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[BBC News] Police arrest pair in drugs raid


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I was going to keep quiet, leave the thread alone, just put up and shut up.... but, SLIIIIIM, right, you are being taken in by the propaganda, throat cancer comes from smoking, yes, but, this is not uniquely linked to cannabis and neither do you have to smoke the stuff. As for mental health issues from skunk, what are you talking about? Like I did say earlier, drugs get the blame for all manner of ‘problems’ that were already there. From a personal view point, I have always been 'different', I was very depressive as a child, long before I ever smoked the dreaded evil skunk weed & I am a self confessed schizophrenic, more to do with hormonal changes than drooogs. I smoked on a daily basis for about 10 years and then I stopped – just like that, I missed being stoned but that was all…and guess what?? I’m still as nutty as I was the day I was born.

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Those people who fuck up their body and their mind with skunk won't be using the social services to fund their slack arse lifestyle or the NHS to heal their throat cancer?


A Generalisation I know, but if you want the freedom to live without laws, why are you here?


Yes they will but just as much as smokers and drinkers.


You are making some assumptions when offering your opinion. Firstly, if cannabis is brought up to a class B drug do you really believe the level of smoking will drop or even drop to a very significant degree? I think not. I think you can have VERY serious penalties for drug usage and people will still take them.


The other is that drugs (and you are not being specific here) will fuck up your body. Yes they will with continuous use and SOME people are prone to mental illness from using them. But people who are responsible with their usage of drugs should have little to worry about. However, we live in a society we there is a strong inclination to 'escape', I could probably guess that for a very large number that is often due to the need to find some relief from the boredom and stresses of the workplace, it is certainly true of alcohol use. And so what if such people are perceived to be 'slack arses', most jobs are utterly meaningless for the people doing them so what is the harm in slacking off?

But if we have big problems in society if they are ignored I think it very wrong to stop people finding ways to escape it. I think they need to be told of ways to help change society but we can hardly blame them for wanting a release. And most importantly of all it is THEIR body. How can you find it acceptable in any way to be told what YOU cannot do with YOUR body?


I don't understand your point about the generalisation? Please explain what you mean.

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See comments on the 567345 threads on the issues relating to drugs being illegal but people insisting they should be legal and booze should be banned.


The long and short of the matter as i see it: people with far more brain cells and on a much bigger wage packet are aware of the issues surrounding drug use and the long/short term effects and the laws will change depending on (but not soley) the results passed from said people.


Everyone has an opinion on the matter as well as experience both negative and positive but the fact still remains they are still illegal and people found with drugs are breaking the law and deserve to stand tall in front of the man.

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See comments on the 567345 threads on the issues relating to drugs being illegal but people insisting they should be legal and booze should be banned.


The long and short of the matter as i see it: people with far more brain cells and on a much bigger wage packet are aware of the issues surrounding drug use and the long/short term effects and the laws will change depending on (but not soley) the results passed from said people.


Everyone has an opinion on the matter as well as experience both negative and positive but the fact still remains they are still illegal and people found with drugs are breaking the law and deserve to stand tall in front of the man.


Meh, but part of the whole point here is that the (UK) gov has specifically and pointedly ignored the advice of the folks with the surplus brain cells and cash you refer to, and gone ahead with moving cannabis from Class C to Class B as a political gesture, completely putting to one side the issues of harm and suchlike.


This is what thebees and others (myself included) are trying to address here, namely that common sense and logic are out of the window when it comes to the drugs debate, and all we have to work with are dumbass politicians doing dumbass things to appease Daily Dumbass Mail readers.

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See comments on the 567345 threads on the issues relating to drugs being illegal but people insisting they should be legal and booze should be banned.


I don't drugs or alcohol should be banned, and I certainly do not think that they should be criminalised. It wouldn't sense to ban one and not the other.


The long and short of the matter as i see it: people with far more brain cells and on a much bigger wage packet are aware of the issues surrounding drug use and the long/short term effects and the laws will change depending on (but not soley) the results passed from said people.


Fair enough I recognise it is as you see it. But do you REALLY believe that people with far more brain cells who are more aware of the issues really determine laws and government policy. It just isn't the case. You need only look at drug laws to see that they are not very well thought out, have no connection with how dangerous the drugs are, and how much they are used in society.


I find it baffling enough that you might actually think the government decisions and laws are made by people who are more aware of issues and know what is best for society. Do you not question these people's authority to legislate over you?



