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Manx Members Of The Bnp


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The BNP does well in areas where the local BNP is well organized and has campaigned around local issues.


In much of Britain UKIP operates as a (pretends to be) respectable BNPLite. The BNP has been trying hard to attract support from the sort of weirdos who currently support UKIP.


Nutty nationalist parties suffer when the Tories and Labour specifically speak about immigration. Exactly like the National Front vote collapsed in 1979 after Margaret Thatcher specifically spoke about a "wave of immigration". National Front support had peaked 1977 / 78 IIRC and at one point they were ahead of the Liberals in the polls ( - even I think whilst the Liberals were sort of in govt - during the Lib Lab pact).

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It is people similar to Oldmanxfella with their prejudised sweeping statements about English/Manx working class; calling them chavs for example, that makes them isolated and in turn look towards the BNP.


They know you would not talk about the black/Asian/ Moslem working class people like that.


I say this because my family and I are working class and have worked hard to improve our standard of living, but still talk with a working class accent and work with our hands

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The Island has nothing to be snug about. The only reason why the Island has not become a den of spongers is because of the finance sector, but it is still the same sort of people but with more money and a few bourgeois aspirations added. And the Island would be just as receptive to the BNP were it to have very high levels of immigration.


Talking through your arse I'm afraid.


We've had a good level of immigration in the last few years and it seems to have worked ok - Philippino, Polish, Eastern European, Indian, African. All without a rush towards the BNP or locals claiming they are nicking benefits or jobs off everyone else. If you look at Manx history it also works quite well - there are loads of Manx Italian families who are regarded as nothing but Manx following post WW2 immigration. I think it works ok over here and that's how I would like it to stay.


I'm going to stereo-type so here we go ...........


The typical BNP strong area seems to be areas where you have a bunch of tattoed fuckwitts on benefits who seem to think they are missing out. They're too friggin lazy to get off their arses - but then Britain owes them a living and all the immigrants are doing (in their minds) is sponging off the system that they have first priority on. They stick flags of St George in their windows, and if they are not on benefits they drive taxis for a living or do a bit of roofing.


I'm glad we don't have that attitude here although I've heard plenty of British immigrants wax lyrical about the lack of black faces over here and that's why they came. Its the nature of the beast I'm afraid.


If they can stereotype against immigrants I can stereotype against them. Nasty, useless, evil, knob-ends in my book. Nothing else. We don't need that sort of sh*t over here and hopefully we won't get it.

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my family and I are working class and have worked hard to improve our standard of living, but still talk with a working class accent and work with our hands


Do you talk like the cast of shameless, and spend your spare hours wanking?

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This site has a report from back in 2006:
Leading activist Brian Hunter was one of the 36 strong team looking for potential House of Keys candidates to stand on behalf of the far right group, and attempting to garner support for their controversial policies from local people.


He told Energy FM a benefactor on the Isle of Man named Peter Dawson had helped organise the visit by UK members, after an alleged upsurge of local interest in the party.




Does anyone know if this is the same Peter Dawson who is Chairman of the Isle of Man branch of the Royal British Legion, and perhaps also member of the Military Police Association Isle of Man subgroup?


If so, I'd think there'd be some questions about the Chairman of Royal British Legion branch in IoM apparently being a BNP member and financier.



Definitely nothing to do with that Peter Dawson - who is a true gentleman in every sense of the word. It would be nice if you could remove that post as it would be a very unfortunate slur against his character.

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You may find that the cast of shameless are all rather middle class. The characters they portray are 'working class' whatever that means really.

My comments were a reaction to someone saying what he did. I am considered working class by some, although I don't work or recognise the concept of class. My early life was spent in LA housing and in a large family with a working father and caring mother. If that's working class, Mea culpa.

My accent is RP and I come from southern England. I doubt very much that my accent would be called working class and I certainly would not consider it so. It is my accent, received by socialisation and practise.

I just don't like inverted snobbery, in all it's guises.

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This site has a report from back in 2006:
Leading activist Brian Hunter was one of the 36 strong team looking for potential House of Keys candidates to stand on behalf of the far right group, and attempting to garner support for their controversial policies from local people.


He told Energy FM a benefactor on the Isle of Man named Peter Dawson had helped organise the visit by UK members, after an alleged upsurge of local interest in the party.




