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Manx Members Of The Bnp


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The very existence of a political 'party' that proposes racial discrimination and deportation on the grounds of 'ethnic impurity' is a threat to you, your family and your society. Europe has been through all this before you know.

England.... 1290 - 1665

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I wonder though, does anyone see a conspiracy in all this? Maybe Griffin was seeking to 'purge' the party?

I think he would have more to lose than gain by doing that, including the risk of losing his job. We are talking about a year ago when this list was supposedly taken, when government data losses were at the fore in the media, when a 'mischevious' person could see the headlines and damage that could be achieved by doing this (just look what data loss did to the credibility of the government, and proposed ID cards etc.). How many new BNP recruits are there going to be after this, with prospective members seeing what has happened in the subsequent 'witch-hunt'? - few I would imagine.


I can't make any sense out of that theory.

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does anyone see a conspiracy in all this? Maybe Griffin was seeking to 'purge' the party?


In broad terms - radical and extremist parties are destined for constant schism because they are invariably focused on attempting to define what they actually stand for. And sooner or later they will never agree what they do actually stand for.


Hence - throughout the late 19th and 20th centuries the socialist and Marxist parties would continually split over pedantic doctrinal and ideological issues.


Nationalist parties, similarly will ultimately always split. Nationality and the definition of borders is not enough on which to base a manifesto. So, for example, you have the history of constant divides within Irish Republicanism and Nationalism back even to before the awful Civil War. From which strong and viable parties and a mature democracy have evolved. A mature democratic party will always represent a broad consensus across a range of different opinions about all of the different issues which a society faces.


The BNP is destined for further schism (and it was formed from schism) as it attempts to color itself as non racist (and potentially middle class). But there will be a core element which is unashamedly racist and anti immigration. Parties of the nationalist right are also particularly prone to splitting because the ideas of the nationalist right attract particularly nasty and argumentative people - many of whom have a deluded sense of destiny and also believe that they have somehow inherited historic birth rights.

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Thats one of the most long winded, badly concieved, and totally illogical posts I've read. Basically your saying that you see nothing wrong with sponging off the system or under achieving as it is their choice.


Your welcome to live whatever life or support whatever lifestyle choices you want. Just remember though that the workers, as taxpayers, support all those who don't work through the benefit system so one persons lifestyle choice is at the expense of anothers.


I am not saying that it is fair or good that taxpayers are supporting these people. Not one bit. The whole system is wrong. But you cannot blame these 'spongers' for making wise choices. If they are not given reason to work - they won't.

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Work is an imposition, certainly. It is imposed by our own desire to survive, and indeed to live in some degree of comfort. We make a trade-off. By imposing work on ourselves, we are able to buy food to feed ourselves, fuel to keep us warm, and computers to impart our sometimes ridiculous views to others.


I agree with everything you have said, but not sure about the bit about a 'trade-off'. What trade-off is this? If you are talking about the working class making trade-off with their time and efforts then you haven't really thought about this enough. Such an idea would give the impression that workers actually have a significant degree of control over their life and that there is a total divide between work matters and non-work matters. This is not true. Think a bit more about how your work earns you wages which you need to live. Even outside of work you are totally dependent on it. It is possible to subsist without waged work, but living like someone in the Good Life isn't really feasible in our modern society, nor that attractive.


Most of all I think you are a nitwit because you can't think through the consequences of a proposition - for instance, you claimed shoplifting is not wrong. You clearly can't see that if we all took that view, there would be no shops.


Are you taking offence at all this? You shouldn't. Though if you are getting a bit annoyed at my criticisms of the current system because you think it works and is the best that can be achieved then I think you must be blind to the world around you.


I agree with you, all things being equal (or rather unequal in our society) if people could take what they wanted without fear of prosecution there would be no shops. Why? Because in a capitalist world there is great inequality and also a lack of recognition of the real value (in terms of utility) of produced items. People steal because they see what they do not have or more likely cannot have. They want the things that people aspire to have but cannot earn enough to get them or cannot get a job. Or they want to make money out of the things they steal. But this does not mean shoplifting is wrong. The act of shoplifting is a form of equalisation of wealth in a system that creates inequality.

And the fact is that the store that says it owns the goods HAS stolen them from the person who made them and then wants to steal money to sell them. It could be a small shop owner who doesn't make such a profit, but he is still part of the system, and has to steal from you to sell his goods. I am happy to go into details on this but it is unfair to clutter the screen with this topic.


It seems to me, Dolch, that you want others to work to give you the roof, the computer, and whatever else you fancy. You sound rather like an old-fashioned capitalist, in fact, living off the sweat of others.


Basically, you're an idle hypocrite with sawdust for brains.


Sounds Dear as if you don't know what the hell I am talking about, but presume I have absolutely no inkling of the way the world works which makes me naive. However, I know very much, as most people do, how basic economics and politics works. I understand the system and now criticise it by envisaging a different system that is radically different. You appear to criticise my views because you keep thinking in terms of the capitalist system. My advice is to read into communism and anarchism, what harm would it do, might make you more sure of your opinions already, but I doubt that.

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Sounds Dear as if you don't know what the hell I am talking about...........


Makes two of us.


When you are a little older, you will realise that man is too base for Utopia.


Capitalism has many flaws. It only works if it is regulated, and the problems we have seen recently have been caused, primarily, by two stupid men failing to realise that.



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Such an idea would give the impression that workers actually have a significant degree of control over their life and that there is a total divide between work matters and non-work matters. This is not true. Think a bit more about how your work earns you wages which you need to live. Even outside of work you are totally dependent on it. It is possible to subsist without waged work, but living like someone in the Good Life isn't really feasible in our modern society, nor that attractiv


Maybe John Lennon said it all:-


Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV

And you think you're so clever and class less and free

But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

A working class hero is something to be

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Your welcome to live whatever life or support whatever lifestyle choices you want. Just remember though that the workers, as taxpayers, support all those who don't work through the benefit system so one persons lifestyle choice is at the expense of anothers.



Does that include the many government workers who struggle to fill their working week with anything productive then skive off on full pay with "stress" for the final few years of their career before walking into the sunset with a full salary pension ?

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Does that include the many government workers who struggle to fill their working week with anything productive then skive off on full pay with "stress" for the final few years of their career before walking into the sunset with a full salary pension ?


And hopefully the ones walking away with massive payouts for being useless.


600k ?

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Sounds Dear as if you don't know what the hell I am talking about...........


Makes two of us.


When you are a little older, you will realise that man is too base for Utopia.


Capitalism has many flaws. It only works if it is regulated, and the problems we have seen recently have been caused, primarily, by two stupid men failing to realise that.


Capitalism has many flaws? If it only works when it has to be regulated then it doesn't work at all. Yet every country that is corporate state capitalist has a government trying to sort out the shit that capitalism creates.


Man is too base for Utopia? Too base? As in no morals. I would disagree with that because people clearly do have morals. Utopia - it may that an anarchic society cannot be fully achieved, but it should still be worked for.

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