a toy for them, including Alder Hey, so there's a good chance you'll be helping some local kid too.


I particularly like this charity because you can pick what you're sending them, and it gets sent. No worry about some overpaid charity working spending your dosh or them buying something you don't really dig. You pick the gift, it's something the hospital wants, it'll go to a child who's stuck in hospital this xmas.


Gamers get all sorts of bad press, this is a very successful and positive thing for gamers to do, and a great use of games to make life a tiny bit better for someone.


there's stuff on the wishlist from a few quid to a few hundred quid. If you're already doing a basket for yourself on amazon, consider adding something for childsplay too.



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The Child's Play site is updated and open for business again. Childsplay is a great charity that lets you select a gift to send to a hospital this xmas, originally focusing on games but now has toys and books too. Select a hospital from the map and then choose a toy for them, including Alder Hey, so there's a good chance you'll be helping some local kid too.


I particularly like this charity because you can pick what you're sending them, and it gets sent. No worry about some overpaid charity working spending your dosh or them buying something you don't really dig. You pick the gift, it's something the hospital wants, it'll go to a child who's stuck in hospital this xmas.


Gamers get all sorts of bad press, this is a very successful and positive thing for gamers to do, and a great use of games to make life a tiny bit better for someone.


there's stuff on the wishlist from a few quid to a few hundred quid. If you're already doing a basket for yourself on amazon, consider adding something for childsplay too.




Superb shout. A couple of smallish prezzies duly despatched...



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No trolling in this thread. Thanks.


I'll respond anyway, just so the airs clear.


It's not run by amazon, it was originally started by Penny Arcade, and has since grown into it's own charity. Starting out with local hospitals in the usa and it's now a worldwide thing. It's targeted squarely at gamers, and it's about giving games. They use the wishlists because it's the best way of the hospital not being inundated by thousands of copies of the same game.


Amazon don't profit, the referral fee and the profit from the game are sent to the hospital as an extra donation to spend.


Buying via the amazon wishlist is optional, you can just paypal a donation if you're allergic to Amazon. I like the wishlist system, because it's a Gamers charity, and you can chose what game you want to give, which I like better than a straight cash donation, it's more personal.


No agenda here, I just like the idea of gamers doing something positive, and it's a global charity that's helping folks close to home.

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