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Mhk Sees A Few More Votes For The Future


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Manx Radio


David Quirk says an under-sevens football tournament between Christmas and the New Year could be called off, after the local authority issued an invoice for the use of facilities.


Yeah, ok I realise I could be accused of being cynical here, but David Quirk realises where there are quite a few votes these days. The votes for 16 year olds was a blessing for him this last General Election and he will seemingly do anything to champion the causes of young folk in Onchan.


Surely the Onchan Commissioners should be left to run their own affairs without interference from an ex-commissioner of many years.

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Manx Radio


David Quirk says an under-sevens football tournament between Christmas and the New Year could be called off, after the local authority issued an invoice for the use of facilities.


Yeah, ok I realise I could be accused of being cynical here, but David Quirk realises where there are quite a few votes these days. The votes for 16 year olds was a blessing for him this last General Election and he will seemingly do anything to champion the causes of young folk in Onchan.


Surely the Onchan Commissioners should be left to run their own affairs without interference from an ex-commissioner of many years.

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Surely the Onchan Commissioners should be left to run their own affairs without interference from an ex-commissioner of many years.


I agree with Onchan Commissioners, its only 200 quid for using the facilities which I assume they have to open up and then close and clean afterwards. I bet it won't stop the parents rolling up in their £30k 4 x 4's before they go off and hit the sales so why is he bitching about a charge that works out at less than a tenner a head between both teams.

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The votes for 16 year olds was a blessing for him this last General Election and he will seemingly do anything to champion the causes of young folk in Onchan.

Surely the Onchan Commissioners should be left to run their own affairs without interference from an ex-commissioner of many years.


I'm involved with the club, I won't hide that fact. The thing with David Quirk is, he would do anything to champion the cause of young folk in Onchan, and why shouldn't he, he's the MHK for Onchan. There were people who said his involvement was to secure votes, the thing is, he was involved with football and the Onchan Silver Band long before the election and long after. If he got votes from 16-year olds, it's because they were deserved, they perhaps see him as someone who does champion their cause. It just so happened when I went down the watch the combi play today, Mr Quirk along with other parents were just leaving after spending a few hours at a sponsored football event to raise money for the kids football, which is run by volunteers.


I agree with Onchan Commissioners, its only 200 quid for using the facilities which I assume they have to open up and then close and clean afterwards.


From what I'm aware, you pick the keys up and drop them off.


I do disagree though, and I share his viewpoint. In a time where councils are wanting tens of thousands for additional CCTV, spending money on those bloody mosquito deterrrants and generally moaning about the yoof - surely letting a group of 5-7 year olds use a largely dormant facility once a year is hardly going to bankrupt them. My view would apply to any sport or activity, not just football. I'd call it community spirit.

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I'm incredibly disappointed in Mr Quirk running to the press over this matter. As he knows full well, matters discussed in Committee sessions cannot be discussed in public, so I find his approach of writing to each of the Commissioners on Tynwald headed paper demanding details of the decision and asking how we individually voted on the matter to be inappropriate.


Particularly given that I approached him about the matter in the Public session last week and asked that he clarify to the Board what the football club wanted the facilities for as I felt there had been a misunderstanding in the request - that was after the decision had been made.


Yes, Commissioners need to be accountable for their decisions, but where group decisions are made, why try to single out individuals for blame.


Now, speaking in general terms, I personally believe that the Community facilities should be made as freely available to the Community as possible. I'm on record as saying that I believe we need more sporting facilities in the village and more things for young people to do. If I could, I would convert community owned grassland to an astro pitch as quickly as possible.


But I do also believe that where a charge is levied for using a facility, those charges should be levelled equally against all groups using those facilities. I wonder how other Onchan groups feel about discovering Mr Quirk has obtained the hall free of charge when they have had to pay for the same use.


I cannot speak for other members of the Board, only myself. Although I would guess that if an event were for children from all over the Island or just those in Onchan would have a bearing on a decision. I also wonder if Mr Quirk is similarly lobbying the Manx FA to help with funding if the event does benefit under-7s from across the Island.


Personally, I respect Mr Quirk's efforts to try to help people in Onchan. I wish all MHKs worked as hard for their constituents, I hope he puts the same efforts into National Politics. The only difficulty I have with any MHK is when they try to bypass correct procedure or try to use their position to bully people.

