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An Early Xmas Pressie...


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1. September 11, 2001



2. The assassination of John F Kennedy



3. A flying saucer crashed at Roswell in 1947



4. Nasa faked the moon landings



5. The Illuminati and the New World Order



6. The Jesus conspiracy



7. Diana, Princess of Wales, was murdered



8. Elvis Presley faked his own death



9. Operation Northwoods






11. North American Union



12. Shakespeare was somebody else



13. The disappearance of Shergar




14. Paul is dead



15. The July 7, 2005 Tube bombings



16. The Moscow apartment bombings



17. Black or unmarked helicopters



18. Harold Wilson was a Soviet agent



19. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion



20. The peak oil conspiracy



21. Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen



22. The Philadelphia Experiment



23. Pan Am Flight 103



24. Fluoridation



25. The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami



26. Plastic coffins and concentration camps






28. The Aids virus was created in a laboratory



29. Global warming is a hoax



30. Chemtrails


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Maybe you should watch it all, you never know you might see a connection, then again...


Maybe you should formulate your argument on the board to show you understand the subject rather than just blindly linking conspiracy truth bollocks?

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Sounds like a day I remember once as duty NCO, a soldier of scottish upbringing was brought before the CO on an assault charge, defence as follows, "LCpl X said all jocks where violent animals, I disagreed with this so I hit him". It took a great deal of effort to prevent myself the escort and the CO from laughing.

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Maybe you should formulate your argument on the board to show you understand the subject rather than just blindly linking conspiracy truth bollocks?


Maybe you should stop being such an arrogant fuckhead?


What is your problem?

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