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Consoles - What Next Gen Features Would You Like To See?


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As a relative newbie to the current console market, I was mightily impressed with the improvements over my old PS1 from nearly a decade ago. One of the things I liked on PGR4 for instance, was the ability to choose from a variety of genres for the in-game music.


This got me thinking. There's the option to hook up your console to your router and go online, have interaction with other users globally, use the console itself as a means to stream media etc - but what else could it do (or would you like it to do in the future)?


For me, it would be ace if I could import specific tracks into games so that I could make my own soundtrack for each game or level on a game.Having the choice of genres is nice but the selection is still limited. What with games being able to (or soon to be able to, I've not got up to speed with it all yet) be played from the HD rather than the disc itself, surely it can't be a massive leap to enable audio files to be imported to enrich the experience further?


Anyway, that's just me and my one thought, do you have any others to add to the discussion?

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I assume you're talking about the 360 with the mention of playing from the HD, not sure about that, but on PS3 (in games that support it), you can set up a playlist and play that in the game instead of the normal tunes (burnout paradise allows this)

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For me, it would be ace if I could import specific tracks into games so that I could make my own soundtrack for each game or level on a game.Having the choice of genres is nice but the selection is still limited. What with games being able to (or soon to be able to, I've not got up to speed with it all yet) be played from the HD rather than the disc itself, surely it can't be a massive leap to enable audio files to be imported to enrich the experience further?


Anyway, that's just me and my one thought, do you have any others to add to the discussion?


You can play any music you want in any 360 game. You just bring up the menu with the 'x' button, and select the media player tab and the game will replace the game music with whatever your streaming. I stream all sorts while playing, off my pc, net radio, podcasts, etc. It's interesting having manx radio streaming as a soundtrack while playing GTA :)


As for what I'd like to see: I'd like to see a console that doesn't have an optical drive at all, where all games are downloaded.

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Firstly Mish welcome to the party, better late than never! ;)


what do I want from the next gen of consoles...bigger graphics, better gameplay, I like slims idea of no optical drive, I'd like to see the ability to have more user generated content ( like the PC modding community ), an end to the console wars, no more idiots online calling me a homo or a n****r :angry: , Peter Molynieux actually delivering on some of his promises ( or just not hyping a game beyond belief ), improved AI...


Not much really :)

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no more idiots online calling me a homo or a n****r



I always had my chat set to friends only, it's bliss, and the new party system is even better. No more idiot yanks hurling abuse at you.


I suppose so, but I when playing team based games I like to keep team-mates updated on what's happening...I mute most of the feckers anyway!

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So long as it doesn't have shitty motion sensing controls (that don't actually work properly) and the raft of crappy minigame collections that inevitably follow I'm happy


Good point, next gen consoles free of license cash in shovelware please, ta.

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Electric shocks, that kick in when playing after midnight when there's work or school in the morning.


Actually, I'd like to see more done with age to stop the daily mailers. For example Fable 2, a pretty fun game but with a 15 cert because of some sexual references, and some scary stuff in cut scenes. They're really not essential for the game, and the console knows the age of the player from teh profile, why not just have those bits skipped when an underage player is doing em? Similarly, disable prostitutes in gta, and perhaps remove blood and make pedestrians get out of the way rather than get run over when a young player is playing it? Wouldn't be that hard I'm sure.

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I think they should start pricing games according to game play duration or game content.


Here is how my pricing structure would work now.


£40/$60 games

Gears of War 2



£20/$30 games

Mirror's Edge

Dead Space


£5/$7 games

Any Wii game. :lol:


Edit: I know it's not a console feature but it something I'd like to happen.


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