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[BBC News] Police arrest pair in drugs raid


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To be honest, I think the government should be using the money spent on policing the drugs trade on drug education and clinics to help people kick their habits. Maybe even make drugs legal and put a tax on them.


The police are going round in circles, they catch and imprison one drug dealer, another takes their place. If people want drugs then there will always be someone there to supply them.

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Oh you sad toad you, noone says 'Ding' anymore, gringo. This thread is ace, from someone getting busted to dogshit and onto WoW, all of my favourite things, well, almost...Have you heard Shris new album? My favourite song at the mo is Strange Army, hugely funky. Oh wait til I tell you...I was round my friends house on Tuesday night and we were talking about music and he played me this song by a group called 'The Fireman', which was quite likeable and then suddenly last night as I was watching the television Paul McCartney appeared (on the TV ofc) and was talking about The Fireman, I was very pleased with myself because I already knew that The Fireman was a collaboration between him and Youth (quite famous also) - what is the relevance of this? Well on the Nintin Sawhney album London Undersound there is a track done with SPaMc which made me hate him, it is the worst song on the album and is probably one of the worst songs I have on mines pod of the Eyes. Anyway that was all, much better to talk about music than WoW and drugs xx

Can I have a toke at whatever thebees has obtained please :wacko:

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. . . . but part of the whole point here is that the (UK) gov has specifically and pointedly ignored the advice of the folks with the surplus brain cells and cash you refer to, and gone ahead with moving cannabis from Class C to Class B as a political gesture, completely putting to one side the issues of harm and suchlike.


Anti-drugs is very popular these days.


Whenever there is a drugs case it goes to the Deemster who seems to have a fetish for providing some cosy homily about the evil of drugs and then dishes out a huge sentence. This panders like mad to the Isle of Man middle classes and the W.I. types and they love him to death for it.


The daft thing is, you all think an atypical cannabis smokers is some scivvy stoner bumming off the state, when in matter of fact, most Cannabis and cocaine users work on Athol Street, and in offices around the Island, earn 20K+ a year, and wear suits to work.


Right. Everyone in Athol Street should take a drugs test next week. Prove how clean they really are. The boys and girls of our higher paid echelons need to lead by example.


I would imagine the ladies of the W.I. will be most shocked by the results.

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Jimbms, Oh :ermm: at 1:55pm? I was only having 'a little chat' with Immortal after he talked of 'Dinging 79'. You 80 yet? :w00t: Have you read the post I was replying to? I am in a bit of a jovial mood but it's more to do with being excited about decorating the tree & I have a feeling reading Mr Men books is effecting the way I write.

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Jimbms, Oh :ermm: at 1:55pm? I was only having 'a little chat' with Immortal after he talked of 'Dinging 79'. You 80 yet? :w00t: Have you read the post I was replying to? I am in a bit of a jovial mood but it's more to do with being excited about decorating the tree & I have a feeling reading Mr Men books is effecting the way I write.

ok save the toke until later ;) , you always amuse me dear. :flowers:

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Vaguely back on topic :D


Looks like the Swiss are actually about to make heroin officially legal.




Funny really, over here you'd get locked up for 15 years for doing what the Swiss government does every single day.


If you read into this one, the programme has been a massive success, reducing the crime and harm associated with heroin addiction right across the board. There was a good spot on the news about it last night, a dude who runs one of the centres was saying that they have a lot of success stories, but at the same time they accept that some people will just turn up twice a day for their fix for the rest of their lives, he was pragmatic about this and said it made a lot more sense than spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on repeatedly catching them, imprisoning them, letting them go again, wash rinse repeat, with all the attendant crime and harm this brings.

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The Swiss are a bit ace aren't they, I think I might go there and live (or die if I choose to). Shows what the British are like though, I thought the old hospice would have made a really good re-hab, oh but looky, its going to be a place where you can alter the way you look, how, erm erm erm superficial.


I think prison is a rubbish deterrant, often I would rather be there than doing house work, work work, feeding a family and all the other day to day stuff I do, actually prison sounds fantastic. No freedom? like I have any now? Well I best be off and clean the loo's, those men folk can't quite pee in the bowl yet.

