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Road Safety Strategy Unveiled


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It's hardly surprising, I mean can anybody anywhere think of a single positive reason which might support the idea that people can travel as fast as they like on open public roads?


Which is exactly the standpoint I believe the government will take..

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This doesn't mean they'll take up rally driving as you might wish but instead they'll go hell for leather along twisty, narrow country roads where you commonly encounter i) hedges that stop you seeing what's around the next bend, ii) xxxx all over the road from farms iii) poor road surfaces iv) a horse or herd of cows or drag racing combine harvesters potentially round every corner.

What a pile of feckin xxxxxx!

Wow. What a well thought out, reasoned, balanced response.


Give yourself a pat on the back for your reasoning skills.


It's far from 'xxxxxx' I'm afraid, as there are plenty of people who already do that you blinkered, naiive idiot.


They have a lot of crashes too but a lot of them are unofficial and don't get into statistics as they often manage to move their crashed vehicles long before the law comes along and finds the resulting hole in the wall/hedge.


This is a fact and it goes on an alarming amount!


If you can't discuss these things sensibly then just go back and put your head in the sand or back to your kindergarten pals.

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Wow.  What a well thought out, reasoned, balanced response.


Give yourself a pat on the back for your reasoning skills.


It's far from 'xxxxxx' I'm afraid, as there are plenty of people who already do that you blinkered, naiive idiot.


They have a lot of crashes too but a lot of them are unofficial and don't get into statistics as they often manage to move their crashed vehicles long before the law comes along and finds the resulting hole in the wall/hedge.


This is a fact and it goes on an alarming amount!


If you can't discuss these things sensibly then just go back and put your head in the sand or back to your kindergarten pals.

We're all entitled to our opinion on here, and xxxxxxxx was my opinion to what you said. Just because you sit for half an hour writing paragraph upon paragraph doesn't make your point any more valid/sensible than anyone elses. You mention discussing these things sensibly and going back to kindergarten..............after you called me a blinkered, naive idiot. Well, aren't you just sensible and very grown up!? Maybe you should let people express their opinion without launching a personal, name calling attack on them.

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We're all entitled to our opinion on here, and xxxxxxxx was my opinion to what you said.  Just because you sit for half an hour writing paragraph upon paragraph doesn't make your point any more valid/sensible than anyone elses.  You mention discussing these things sensibly and going back to kindergarten..............after you called me a blinkered, naive idiot.  Well, aren't you just sensible and very grown up!?  Maybe you should let people express their opinion without launching a personal, name calling attack on them.

I have no problem with your opinion nor anyone else’s whether I happen to agree with it or not. At least not until it’s presented in the offensive manner yours was.


To say someone elses’ comments are ‘feckin xxxxxx’ is worse than pointless unless you are going to explain just why you think that.


I know for a fact it’s not ‘xxxxxx’ because I’ve previously lived ‘out in the sticks’ for many years and have witnessed exactly what I was talking about on many occasions. This makes a mockery of your contradiction which seems to be based on nothing but the desire to argue for the sake of it, so trying to turn it back around by saying I shouldn’t call such comments idiotic is not even good enough to be considered lame.

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This doesn't mean they'll take up rally driving as you might wish but instead they'll go hell for leather along twisty, narrow country roads where you commonly encounter i) hedges that stop you seeing what's around the next bend, ii) xxxx all over the road from farms iii) poor road surfaces iv) a horse or herd of cows or drag racing combine harvesters potentially round every corner.

What a pile of feckin xxxxxx!

Minnie, can we try to keep constructive please.

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This Island has a huge number of good, safe, fast drivers - with our motorsport heritage that's hardly surprising.


My message to the anti-speed lobby...if you can't hack it on the roads, look at improving YOUR skills and driving ability before you seek to drag the rest of us down to your - often appalling - level.



I take it these "good, safe, fast drivers" aren't the "high proportion of Manx drivers who can't drive properly" you speak of in your earlier paragraph?


And my message to you is, abide by the law and drive at a safe speed to help cut down on the number of accidents that are caused by dangerous drivers! Speed limits aren't just put in place for the hell of it and to xxxx off people who enjoy driving round at speed, they're put in place to try and stop accidents happening.


You love the fact that you can "legally drive at over 100mph on the Mountain Road, as long as you don't get it wrong"!!!! Maybe if you drive at a reasonable, safe speed the chances of you getting it wrong will be severely reduced!

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As an addition Minnie – I don’t really have any particular wish to squabble with you on here. Just would be nice if people are going to offer some kind of reason behind their comments if they want them to hold any weight or be considered useful. :)

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Minnie, can we try to keep constructive please.

