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Baby P

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After watching the news last night about the tragedy of the short and brutal "life" of baby P, I actually couldn't stop myself from crying when the news was on. This is horrific and anybody that is evil enough to make a precious baby suffer like that poor child did, I'm sorry, but they do not deserve to be alive. I do think that the news story was a bit graphic, showing the blood stained clothes of the poor little mite and a detailed reconstruction of the childs injuries and I actually think that seeing this this will affect me for a while. The failures of social services (again) is shocking, and the whole situation an absolute tragedy.



May baby P be at peace with the angels and his parents rot in hell.

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THE DETAILS - For those who may have missed it


Likewise, I felt my stomach churning with anguish, with disgust and with anger as I heard the report. And I'll also admit to tears.


The people responsible for this are not entitled to be treated as if they are members of the human race.


I think there must be some massive mental health issues going on with the parents, it is unbelievable that people are capable of doing this.

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I think there must be some massive mental health issues going on with the parents, it is unbelievable that people are capable of doing this.


I doubt it - they're just shit-heads and the world is now full of nasty evil chavvy shit-heads. To blame mental health issues is just looking for an excuse in these circumstances.

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I think there must be some massive mental health issues going on with the parents, it is unbelievable that people are capable of doing this.


I doubt it - they're just shit-heads and the world is now full of nasty evil chavvy shit-heads. To blame mental health issues is just looking for an excuse in these circumstances.


When I refer to their mental health I am not talking about defects of the brain or chemical imbalances etc., I am taking about very serious mental issues with how they relate to others. Almost everyone in society would find it almost impossible to do the same to this child because we have a sense of empathy and level of awareness of what is should be done and what should not. These people clearly do not, based on what they did to this child their understanding or empathy of others is utterly lacking. For some reason these people do not think like the vast majority and are willing to do things that most would not even contemplate. This is what I mean by mental health issue.


And although I understand what you mean by nasty evil chavvy shitheads I think it is too easy to simply say they are evil. It is worth trying to understand exactly how they hell such people become like they are: completely lacking in particular social mores and willing to do such awful things.

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Why are this evil couple being allowed to remain anonymous?

Normally this is to protect the identity of the child, but in this case the poor little mite has been brutally killed, so why not publicly name all three killers?


Because under English law there is a presumption of innocence until proved guilty.


One wonders what sort of upbringing these people had.


Personally, although I don't believe in censorship generally, I think there is a strong case for censorship of the sort of violent films and games which appear to be a staple part of the entertainment of a large number of people. It's the main reason why I hate most American films.



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Why are this evil couple being allowed to remain anonymous?

Normally this is to protect the identity of the child, but in this case the poor little mite has been brutally killed, so why not publicly name all three killers?


Because under English law there is a presumption of innocence until proved guilty.




Two men have been found guilty at the Old Bailey of causing or allowing the death of a 17-month old baby in a case which highlighted one of the most severe child protection failures since the murder of Victoria Climbié.

One of the men was the 32-year-old boyfriend of the baby's mother. The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was cleared of murder.

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Why are this evil couple being allowed to remain anonymous?

Normally this is to protect the identity of the child, but in this case the poor little mite has been brutally killed, so why not publicly name all three killers?

Because under English law there is a presumption of innocence until proved guilty.

One wonders what sort of upbringing these people had.

Personally, although I don't believe in censorship generally, I think there is a strong case for censorship of the sort of violent films and games which appear to be a staple part of the entertainment of a large number of people. It's the main reason why I hate most American films.


I agree with you on all points.

If its true that certain professional people can guess whether a child of 8 is going to be a 'rotten egg' or not, then one wonders as to what went wrong in their case? I'm sure we'll hear many different accounts on this case in the coming months, but its still too late for the child.


With regards to the violence on TV, video, games and films, is it really necessary to see people getting cut up to pieces or guts hanging out so as to stimulate us or desensitize us into accepting this as an 'acceptable' everyday occurrence?

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THE DETAILS - For those who may have missed it


Likewise, I felt my stomach churning with anguish, with disgust and with anger as I heard the report. And I'll also admit to tears.


The people responsible for this are not entitled to be treated as if they are members of the human race.


I think there must be some massive mental health issues going on with the parents, it is unbelievable that people are capable of doing this.

Mental health my arse they are just plain and simply fuckin evil, lets hope the warders in whatever prison they end up in are proficient in turning a blind eye

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An almost unbelievable footnote:




The mother of Baby P, the North London toddler who died after suffering horrific abuse, has given birth to another baby while on remand over the death.


The mother is reported to be taking legal action to gain access to her latest child. She has also told friends that she will be home in time for Christmas, a police source said.


The mother, her boyfriend and a lodger are to be sentenced at the Old Bailey on December 15 for causing or allowing the death of Baby P, who had more than 50 injuries, including a broken back. They face jail terms of up to 14 years each.

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What a sad case - though I have to say the feelings of vengence displayed here trouble me. Such sociopaths and inhumane people probably should face life imprisonment. From the reports Lonan3 has put up it looks to me like the mother is some fantasist with no remorse or understanding of what she has done. What a world - I wonder what her life story is - you'd guess abusive parents, drugs, poverty, and continual ineffective interventions by social services.


We've bureaucratized social care in Britain and it has created a very dependent group of people. Materially they may be better off than when charities and the churches took on such roles - spiritually? I don't know - begging for charity does things to people - but so does having the state dependency.


I'm not advocating getting rid of state social welfare, but you can't help feeling its not fit for purpose - jobs for zombies, paying out money to those suffering extreme poverty of aspiration. Is that really what a state should be creating?

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