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Vaguely back on topic :D


Looks like the Swiss are actually about to make heroin officially legal.




Funny really, over here you'd get locked up for 15 years for doing what the Swiss government does every single day.


If you read into this one, the programme has been a massive success, reducing the crime and harm associated with heroin addiction right across the board. There was a good spot on the news about it last night, a dude who runs one of the centres was saying that they have a lot of success stories, but at the same time they accept that some people will just turn up twice a day for their fix for the rest of their lives, he was pragmatic about this and said it made a lot more sense than spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on repeatedly catching them, imprisoning them, letting them go again, wash rinse repeat, with all the attendant crime and harm this brings.

This is an area which should be interesting to watch.

If it's successful, then this may be something other countries may consider looking into more closely.

If not, then it's back to square one again


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If it stops the need for certain people to rob, steal or cause offenses to other people, then it must be worth looking at.

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If it stops the need for certain people to rob, steal or cause offenses to other people, then it must be worth looking at.


Another interesting read, thanks for the link.


I've been banging this drum for years and make no apology for still doing so, UK drugs policy (and by extension the IOM's) is so blatantly in-your-face bone-headedly wrong it almost beggars belief.


Prison does not deter drug users, for many of them, a few months at Her Majesty's Pleasure (funded by a wedge load of tax payer's cash) is actually better than what they've left behind. In prison the treatment is decent, you get fed and watered, educated, exercised, telly, books, internet, games - yeah sure you can't pop out and do 'normal' stuff but for chronic heroin addicts there's no concept of normality anyway.


Many heroin addicts come out of prison in a substantially better condition than how they went in, unfortunately they often return straight back to their old lives (where else is there to go?) and the whole sorry cycle starts again, the inherent criminality of the lifestyle being by far the biggest stumbling block.


The stupidest thing of all about it is that heroin use does not automatically render someone useless (in the story linked above, a heroin addict working as a waiter is gradually weaning himself off the drug via a legal source, and his employer is fully aware of this), it's perfectly possible to hold down a job and be productive at the same time as being addicted to heroin.


It's only pushing the whole shooting match underground and onto the wrong side of the law that causes it to get really messy.


I'm sure we all know smokers who can't imagine getting through a working day without a few fag breaks, or yearn for a few drinks when they get home from work - for many of these people, the correct word to use for their behaviour is addiction, yet it doesn't carry the stigma (and the threat of prison) that heroin use does.


The evidence on this issue is now incontrovertible, unfortunately, this is well matched by the intransigence and ignorance of politicians and much of Joe Public.

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The daft thing is, you all think an atypical cannabis smokers is some scivvy stoner bumming off the state, when in matter of fact, most Cannabis and cocaine users work on Athol Street, and in offices around the Island, earn 20K+ a year, and wear suits to work.


Most of em eh? That's so wrong it's unbelievable. If that was the case it would limit drug users on the island to a few hundred for starters.


I think it might be more reasonable to suggest that drug users are not just scrounging skivvies, but are found at all levels. The main difference from what I can see is that the more affluent people with drug habits are less often caught, more likely to indulge perhaps in coke than pot, and somewhat less likely to be seen jumping over your garden fence with your telly over their shoulder.


But anyway, the people who make the drugs laws must be on crack! :D

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I think prison is a rubbish deterrant, often I would rather be there than doing house work, work work, feeding a family and all the other day to day stuff I do,


You'd rather be locked up in jail than cooking a meal for your loved ones? Where do I send the nomination for mum of the year? :P

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Oh, that sounds quite awful when you put it like that Cret. I was thinking more along the lines that prisoners have their meals cooked for them and they get time to read, study, go to the gym etc etc. I suspect Mr Bees read that post because he prepared food twice over the weekend :D (result!)


There are drug users in all levels of society, I don't think it is the soley the affluent people that are partaking in that awful coke rubbish. I was thinking about that the other day actually, when I was a youngster there were E's and speed, and the older generation went on about the good old days of acid, now there is coke & crappy 'MDMA' powder (or MDEA or MDAA or what ever it really is) everywhere and we go on about the good old days of E's. The young ones, tsk tsk tsk, pile of no good junkies.

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