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Seized Tanker


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I was expecting to see the Jolly Roger, since there pirates.


What shit pirates they are, whats the world coming to when pirates dont use tall ships any more.


That would be brilliant. The captain of some tanker seeing to port this massive hulk bearing down on it. Hahaha


Though I do think these sailors should be armed if their lives are at risk from these pirates. And I certainly hope their pay has increased as this piracy is becoming more common. Though as far as I am aware piracy in the East Indies is on the increase as well.

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How long before they start sticking gun emplacements on these things, or giving them armed escorts?


That's a pretty damn big thing to steal, I can't see the yanks letting 200M barrels disappear.


Armed escorts would be expensive to run.


But cheap compared to losing 50 million dollars.



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Another one today, cargo ship from Hong Kong off the other coast of Somalia.


They interviewed a captain on the news tonight who had been hijacked in the past. He was firmly of the opinion that they shouldn't be armed as they're not trained soldiers and that the pirates would simply raise their game accordingly.


They were saying that there were 14 ships (iirc) now held by these pirates off the coast of Somalia, including one that was carrying a cargo of tanks! That's got to be a serious amount of money tied up and in all likleyhood, more will follow.


There's got to be a solution to this, although I can't immediately think of one. Rising insurance costs alone must be hurting shipping companies/importers.


WWII style convoys maybe?

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WWII style convoys maybe?


And who would provide the escorts and for how long are they to operate?


But cheap compared to losing 50 million dollars.


True but the targets have not all been high value economic targets, as far as I am aware. And how long would escorts be needed for?


Patrolling would be a wiser option under a joint international force.


WWII style convoys maybe?


These are small boats with machine boats aren't they? Not packs of submarines. Besides the danger isn't great enough to warrant convoy, it would be impractical and cause disruption in in the supply of goods.


Send in Q ships with concealed weapons and Naval personal. Both the RN and Germany operated these during WW1 &2.


Blockade the ports.


This is not a long term solution and I think such a solution is required.

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The entire population of an island in the Irish Sea is being held to ransom by a group of Ozzy pirates. The pirates are refusing to release any of the hostages until they pay them massive ransoms to be released on the adjacent island.


Which adjacent island - there are 2 you know?

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