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I'm incredibly disappointed in Mr Quirk running to the press over this matter. As he knows full well, matters discussed in Committee sessions cannot be discussed in public, so I find his approach of writing to each of the Commissioners on Tynwald headed paper demanding details of the decision and asking how we individually voted on the matter to be inappropriate.


I wouldn't worry too much Steve.


We're heading into an economic downturn, a bank has gone bust, and the Island's reputation is in tatters. Not a peep out of said person then and these are issues of national importance that could affect jobs and livilihoods in Onchan.


Now there's a chance to get your mug in the papers about £200 on some parochial town commissioners matter well that's a different story. Proving once again that we vote for national politicians and get a host of superannuated commissioners.

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I'm incredibly disappointed in Mr Quirk running to the press over this matter. As he knows full well, matters discussed in Committee sessions cannot be discussed in public, so I find his approach of writing to each of the Commissioners on Tynwald headed paper demanding details of the decision and asking how we individually voted on the matter to be inappropriate.


I wouldn't worry too much Steve. As an MHK he seems to have made a career out of asking bugger all by way of questions. We're heading into an economic downturn, a bank has gone bust, and the Island's reputation is in tatters. Not a peep out of said person then and these are issues of national importance that could affect jobs and livilihoods in Onchan.


Now there's a chance to get your mug in the papers about £200 on some parochial town commissioners matter well that's a different story. Proving once again that we vote for national politicians and get a host of superannuated commissioners.



Most members of Tynwald would make decent local commissioners. It's pity they don't stay at that level.

Isn't it the Peter Principle when you are elevated above your ability level?

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I'm incredibly disappointed in Mr Quirk running to the press over this matter. As he knows full well, matters discussed in Committee sessions cannot be discussed in public, so I find his approach of writing to each of the Commissioners on Tynwald headed paper demanding details of the decision and asking how we individually voted on the matter to be inappropriate.



I don't know about the way in which things were approached or handled otherwise, so I won't comment. I would say whatever way he has gone about it, he does have the kids interests at heart, rightly or wrongly.


Like you, speaking in more general terms, I think the commissioners should do what they can to promote activities, sports, the community and things to do - with that, I think you'll get a degree of respect back. I grew up in Onchan (20 odd years) and enjoyed it. The Youth Club was generally the hub of it all when I was growing up, although this seemed to go in and out of fashion each year. Summerland was there for weekends. There weren't any clubs as such, apart from Onchan Silver Band and the knee-slapping Onchan Entertainers.


That Wembley thing at the rec' is a step in the right direction, although I think a multi-use astro pitch could be a good bet.


What I wouldn't want to see is the Douglas Corporation approach which seems to be hope the yoof go away and $%*? away money on things like Seagulls and other wasteful acts of perceived urban improvement. With that in mind, anything that could be done to encourage such community events can only be a good thing, whether thats football, dancing, band or even cycling.

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Has the community centre not already been paid for in taxes/rates already??



Now that is a totally different debate, one that I think needs to be held again and a suggestion which I have a lot of sympathy for. But not relevant in this case, the question here is, is it fair to let one group get something for free if other groups get charged for the same use.

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Onchan commisioners want their asses kicked I.M.O.!


From what I can read into it Onchan A.f.c. are trying to organise a junior football event at a community venue (which I assume was paid for by the ratepayers of Onchan?)

Would it be beyond the realms of possibility to assume that the majority of the children that play for Onchan have parents that are Onchan ratepayers?


Please correct me if I'm wrong! ;)

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I'm incredibly disappointed in Mr Quirk running to the press over this matter. As he knows full well, matters discussed in Committee sessions cannot be discussed in public, so I find his approach of writing to each of the Commissioners on Tynwald headed paper demanding details of the decision and asking how we individually voted on the matter to be inappropriate.


I'd be incredibly disappointed that you saw fit to post this on a public forum before picking up the phone and telling David Quirk this. Are you spokesman for the Commissioners now?

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Why shouldn't they pay like everybody else?

I don't suppose the kids took themselves there or organised the event, or chose the venue. If they had then the commissioners might have offered a concession on the price. As it is the adults organised it with full knowledge of the hire charges and conditions of hire.

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