Everyone has an opinion on the matter as well as experience both negative and positive but the fact still remains they are still illegal and people found with drugs are breaking the law and deserve to stand tall in front of the man.


In terms of those who believe that laws should be followed when they come into force regardless of their effect and those who believe that punishments should still be meted out for those who break such laws then yes, you are completely right in having this opinion.


But I am personally not one to simply obey a law or respect a law simply because I am told I should. I question the authority of that law, the authority of those who produced it, and in this case the thought process behind the drug laws. In such a way it is my HOPE that drug dealers and drug users are not punished though they inevitably will be if caught.

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The daft thing is, you all think an atypical cannabis smokers is some scivvy stoner bumming off the state, when in matter of fact, most Cannabis and cocaine users work on Athol Street, and in offices around the Island, earn 20K+ a year, and wear suits to work.

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I question authority when i think it needs questioning and it is directly related to me and mine, questioning authority for the sake of it does not appeal to me as i have more important things to do with my time, Like post on the internets or reach lvl 78.


Edit: ding 79


Well ok, then maybe I can understand your perspective. Unless you are aware of an authority that appears so unjustified that it cannot escape your attention you will not give a moments thought to questioning the justification of other or all other forms of authority. Therefore, you accept many forms of authority whithout question whilst you go about different things.


I would, therefore, have to ask in view of your way of seeing things to ask whether you have questioned the authority of law and the state in controlling what one can and cannot do with their bodies. Trying to justify such authority is where the answer lies to whether people SHOULD be punished or not for breaking laws, or more particularly, those which aren't well thought out.


(But you may have more important things to do with your time, but actually thinking about all the forms of authority in our lives and whether they are jusitified or not isn't hard to do and doesn't take long but importantly leaves you looking wondering why such authority is accepted. Either a case of recognising how much you are controlled or not)

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I question authority when i think it needs questioning and it is directly related to me and mine, questioning authority for the sake of it does not appeal to me as i have more important things to do with my time, Like post on the internets or reach lvl 78.


Edit: ding 79



Oh you sad toad you, noone says 'Ding' anymore, gringo. This thread is ace, from someone getting busted to dogshit and onto WoW, all of my favourite things, well, almost...Have you heard Shris new album? My favourite song at the mo is Strange Army, hugely funky. Oh wait til I tell you...I was round my friends house on Tuesday night and we were talking about music and he played me this song by a group called 'The Fireman', which was quite likeable and then suddenly last night as I was watching the television Paul McCartney appeared (on the TV ofc) and was talking about The Fireman, I was very pleased with myself because I already knew that The Fireman was a collaboration between him and Youth (quite famous also) - what is the relevance of this? Well on the Nintin Sawhney album London Undersound there is a track done with SPaMc which made me hate him, it is the worst song on the album and is probably one of the worst songs I have on mines pod of the Eyes. Anyway that was all, much better to talk about music than WoW and drugs xx

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Oh you sad toad you, noone says 'Ding' anymore, gringo. This thread is ace, from someone getting busted to dogshit and onto WoW, all of my favourite things, well, almost...Have you heard Shris new album? My favourite song at the mo is Strange Army, hugely funky. Oh wait til I tell you...I was round my friends house on Tuesday night and we were talking about music and he played me this song by a group called 'The Fireman', which was quite likeable and then suddenly last night as I was watching the television Paul McCartney appeared (on the TV ofc) and was talking about The Fireman, I was very pleased with myself because I already knew that The Fireman was a collaboration between him and Youth (quite famous also) - what is the relevance of this? Well on the Nintin Sawhney album London Undersound there is a track done with SPaMc which made me hate him, it is the worst song on the album and is probably one of the worst songs I have on mines pod of the Eyes. Anyway that was all, much better to talk about music than WoW and drugs xx


I am really pleased to say that I have absolutely no idea what any of that post mean't.

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I'm really pleased you didn't...it isnt for the likes of you dear, now trot off to the deli on the Quay and pick yourself some £20 a kilo ham...it's organic.



edit: which part did you have trouble with? It all makes sense to me, maybe the pod of the eyes...thats an I-pod, WoW = World of Warcraft, the rest is all about music, maybe you do not have I-tunes or something I dont know...See, I tried to help you, I can try writing in bigger letters if that would help, I cannot type more slowly and even if I did I dont think it would assist you with your comprehension problems.

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