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Should The Guilty Always Be Named In The Paper?


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Reading the courier this week about a father who got caught drink driving outside his childs school whilst picking his child up. Now I am not against naming and shaming the guilty, especially if it serves as an extra deterrent.


But in this case surely it is the child who will receive most of the punishment. As we know the schoolground is not the most forgiving of places and the story all but names the child. ie surname and school


In cases like this would it not be better to not put names in the paper (is this possible?) to save the child from ridicule. I know it is a small island and people would probably find out anyway but even still.


I know there is an irony in mentioning it on here but as it has been in the courier and most of the island would have read it all ready.

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I don't see a problem with it myself. In fact if there's a pisshead that picks up from my childs school I'd want to be alert to who it was just in case it happened again.


Thats ok but when you were younger did you not break a window or have you never had a leak outside .Thirty, forty years on you would be on a database as a vandal and a flasher.Dont forget that there have been cases where the wrong picture and details have been put in the public domain.

Its an easy option that must have a better solution.

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Thats ok but when you were younger did you not break a window or have you never had a leak outside .Thirty, forty years on you would be on a database as a vandal and a flasher.


You're not talking about the idiotic things teenagers do and get arrested for. You're talking about someone who was old enough to be a parent of a school age child. Don't get those two things mixed up. Sorry, but picking up your child from school in the day time and being over the limit? You deserve everything you get. Driving round over the limit at school clear out time with hundreds of kids milling around? You deserve even more than you got.


Dont forget that there have been cases where the wrong picture and details have been put in the public domain.


Mistakes are regrettably made. Nobody is perfect. I'd rather they got the very odd one wrong than not seeing any at all.

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It comes down to crime prevention - I think they should also print a photo of the guilty party - people may think twice about what they do - also I've never understood when a victim is named - where's the benefit in that?

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Who will decide what offences go on the list.

Will it be all drink drivers, Then how about excesive speed near a school or normal speed but bald tyres.

If you publish on the internet then imagine if you have a row with your nieghbor over loud music and he gets his hacker mate to put your picture on the site.If you publish in the press you run the risk of a wrong picture being printed.

Dont forget also that putting someone in jail is not just a punishment but its hoped to rehabilitate as well,You have to think a little bit past the offence itself.

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I think if you are guilty of anything then yes.


What I have trouble with is the naming of people accused of serious crimes such as child abuse, rape, drugs etc prior to conviction. If they are proven innocent then the stigma never goes away. People assume a level of guilt since charges were brought in the first place!

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I think if you are guilty of anything then yes.


What I have trouble with is the naming of people accused of serious crimes such as child abuse, rape, drugs etc prior to conviction. If they are proven innocent then the stigma never goes away. People assume a level of guilt since charges were brought in the first place!


Quite right. Innocent until proven guilty.



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Reading the courier this week about a father who got caught drink driving outside his childs school whilst picking his child up. Now I am not against naming and shaming the guilty, especially if it serves as an extra deterrent.


But in this case surely it is the child who will receive most of the punishment. As we know the schoolground is not the most forgiving of places and the story all but names the child. ie surname and school


In cases like this would it not be better to not put names in the paper (is this possible?) to save the child from ridicule. I know it is a small island and people would probably find out anyway but even still.


I know there is an irony in mentioning it on here but as it has been in the courier and most of the island would have read it all ready.


kids get ribbed if dad has been nicked for theft,fighting whatever. just cos its a wanking piss head driving doesn't make any difference.

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In cases like this would it not be better to not put names in the paper (is this possible?) to save the child from ridicule. I know it is a small island and people would probably find out anyway but even still.

Studmuffin would I be right in thinking that this would then be another case of protecting the wrong doers? And how would you add this into legislation to read that anyone dropping kids off to school whilst committing an offence will not be subject to be named!!!!! I think not somehow.


I believe your intentions are right with the kids in the playground knowing etc but these people should not be hidden with an invisible cloak on offences like this.


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Im always surprised by how lightly these people get off, the woman who crashed into an off-duty policeman while pissed on the school run a few years ago, was given a light sentence because, she had 'problems' - everyone has problems but it doesn't mean everyone thinks its ok to collect their children from school while drunk - that is disgraceful not only are they risking their own lives but also those of other peoples children too. These kinds of people are far more of a danger to others than people who stupidly decide to sleep in their cars at night when drunk & get caught by the police (caught....more like a sitting duck/easy target), but what reprise to they get? none, book thrown at them and all of that. Justice? lol dont make me laugh.

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If the person is guilty then name them no arguments, as for the tosser who was pissed driving outside the school ban the wanker from coming within 500yds of any school in a car when he gets his license back

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