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[BBC News] Track biking prompts complaints


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As an occasional green lane biker myself I believe that yes the damage is done by bikers AND other groups, but being honest I think mainly by some bikers being irresponsible.


For instance I don't ride along greenlanes like I'm doing an enduro race or motocross but I've certainly seen people doing it. There's a limit of 20 mph on some tracks, I can't recall if that's a 'suggested limit' or a definite one offhand, but if people stuck to this, and only went on the open ground ones when the conditions were suitable the damage would be a tiny fraction of what it is. I'm not saying other groups don't damage them, as I'm sure they do, but not to the same extent.


Some of the tracks are hard ground and you can happily go along them in the crappest weather without causing a mess as long as you don't go like a loony, but the ones that are on open hills will get churned up to buggery in no time when they are soaking wet and dozens of dirt bikes are wheelspinning their way over them each day.

It's common sense not to really use them under such conditions, or even just to go gently, but a lot of people can't seem to see that.

Even then, if they are in good nick and you ride sensibly you can pretty much do so without really leaving any sign you've been there but lots of people just nail the throttle and proceed with a rooster tail of dirt flying behind them. If it's already muddy & mangled, going over it again ain't going to help.


If you want to ride a dirt bike in an agressive, balls out "look at me, I'm full of testosterone and dead hard" way like that then take up motocross etc. I have no interest in competing with people on bikes because I have a fundamental dislike of broken bones, and don't have anything to prove, but it seems that a lot of people treat the green lanes like an extension of the racetracks. Feel free to call me a fanny or add in chicken noises etc but I'd rather use them sensibly and keep them intact so that I can keep doing that in years to come.


Not sure what the answer is other than common sense, and getting people to be a bit more responsible but we all know this is unlikely to work as there are always people who don't give a shit about spoiling things for others.


Just my opinion for what it's worth.

fanny! :)

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I am moutain biker and a member of the trail committee, and I will hold my hands up and say thay I have compliained about the damage to the trails and uplands in the past.


At the end of the day the damage is getting done, whether it's the influx of UK bikers, whether its local riders whether its mtb's, quads , 4x4's, farmers or god almighty it doesn't matter ... the main point is that the trails are becoming more and more unuseable. Motorbikes seem to receive a lot of the blame because:


A lot of trails are only useable by bikes now because of the damage.

A lot of UK bikes turn up every weekend not all with "Enduro Mann"

Motorbikes are never seen to be repairing or maintaing the trails like mtb or 4x4.


Comments made by other posters on the forum


Reduce the available tracks, the effect is more people both Uk and IOM are using limited track's thus more damage.

Very true

DOT close tracks to work on, or so they say and don’t do any work and make the tracks worse, Gravel roads increase speed. (pipe line) Again true

I see increased four wheel drive use, they rip the green lanes up far more that we ever could, see you tube (isle of man green lanes, I think)Not so much, as a lot of the lanes are under 500kg i.e. the Slock and over the Carnanes which are very badly eroded. Although the gang of 4x4 idiots who were tearing up Slieau Whallian including driving up into the fields and using huge ground anchors don't help GMN (blue landy) then there are vids like this on youtube http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=MeRYbYNZ3Ck showing Knighter or this http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2SDZKhj2XRI showung a bike doing a 100+ on Jurby beach.

The tracks aren't maintained by anyone, it's only when someone complains it becomes an issue & every tom ,dick and harry jump on the bandwagon.Trails that I and quite a few other mountain bikers ride are maintained we try to divert the water, fill ruts and make things more useable

The tracks are poorly defined, so visitors will go off on to unofficial tracks, It only takes one track in the ground and more people will use it.This always amazes me, if the area is muddy why do motorbikes avoid it and ride further and further out,like at the top of Sky Hill

Police are quick to mention the fact that these are public roads, tax and insurance should be the only requirement.

How many of the kids riding around on Greenlanes have tax, insurance or even licences...not many

As a regular motorbike user of the green lanes I have to agree that the tracks are being damaged more and more each year. If some sort of action is not taken, I can see the walkers getting their way and all motorvehicles being banned from the greenways for good.It will come to this as in a lot of places in the UK

If the enduro crowd did something to repair the damage that only they have caused, they would gain a lot more friends.Again this is true, the 4x4 club and the MMBC have made a lot of friends by showing a bit of respect

For instance I don't ride along greenlanes like I'm doing an enduro race or motocross but I've certainly seen people doing it. There's a limit of 20 mph on some tracks, I can't recall if that's a 'suggested limit' or a definite one offhand, but if people stuck to this, and only went on the open ground ones when the conditions were suitable the damage would be a tiny fraction of what it is. I'm not saying other groups don't damage them, as I'm sure they do, but not to the same extent.Very valid point I have video shot yesterday on St Lukes about 12 UK bikes and a couple of Manx guides (Enduro Man?) one scene is about 8 bikes ripping it up through a boggy section and on shows a bike stuck in a rut so deep that he struggles to get out but still sits there revving away...


At the end of the day there are people on the forum who just complain for the hell of it then there are also those who use the the lanes and trails so know what is happening. Nobody should be banned from experiencing the island BUT we should all try not to be so selfish and remember other users might not have wheels or an engine.


One final point, what do the GLUG "Green lane Users Group" have to say on this matter?

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At the end of the day there are people on the forum who just complain for the hell of it then there are also those who use the the lanes and trails so know what is happening. Nobody should be banned from experiencing the island BUT we should all try not to be so selfish and remember other users might not have wheels or an engine.


What do you suggest as a solution?

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I'd like to know what the Green Lane Users Group are doing? the GLUG has members from the 4X4 world, Enduro's, Trials, MTB, Horses, walkers and DAFF. Why don't they start organising repair and reconstruction days. When the bike club want ed build trails up at South Barrule we orgainsed work days, 3-4hrs on a Saturday. It's amazing how much can get done by 10-15 people with some shovels, barrows and a bit of supervision. Maybe this is the way forward, arrange with DAFF, DOT to drop stone or scalpings off at a certain point, maybe get them to donate some drainpipe etc and a couple of guys, then everyone mucks in and does some maintenance.... ;) probably just a pipe dream though....

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