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Road Safety Strategy Unveiled


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Details at iomonline




Have to say - as much as i disagree with the proposed national speed limit - some other issues are valid.


MOT style vehicle testing will get many of the islands unsafe rust buckets off the roads.


Toughening up of the driving test may seem harsh - but as per many peoples opinion driver education could prevent more accidents.


Too many changes for me to comment upon alone - have a look yourself and see what you think...

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Following on from above, iomonline states that;


'Many of the proposed changes could actually be introduced by the DoT without recourse to the public, but we feel it is essential that the public plays its part in helping us draw up a strategy to make our roads safer.'


The consultation document is available from the DoT website, which can be accessed via the government website, or the Sea Terminal. Views must be in by August 31 and it is expected the department will produce its response to the consultation before the end of the year."


For those interested the online petition against the all island speed limit can be found HERE


The above link is not posted to invite a slating from those who agree to the speed limit. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and those who are against the proposed speed limit can feel free to voice themselves via the above link.

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'Many of the proposed changes could actually be introduced by the DoT without recourse to the public, but we feel it is essential that the public plays its part in helping us draw up a strategy to make our roads safer.


Are we paid £40,000 a year to do their job? NO!

Will we be listened to? NO!

Public consultation? *****

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Why would anyone want an all island speed limit?


"Oh I just bought a £76,000 Jaguar, lets go 60mph max" - Don't think so.


Anyone not apposed to the limit will have their vehicle taken off them. :P

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I'm not bothered about anything but the max speed limit, I hope everyone complains before Aug 31!

Can we assume that everyone who *doesn't* complain is in favour of it?


There's no 'We support the speed limit' petition because everyone outside of the Boy Racer mentality knows that it is coming and that it is long overdue. Why fight the inevitable?


It's nothing to do with freedom of speed (heh); it's everything to do with penis envy and boys getting their kicks from driving fast.

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Can we assume that everyone who *doesn't* complain is in favour of it?

Of course we can... as long as those elected by 27% of the population resign their posts as the majority didn't elect them.

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Yeah, if don't disagree, it will be taken as accepted.


I enjoy be able to get swiftly to work, on unrestricted roads. Penis envy and boyracing, who is racing?


Ans don't spoil it for your kid when he/she grows up! :P - I'll make sure they know why they can't go over 60mph!

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Ans don't spoil it for your kid when he/she grows up!  :P - I'll make sure they know why they can't go over 60mph!

I would prefer it if they didn't.


Ripsaw: I think you're confusing voting with petitions. Would you like me to draw you a picture?


Is that extra 5 minutes saved on your trip to Ramsey really that important?


Freedom of choice my arse. It's usually young lads under 24 or men in the middle aged bracket trying to rediscover their youth and convince the world that they're daring, brave, carefree and dashing. The truth is that they're not fooling anyone.

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Surely it is inevitable that at some point the authorities will have to impose speed restrictions on the roads, as not to do so would not only demonstrate a distinct lack of control, it would also highlight the impression that nobody cares what happens on the roads over here.

Surely the fact that so many people have died, not only this year, but in previous years also, and that excessive speed has been found to be the cause, or at the very least, a contributory factor, is more than enough reason to do something about it.

If adding another 5 minutes on a trip over the mountain road is the only price to pay in order not to add to the already long list of orphaned children and widowed mothers, it would be obscene not to pay it.

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well if this speed limit is introduced then lets all sit back at 70 mph max and watch the beloved TT sink like the preverbial lead balloon and then we can watch our taxes rise as the lost revenue has to be earned from somewhere.

harks back to 1 TT that wasnt dont think we could afford this really. * looks at bigger picture* but lets jump on the bandwagon and think laughin at someone elses penis envy is well deserved against a 5 or possibly 10 percent hike in tax

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