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New Djs Starting Out


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Hi all,

I have been DJing for just over a year now, and I think its time to move from my bedroom to some gigs, apart from Djing at friends events, how would one go about being heard?

Do i send a mix to clubs, or do i contact well known djs, and ask to be warm up, or...?



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Hi all,

I have been DJing for just over a year now, and I think its time to move from my bedroom to some gigs, apart from Djing at friends events, how would one go about being heard?

Do i send a mix to clubs, or do i contact well known djs, and ask to be warm up, or...?





Hi Gilligan, take a deep breath cos here i go, started me on my favourite topic and my passion, hobby and job.


Well, of course the first thing is to wish you good luck, as its tough getting a break over here currently, the severe lack of clubs is hard for many dj's.


My personal break came due to my dad being a 3 nights a week resident at Studebakers when it was pulling in 3/4/500 people Thu/Fri/Sat nights, for yourself sending cd's is a start, going to clubs and chatting with dj's and being in the environment also helps, be confident but without being pushy or arrogant (a mistake too many dj's make, even over here!)


You ideally want just an hour or so warm up when people are just coming into a club, so your not under too much pressure, bed in gently for a beginner, with experience comes confidence, after a year out of clubs, having been in them for about 6 years, i made a return on a New Years Eve night, place was rammed, shaking like a sh!tting dog, and thats with my experience, so gradually is most important, walk before you can run.


Also what music do you play, as its house or nothing in terms of the clubs right now, i squeeze an hour of trance in on a saturdays but that for over here is the exception, not the rule, so your music will also play a factor in you getting a set somewhere.


There are of course smaller venues doing good underground things, and the music is far more diverse and versatile, pop into one of the nights they do at somewhere like Amber and just take it all in, lovely crowd, diverse sounds and variety of dj's, although i don't have nights free to get down myself i know some of the people and the rest is good feedback.


There is far more to discuss on this matter, but Manxforums don't have the bandwidth for my waffle, so i will wind it up, if you have a mix you can send me on mp3 via a pm or a cd and you require my adress, get in touch.


Also as a side note, be aware dj's can be very competative, bitchy at times, which as an outsider is really funny but not when your the target, just don't slag anyone off and you can't have any comeback, keep personal feelings personal and don't rise to them.


I can't garuantee anything at all from you sending me a mix, but you never know, and i will at least give you an informed opinion, i'm by no means the top jock over here, far from it, just have experience and have seen how things work, and i like giving young blood a chance/hope/belief/advice, as you guys are the future, some dj's see you as rivals, bollox, any time i can spare i mix with newcomers like yourself round my place to give confidence or advice or tips, your not rivals you are the future!


Get in touch and good luck.

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Wise words from Visionary there, im starting as a resident @ the new club which is opening in February in Douglas, once its up and running, we will be looking at promoting up and coming talent as well as established Dj's for a mixture of nights.


If you do have any mixes give me a shout as well.


And above all....NEVER give up.



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Its good that fresh blood is looking to come through..


I have always tried to be flexible in my music approach. although I am a RnB man, I play house, funk sould etc, so its not always about your mixing, but your mike skills, playing a mixed set etc

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yeah its tough getting into it dood, but dont give up and stick to your guns on what you do, regardless of musical preferences

dealing with shitty / drunk customers is usually a source of amusement, but some can be VERY annoying.....im not the most patient of people and prolly not in the best of positions to advise on this but having great control on your temper is definately a plus, and believe me you will have people testing it in this game ;)


its a great thing to get into tho dont get me wrong, dont be put off if you get knock backs....you will to start, but you just never know dood....

i dare say if i move over there i'd prolly be in the same boat lol

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Wow guys, thanks for all of the replies and responces.

Visionary, I like that sound of smaller venues doing underground stuff. I never knew something like that existed on the island, could you tell me more?

Recently, I've been getting into dubstep, do you think people on the island would be receptive to an kinda "unknown" genre? I dont have a lot of experience of clubs on the island, but most of the stuff i hear being played is the stuff thats on the radio, or in the charts, or cheesy tunes...or old pop disco stuff. Is there anywhere that plays, umm, not that kind of music, like dubstep, or jump-up electro, or drum n bass, places that are open to new sounds and styles?


Could someone tell me about the new club thats opening? It could be a good oppurtunity.


Also, how does one deal with drunk people requesting tracks that you dont have without alienating them? Ive only done one gig so far, it was in a marquee, and this had perfected the technique of getting a track played, she stood there and stared until i had played her track. How do you say "No" firmly without soundinr arsey, is it possible?


Thanks again


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saying no takes years off practice or decent door staff.. or if your lucky that they are smaller than you..lol


Undergroup is rather rare here, think Amber does a few bits with CC , and maybe Gid at switched on..

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just simply tell them you'll work it into your set later on and conveniently run out of time, this sort of thing also depends on what type of night it is too if its a specific genre night like dub step and some asks you for some cheesy chart rubbish just simply tell them to f*** off its much quicker ;)

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some asks you for some cheesy chart rubbish just simply tell them to f*** off its much quicker ;)


True, or my chestnut is just say you don't have it, they look at you like your the elephant man, but fcuk it, Abba in middle of a trance set, suck my balls old woman....

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some asks you for some cheesy chart rubbish just simply tell them to f*** off its much quicker ;)


True, or my chestnut is just say you don't have it, they look at you like your the elephant man, but fcuk it, Abba in middle of a trance set, suck my balls old woman....


its one of them things, if someones stupid enough to turn up to a trance night and demanding dancing queen they need to be told

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gilligan / monkey / visionary...


having that kinda thing, or the "play something i can dance to" bollocks is a universal constant.....for some reason people go to gigs and demand the complete opposite of what the gig is about, ive lost count of the amount of times ive said nicely, im sorry its a house night, for them to say i dont care.....so i just tell them that they have to coz im not playing something that isnt remotely connected to what were doing...fuck em, if they are that ignorant to not actually read the posters let them get assy about it, if the manager is behind the gig he will prolly (or should) say something along the same lines.....if i remember rightly we had someone along those lines at nightlife on the friday that i played there lol.....reminds me of my old club folies.

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