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Road Safety Strategy Unveiled


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I know it is a ridiculous idea, but...


What if the next great piece of legislation was to cut deaths, violence and injuries from alcohol abuse/misuse by banning everybody from drinking more than a limit based on what the Government thought was a safe ammount?

What are the recommended limits of alcohol drinking?
  • Men should drink no more than 21 units of alcohol per week (and no more than four units in any one day).
  • Women should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol per week (and no more than three units in any one day).

Definition of Units

  • Beer at 6% abv has six units in one litre. If you drink half a litre (500 ml) - just over a pint, then you have had three units.
  • Wine at 12% abv has 12 units in one litre. If you drink a quarter of a litre (250 ml) - two small glasses, then you have had three units

Source: Patient.co.uk

So who is happy to be limited to just over 7 pints of alcohol per week just because a few numbskulls show disregard for themselves and others when out on the town?


Once the legislation starts, you can be sure it will gain momentum. Who laughed when they first heard about warnings on hot food stating that "This product may burn"?


Credit people with common sense, then by all means jump on them from a great height if they choose to abuse their rights and the rights of others (with good publicity of the fact of course).


Don't however advocate the practice of cracking nuts with the proverbial sledgehammer. We all have toes, and in time we all risk having our flattened the more the sledgehammer is weilded.

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Do you realise how ridiculous you sound in this thread?


The proposal to introduce a speed limit is A COMPROMISE. We, the decent people, are meeting you lot more than half way. We have practically, giving you everything you want. 70 miles an hour on the mountain! 60 elsewhere! It is insanity! But we are letting you have get away with it. Yet you are so entrenched in your selfish ways that you are going to whine and moan until the law comes into place. Normally, sane people are going to come up with increasingly bizarre comparisons. And when the law is finally introduced you are gonna break it.

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Why do we need a national speed limit? I am yet to see figures proving that the crashes in the no speed limit areas have had speed as the determining factor. You can do just as much damage at 60 as you can at 100.

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Do you realise how ridiculous you sound in this thread?
Ridiculous because I think idiots should be hit hard and those who know what moderation means should be permitted to show self control?


Edit: Rediculous spelling by me

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Do you realise how ridiculous you sound in this thread?


The proposal to introduce an alcohol limit is A COMPROMISE. We, the decent people, are meeting you lot more than half way. We have practically, giving you everything you want. 2 Pints a night in a pub ! 3 in restaurants and clubs! It is insanity! But we are letting you have get away with it. Yet you are so entrenched in your selfish ways that you are going to whine and moan until the law comes into place.  Normally, sane people are going to come up with increasingly bizarre comparisons. And when the law is finally introduced you are gonna break it.


I think to describe everyone who doesn't want a speed limit as indecent is wrong, you are not meeting us half way - that would be 60 on all A roads, increasing the residential limits on primary routes (Union Mills, Glen vine, ballasalla etc) to 50 to improve traffic flow, no speed limit on the Mountain Section. You have GIVEN us NOTHING. You are TAKING away drivers choice. At the end of the day you want to CHANGE a law and don't seem to like the fact that some people do not see things the same way as you. You don't seem to like the fact that people are entitled to voice their opinions. And we are doing so. And this has only just started.


Welcome to the United Kingdon (Isle of Man) limited.

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On the contrary Palindrome man, you have voiced your opinions on and on and on. You do have the right to your opinion and I have the right to view it with contempt and disgust. I got annoyed by the fact that your lot seem to talk like you are the majority, like you have a God given right to drive at excessive speed, and more importantly endanger me.


There is nothing decent about imperiling innocent people because you get a kick out of speeding. Are you suggesting that the compromise would be to increase the speed limit in built up areas? That is insane. We ARE compromising because you will be allowed to drive at 70 or 60 mph on roads which should have a speed limit of 30 or 40.


All I am TAKING away is your right to endanger me, my friends and my loved ones. Tough xxxx speeders drivers have been taking away my right to safety all my life.

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