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1st December World Aids Day

John Wright

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Well here we are with just over a week to World Aids day 2008.


Just to let everyone know that this year the event will take place at the South Douglas Old Friends hall in Finch Road Douglas on Monday 1st December at 7pm. Entyry is free and all are welcome.


There wil be a short ecumenical service conducted by the Rev Dee Hains from Trinity Methodist Church Rosemount.


This is to be followed by a play written and performed by the Manx Youth Theatre called Generation Sex.


i do hope we will have a good turn out of people. but as expected I can now tell you that most of our polititions are too busy on this night, no surprise there then

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Well here we are with just over a week to World Aids day 2008.


Just to let everyone know that this year the event will take place at the South Douglas Old Friends hall in Finch Road Douglas on Monday 1st December at 7pm. Entyry is free and all are welcome.


There wil be a short ecumenical service conducted by the Rev Dee Hains from Trinity Methodist Church Rosemount.


This is to be followed by a play written and performed by the Manx Youth Theatre called Generation Sex.


i do hope we will have a good turn out of people. but as expected I can now tell you that most of our polititions are too busy on this night, no surprise there then


Make it a free event and lay on a buffet, should work in Douglas.

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Well here we are with just over a week to World Aids day 2008.


Just to let everyone know that this year the event will take place at the South Douglas Old Friends hall in Finch Road Douglas on Monday 1st December at 7pm. Entyry is free and all are welcome.


There wil be a short ecumenical service conducted by the Rev Dee Hains from Trinity Methodist Church Rosemount.


This is to be followed by a play written and performed by the Manx Youth Theatre called Generation Sex.


i do hope we will have a good turn out of people. but as expected I can now tell you that most of our polititions are too busy on this night, no surprise there then


A worthy cause, and I wish you luck.



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I think I may have solved that mystery Declan.


Since one of the forum updates (not the latest one, maybe the one before) there is a new button for people to play with. Whereas before, you'd simply hit 'fast reply' for a quick and basic response to a thread/post, or 'add reply' for something a bit more detailed/jazzy; these days, there's also the 'reply' button tagged to every post and if you're simply responding to the thread by means of hitting that on the last post, you get these unnecessary quotes that pop up all over the place. Get 2 or 3 posters replying to each other in such a manner and you get bloat quote overload.


Anyway, sorry to go off thread John, I hope your event is a success.

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Why did you need that quote? You only needed to write "A worthy cause, John, and I wish you luck.".


You must be a happy man if you have nothing more to worry about than whether or not I quote a post, and a sad man if my doing so irks you so much that you have to keep mentioning it.



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I think I may have solved that mystery Declan.


Since one of the forum updates (not the latest one, maybe the one before) there is a new button for people to play with. Whereas before, you'd simply hit 'fast reply' for a quick and basic response to a thread/post, or 'add reply' for something a bit more detailed/jazzy; these days, there's also the 'reply' button tagged to every post and if you're simply responding to the thread by means of hitting that on the last post, you get these unnecessary quotes that pop up all over the place. Get 2 or 3 posters replying to each other in such a manner and you get bloat quote overload.


Exactly right. But also, when one is responding to a message earlier up in the thread (as in the recent case), it is often helpful to quote so that it is obvious which message one is replying to.


If Declan were capable of politeness, I might take more notice of his requests. But Hell will freeze over before Declan learns that four-letter words are not an effective way to communicate a wish to somebody.


But just out of interest, is there a one-button way to reply without having to delete quoted messages?



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