I'm not getting into some silly, slanging match on here, we're here to express our opinions, but maybe Cret should keep it constructive too??? Name calling is hardly constructive is it? Let's stick to the topic shall we!


If any of you anti-speed limit people can give one good reason for allowing people to drive round at whatever speed they like, putting people's lives at risk, then maybe people would be more prepared listen to your argument. As far as I'm concerned enjoyment of driving and the fact that you consider yourself a fast but safe driver is hardly a good reason...........you're an accident waiting to happen!

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Speed limit for cars - yes – they are mostly big and heavy and can do serious damage. Ideally we should all be driving real Minis or Smart cars and cutting down on pollution etc.


But I am totally opposed to a limit for bikes. People who ride them know the risks, let them take them. There is nothing better or more exhilarating (except apparently parachute jumping) than riding a bike, at whatever speed.


As for the cod psychology about penises, what a load of rubbish.


It is a well known fact that the faster you go on a bike, the smaller your penis becomes.


It knows that directly in front of it is a fuel cap, speedometer, bits of sticky out metal and cables. It knows that if it tangles with them at 90mph it is going to get hurt.


So, cunningly, it withdraws into the body.


Do you think she will believe that excuse?

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The difference is I am unlikely to be killed by a really fat person, if I am in a pub I accept the risk of running into a drunkard, if that drunkard endangers me he is comitting a criminal offence, and drugs are against the law. I do not choose to risk my life so others can save a few minutes.

Some people who die on the roads kill only themselves no one else involved, if you choose drive on the roads you run the risk of meeting someone comitting an offence who endangers you, and of course drugs are against the law, but people who feel the need, continue to take them.

You say you choose not to risk your life so others can save a few minutes, so would you for example not go on an express bus or train, surely there is an increased the risk there, did you never break out into a run or even a slow jog when you were a little late for church/last orders!?

If you have to put up with "health and safety" much at work you will know what a pain in the arse it can be, nanny state gone too far already.

There are always going to be risks in life, having no speed limit is part of what makes us as an island unique, part of our heritage you might say. If you dont like it go live in Jersy :angry:

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Speed, in and of itself, does not cause accidents - inappropriate speed does.


Bear in mind that no road on the IOM would be rated at higher than 60mph in the UK as most don't even reach single-carriageway 'A'-road standards.


Like a lot of previous posters, I'd like the existing speed limits to be enforced properly - for example, when I take my flatmate out on a driving lesson we go through Glen Vine and Crosby at the 30mph speed limit - all this does is get people right up close to the boot of my car, unless there's no traffic coming the other way in which case they overtake. Therefore they must be breaking the speed limit as we're already showing 30mph or just under on our speedometer.


There are plenty of examples every day on the roads of traffic laws being broken, but I hardly see marked police vehicles out on the open road except around TT and MGP.


Bringing in an MOT test would be a good thing, as it would help to make people service their cars properly etc. Bringing in a re-test for 'R'-plates after a period is all well and good, but how about making all drivers re-sit on expiry of their current driving licence - that way every driver would be re-tested every ten years. I know that there are some situations in the UK whereby you have to re-sit your driving test before you can get your licence back if you pick up too many points etc.

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What a bunch of rot Dave! What is it about bikers that means they have zero consideration for any other roaduser?


Car drivers should be forced to drive smarts while you jet about all weekend in your 1000 cc fuel guzzling rocketbike? Where's the logic in that? A Fireblade is far less fuel efficient than my car for gods sake, and it's got four seats.


As to no limit because they know the risks...we've already covered that. If the risk is just to the bike, fine, get on with it. But it isn't, the risk of speeding is to all road users.


If you want to go faster than 70, take it to the track.

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My 750cc does 60mpg ---- however:



The Symbol man is right about the statistics. Prepared by amateurs, and interpreted by amateurs.


As for MOT’s - what a load of rubbish.


There has never been never been a fatality caused by a defective car.


I have driven cars for decades which were not fit to be on the road by MOT definitions. They all had brakes, steering and tyres that worked. What more do you want? I think they add to the gaiety of the nation in their own way.


As long as you can check through the floor from the driver’s seat that your tyres still have a good tread on, that should be sufficient.

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If you want to go faster than 70, take it to the track.

Which is what I beleive I'll be doing if the limit does come in.


As a driver of a "performance car" I do enjoy driving over 60 mph, where I feel the road, traffic and weather conditions permit.


If all limits do come about I may have to think about selling up and buying something cheaper to run + insure, and spend the reamaining money on something to take to the Jurby events.

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