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Another Muppet Show In Town?


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Anyone who was concerned about the demise of Bradford & Bingley International and closed their accounts, will have recently received a letter from the company Managing Director offering them varying degrees of a refund of any penalty imposed by closing the account early, if they return and open accounts again now that B&BI have Abbey and the Santander Group are backing them.


To assist potential re-investors they have sent out a pre-populated form with name and account number. How helpful you might think. However the only problem is that I, and I understand many others have received not their own details on the forms, but the names and account numbers of other investors!


I am surprised the press have not picked this up since it shows yet again the incompetency of the Manx finance sector and potentially could effect hundreds of people on the Island and presumably those investors domiciled in the UK who invest offshore.


On this basis, it is hardly surprising that the UK Government has no sympathy to "other" banking issues if they see that even the basics cannot be addressed adequately by the IOM finance sector.

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


I'm confused by this statement. Can somebody explain it to me?

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


I'm confused by this statement. Can somebody explain it to me?

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


I'm confused by this statement. Can somebody explain it to me?

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


Since when was putting a document into the correct envelope been a specialist job?

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Galen - what makes you think that the responsibility for this foul-up by B & BI rests with people on the IoM? I imagine that the computer records for their IoM operation (including account details, etc.) are actually kept on B & BIs system in the UK and when any particular special job is required then it is the IT people at Head Office (or just as likely, an outside IT consultancy) who program the system to schieve it. The fault is much more likely to lie in England than IoM! It would be nice if, before slagging the Island off, you took the trouble to make sure you know what you are talking about.

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


I'm confused by this statement. Can somebody explain it to me?


I think what he's basically saying is, 'I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, but I won't let that stop me'.

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I think most errors like this come back to work permit legislation.


There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


I'm confused by this statement. Can somebody explain it to me?


I think what he's basically saying is, 'I haven't got a clue what I'm talking about, but I won't let that stop me'.


I think it is probably 'I got turned down for a job but I will blame the work permit system rather than admit to mysel that I am a fucking idiot'

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There are plenty of people who are competent and well qualified to do specialist jobs on the island but require work permits, while those who haven't really got a clue but have manx worker status have to be employed instead.


Great sweeping statement - shame its a complete load of old toss. Been turned down for a job stuffing envelopes and managing address databases recently?



Galen - what makes you think that the responsibility for this foul-up by B & BI rests with people on the IoM? I imagine that the computer records for their IoM operation (including account details, etc.) are actually kept on B & BIs system in the UK and when any particular special job is required then it is the IT people at Head Office


I doubt they keep accountholder data / information in the UK for obvious reasons.

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Its probably kept within a call center in India.. so yerr I think the statement that we Manx are all idiots who onlt got the job because we are manx, is somewhat a load off Rubbish......


SteveP Hindsite is such a wonderfull thing......................

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