Does anyone know if this is the same Peter Dawson who is Chairman of the Isle of Man branch of the Royal British Legion, and perhaps also member of the Military Police Association Isle of Man subgroup?


If so, I'd think there'd be some questions about the Chairman of Royal British Legion branch in IoM apparently being a BNP member and financier.



Definitely nothing to do with that Peter Dawson - who is a true gentleman in every sense of the word. It would be nice if you could remove that post as it would be a very unfortunate slur against his character.


If he were a senior citizen accountant and living in governors hill I can see where confusion might occur.

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Fave as yet unquoted comment:


"Mental health worker - poss help with lee b?"

"Hobbies: owner of a WW2 jeep. Singer with a ladies' barbershop chorus and quartet"


Some hobbies are "Letter writing" and "handwriting"


Hmm would you do away with (1) one of these lot living on your street and never hearing a peep or (2) Mormon door to door salespeople?

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Talking through your arse I'm afraid.


We've had a good level of immigration in the last few years and it seems to have worked ok - Philippino, Polish, Eastern European, Indian, African. All without a rush towards the BNP or locals claiming they are nicking benefits or jobs off everyone else. If you look at Manx history it also works quite well - there are loads of Manx Italian families who are regarded as nothing but Manx following post WW2 immigration. I think it works ok over here and that's how I would like it to stay.


A good level of immigration? It is hardly similar to the situation in many English towns. The proportion of the Island's residents who are of another ethnic background or of non-white skin is a far far smaller proportion than it is in Burnley, Bradford, Blackburn, Manchester, etc. Yes the Island has immigration but it is a mere trickle relative to that of the UK taking into account their respective sizes. And it has only been of very recent when the Island has a had a non-UK influx which is non-white.


But what do you mean about how you would like things to stay? In terms of the attitudes?


I'm going to stereo-type so here we go ...........


The typical BNP strong area seems to be areas where you have a bunch of tattoed fuckwitts on benefits who seem to think they are missing out. They're too friggin lazy to get off their arses - but then Britain owes them a living and all the immigrants are doing (in their minds) is sponging off the system that they have first priority on. They stick flags of St George in their windows, and if they are not on benefits they drive taxis for a living or do a bit of roofing.


I disagree. It is not the unemployed lower working classes who are going out there and voting but the upper working and lower middle classes.


But what you are doing are stereotyping against your own (I assume you are working class) class of people, but those who have less ability and opportunity than yourself to find a job which will pay enough to make it at least worthwhile to endure the drudgery of work. It has NOTHING to do with lazyness. That is complete rubbish. Ask yourself why they would want to work, what value is work?


The so-called scroungers have already chosen to not work. Why should they care about the immigrants. It is the working class with work who the BNP want to target. And definitely those with bourgeois pretentions who see the BNP as being the clever and rightful party to follow.

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You may find that the cast of shameless are all rather middle class. The characters they portray are 'working class' whatever that means really.

My comments were a reaction to someone saying what he did. I am considered working class by some, although I don't work or recognise the concept of class. My early life was spent in LA housing and in a large family with a working father and caring mother. If that's working class, Mea culpa.

My accent is RP and I come from southern England. I doubt very much that my accent would be called working class and I certainly would not consider it so. It is my accent, received by socialisation and practise.

I just don't like inverted snobbery, in all it's guises.


Do you need to work in order for you to survive? That is all there is to it really. If it is the case then you ARE working class. Otherwise middle class. If you are surviving on some inheritance or have a big business then yes you are middle class. Does that help?


In layman terms some people refer to middle class as those with professional jobs, those who live in the suburbs, and using prejudiced terms those who are more civilised, etc. But such a concept of class is not that helpful. Those people are still working class unless they can live without needing to work. Accents do not determine your class at all, that again is the prejudice side of things. Far too many working class aspire so much to be middle class.


But class is very real and although you may not recognise it it is a fact of our society.

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The BNP may well be a bunch of Nazi thickkos but they are pretty small potatoes compared to the better funded and supported religious extremists like the Zionists, radical Islamists and fundamental Christians


Not much of the first two here on the Island but there are probably more Christian Fundamentalists here than BNP members


I wouldn't want any of that shower having a say in the way I live my life

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