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K.os Theory

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So ordered this off Ebay the other week, got it over the weekend but only really got a chance to play last nite.


Brilliant stuff, the single player campaign is OK but at last Sony have something rather quiet special for the online aspects...


8 player class-based co-op and 60 player skirmish battles being the highlight for me...no lag whatsoever even with 60people burning round blowing 7shades out of each other. Fantastic fun!


Got a PS3, looking for some serious shooter action...until Killzone 2 appears in the new year, this could be what you're looking for. I think it's released on Friday?

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OK the co-op on this is bloody fantastic, at times it felt like i was playing an updated version of gauntlet, in the first person, with 7 team-mates...masses of enemies ( from the small to the gigantic ), loads of running round throwing health and ammo ( depending on your class ) and lots of shouting! carnage!


It's up there with Hoarde mode from Gears2!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got fall of man at the start of the week just so I could get resistance 2, I figured there wasn't much point getting the second if I hadn't played the first.

It's almost complete so i'll pick up a copy as a Christmas present (can get it for £20 delivered)

Are the controls the same as the original?

I hated them and had to re-map the controler!

And thanks for the heads up on the maps.

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I think the controls are pretty similar, but I mapped mine to be a bit more like COD.


what's your psn id Virtual Boy, i'll get you added. The co-op is brilliant ( especially when you get a good team of 8 people working together )


edited to add, the new maps are for resistance FOM not the sequel... sorry :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
If that works it is officially the best thing ever



Why dont u just buy an Xbox 360 in the first place..lol far better online game play also better first person games full stop.




Because I already have one. How do you think I know that the 360 controller is better in the first place?

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