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Baby P

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I'm sure parents like myself find it just unbelievable that anyone could treat a child, especially their own child, in this way. Which pretty much makes any other comment superfluous i.e. it's hard to think of anything sensible to say about them because they're completely beyond comprehension.


But before they start blamestorming social services just remember it wasn't the social services that committed these horrendous crimes. But why isn't the charge one of murder?

no true it wasnt social services who commited this terrible crime but they could have prevented it?


Wonderful how people here on the island know how to fix all the world's problems.



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no true it wasnt social services who commited this terrible crime but they could have prevented it?

Where is your proof of this?

If you look at Vicky's post again, I think you'll find a question mark at the end of it. It was a question, not a statement.

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The pm I have is a statement, not a question.


Of course we all wish that the social had stepped in and prevented this awful death. Unfortunately social services are made up of people and people inevitably make mistakes. After the Victoria Climbie tragedy I would have hoped that lessons would not only have been learned but more importantly processes put in place to prevent it happening again. So I go back to this:


Like all these things you have to make a call - is the 'system' fundamentally flawed or was it simply human error?

Wait and see mode.

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THIS answers the question that I've wanted to ask.


A doctor who failed to spot Baby P's broken ribs and back during an examination has been suspended, the General Medical Council (GMC) said today.

Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat missed the injuries days before the 17-month-old boy died following abuse from his mother, her boyfriend and a lodger.

In a statement today, the GMC said its Interim Orders Panel had decided to suspend Dr Al-Zayyat's registration. It added: "Investigations are ongoing and it would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage."

Baby P died in August last year after suffering more than 50 injuries.

Two days before his death, Dr Al-Zayyat examined the toddler at a child development clinic at St Ann's Hospital in north London.

The doctor noticed bruises to his body but decided she could not carry out a full systemic examination as the boy was "miserable and cranky".

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  • 5 months later...
Be aware that the most common reason for "their names were not released for legal reasons" is because "THEY ARE EITHER ON TRIAL FOR SOMETHING ELSE AS WELL OR VERY SOON WILL BE!"


Whipping up public outrage by naming them could prejudice that legal process. So if you REALLY want to see them get their just desserts then desist - please.

There you go:


Baby P man guilty of raping girl


Full story here.

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Oh Bluemonday, that would put you on a par with them........you would not really sanction killing someone would you? nah didn't think so :) I like the newswipe view on this sort of news, D-rama which is quite unnecessarily over reported by the gutter press (oh dear they are all at it).

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Sorry Mrs Bees, I'd quite happily cut it's throat.

Or neck shoot it.

May I recommend wrapping in chicken wire and throwing into the sea, that way they don't float up only the small bits come out as they decompose and the fish are still able to feed.

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Aah, jimbms has gone all Godfather on it. How cute.. ; ))

Nah just trying to be practical to save you venturing from your cave under the bridge

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I think there must be some massive mental health issues going on with the parents, it is unbelievable that people are capable of doing this.


I doubt it - they're just shit-heads and the world is now full of nasty evil chavvy shit-heads. To blame mental health issues is just looking for an excuse in these circumstances.


When I refer to their mental health I am not talking about defects of the brain or chemical imbalances etc., I am taking about very serious mental issues with how they relate to others. Almost everyone in society would find it almost impossible to do the same to this child because we have a sense of empathy and level of awareness of what is should be done and what should not. These people clearly do not, based on what they did to this child their understanding or empathy of others is utterly lacking. For some reason these people do not think like the vast majority and are willing to do things that most would not even contemplate. This is what I mean by mental health issue.


And although I understand what you mean by nasty evil chavvy shitheads I think it is too easy to simply say they are evil. It is worth trying to understand exactly how they hell such people become like they are: completely lacking in particular social mores and willing to do such awful things.

I am very worried, LDV, as I find that you agree with me (notice that it's not me who agrees with you!). But whilst the sensible thing to do is to discover the factors which lead to these situations and thereby learn to prevent them happening at all in the meantime Society must protect itself and, particularly, its' helpless members. This requires sometimes drastic punishments as deterrent to the perpetrators from repeating the offence and to those who might be tempted to commit such offences. The result will always be something of a balancing act. Also, bear in mind that whilst the concept of "revenge" is (rightly) decried as unhelpful in dealing with offenders that desire seems deep-rooted in the human psyche and as part of our reality has to be accepted as such and accomodated in our ways of doing things.

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