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Miss Take

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I'm a bit behind on the whole ipod/itunes thing, only having gotten an ipod recently as the shuffle is perfect for jogging with - almost weightless and clip on-able.


Anyway, I've uploaded a shitload of cds to itunes, but it keeps missing the odd track off some and putting the rest in the wrong order (even though I almost always play my stuff on random, this still really annoys me), especially if, on the cd, the artist has collaborated with someone else - it treats it as part of a different cd. Is the software known for being this annoying? Also, is there a way that I can force it to show tracks in the order they are on the cd?



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Are these cd's Various Artist ones, if so, highlight the tracks choose get info and click the compilation box.


Otherwise, I'd check that the lp title and the artist name are spelt the same was on each track. Also if you have certain tracks as x feat y, in the get info box amend the Album Artist field so that it is just the main artist.


Oh & i-Tunes is annoying, unless you have a small collection (ie under 20k tracks) I'd give it a miss and go with MediaMonkey.

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is there a way that I can force it to show tracks in the order they are on the cd?




Go to View -> View Options, click Track Number, and that'll be displayed separately on the screen. Sort the list using the Track Number column heading. Should do what you're after.

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