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Killer Sale


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It does make you very sad about the world we live in when you read that shoppers actually broke down the doors to a Wal-Mart store in Long Island knocking a sales assistant to the ground who then got trampled to death under the rush to get inside.




How desperate can you be to save a few lousy dollars on tat?

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It'll probably shock them for all of 5 seconds before their pea brians forget and they move on to the next killer deal.


I imagine being squashed by a queue of 50 grossly overweight Americans is a bit like being hit by a train, the poor chap probably had no chance once it all started kicking off.


Totally disgusting though that they refused to stop shopping even after being told of the death. I says something about what a f**ked up place America has become.

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The trampling story is shocking. But the shooting at Toys R Us is fantastic.


Someone's gone to a toyshop, armed, and fully prepared to commit murder to ensure that he gets to purchase his toys of choice, and has met somebody else who's gone to a toyshop, armed, and fully prepared to commit murder to ensure that he gets to purchase his toys of choice.


Absolute fucking perfection.

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I've been to Walmart quite a few times before and the range of goods was phenomenal, some even selling guns!


Anyway, I remember being in a sale many moons ago and was third in a queue about 3am and was asked by the manager later that morning as to what i was after. It was for a full bathroom suite and he had a list and my item was included on the big reduced list.

He informed the queue that those in the list (approx 10) would be given a ticket and the item named on the list was regarded as sold.

I thought that this way was spot on, as I got what I was after and saved others from rushing through and finding that the item was sold..


Would that have stopped the rush, probably not due to the size of the store, but maybe they could do something similar next time?

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