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Baby P

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Try Marshall, worked at the children's centre was convicted of abusing three children in his care who were not heard until they were all adults, went to jail and served time but the kids were powerless until they were old enough to be heard. Was publicised in Manx Press. Info given to me by someone else who worked at children's centre.

One case back in the eighties does not show that the offences are rife, in fact compared to many local authorities across it shows it low. I say again, please show your evidence that child abuse is rife here at the present and is being swept under the carpet by social services and not basing your facts on 25yrs in the past.

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Social Services turn on anyone who reports abuse and Family Court Judges protect Paediphiles and condone violence.


I'm really not sure you are capable of reasoned argument. You probably think Prince Phillip destroyed the Twin Towers and President Bush murdered Princess Di.


The last thing anyone on here would ask you to do is name children who you think may have been abused.


You obviously have great passion about the subject of abused children. Please put that passion to good use and offer practical help rather than trying to alienate those who are sympathetic to your cause (the majority of people , myself included).

If you can stop insulting me, perhaps I will! What in fact we are trying to do, as previously stated is network people who need our help, mothers of abused children in the main and give them support. That is a far cry from the misconceptions surrounding our posts. If people choose to contact us independently which they are doing as a result and we can help then we will. Confidentiality is obviously paramount in sensitive issues. The objective of our organization is on our website and that is to put people in touch with each other so that they feel less isolated in a potentially isolated situation. It was not our aim to come on here and discuss people's pesonal situations with the masses. Just to see if anyone locally needed or wanted our help. Somehow this has got lost in a sea of surmising and assumption, none strictly true. Obviously when dealing with sensitive issues and raising concerns about local authority there is bound to be some dissention from people. I think probably it is best for us to withdraw for now to avoid inflaming further. Anyone who wants to get in touch can easily do so through our site. Thanks for the vote of support.

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. . . please show your evidence that child abuse is rife here at the present and is being swept under the carpet by social services . . .


Tynwald Questions scheduled for 19 May 2009


46. The Hon Member for Rushen (Mr Gill) to ask the Minister for Health and Social Security -


Further to his Answer to my question for written answer No 43 at the December 2008 sitting of Tynwald -


“What the number of active cases are for each of the Social Services Division Children’s Services field social workers?”


if he will make a statement on the current situation in relation to this matter?



47. The Hon Member for Rushen (Mr Gill) to ask the Minister for Health and Social Security -


Further to his Answer to my question for written answer No 31 at the December 2008 sitting of Tynwald -


“What plans he has to introduce provisions similar to those in the United Kingdom’s Children and Adoption Act 2006 to enhance the Manx Court’s powers in relation to contact orders?”


if he will make a statement on the current situation in relation to this matter?



48. The Hon Member for Rushen (Mr Gill) to ask the Minister for Health and Social Security -


Further to his Answer to my question for written answer No 37 at the December 2008 sitting of Tynwald -


“Following the recent tragic death of “Baby P” in England if he will make a statement outlining the measures taken or intended to be introduced to guard against such a situation happening in the Isle of Man?”


if he will make a statement on the current situation in relation to this matter?



49. The Hon Member for Rushen (Mr Gill) to ask the Minister for Health and Social Security -


Further to his Answer to my question for written answer No 44 at the December 2008 sitting of Tynwald -


“How many active cases involving children at risk do not have an allocated qualified social worker?”


if he will make a statement on the current situation in relation to this matter?

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. . . please show your evidence that child abuse is rife here at the present and is being swept under the carpet by social services . . .


Tynwald Questions scheduled for 19 May 2009


Again these are just questions in Tynwald in not one of those does it show evidence that child abuse is rife here nor have you posted the answers, I suspect because the answers show that you case is unfounded.

I again repeat myself please show your evidence that child abuse is rife here at the present and is being swept under the carpet by social services and I mean actual evidence not someone asking a question about it and then not bothering to show the answers

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