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Rise Of The Machines


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The real ones, coming soon.

Presumably they won't conform to Asimovs laws.


How ridiculous.... it's WAR!!


Surely there is no law in war? Any enemy combatant would use this weakness to their own advantage....


C R A Z Y waste of money.

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I'm sure these will be welcomed by 'baddy' countries, as presumably when they eventually get hold of or make similar stuff themselves they'll switch off the built in "Queensbury rules" settings, and engage "Dirty rotten lethal scoundrels" mode instead.

Would give them a huge advantage, and render the originals a bit lame & useless really.



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  • 7 months later...

Scientists fear a revolt by killer robots


Advances in artificial intelligence promise many benefits, but scientists are privately so worried they may be creating machines which end up outsmarting — and perhaps even endangering — humans that they held a secret meeting to discuss limiting their research.


But the machines were watching................

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I'm sure these will be welcomed by 'baddy' countries, as presumably when they eventually get hold of or make similar stuff themselves they'll switch off the built in "Queensbury rules" settings, and engage "Dirty rotten lethal scoundrels" mode instead.

Would give them a huge advantage, and render the originals a bit lame & useless really.



I agree Cret and as the internet cannot stop trojans/worms and the like from infesting the web, then IMO, it's only a matter of time before these robots were manipulated for the wrong reasons. Doesn't 'Terminator' look plausible now?

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