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Pregnant Woman Spared Prison - Mr Story


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Pregnancy is not an illness, in that view, I think its quite wrong that she has been spared prison, but, on the other hand, the punishment of prison seems a bit much just for kneeing someone in the nads. I understand that the police should be respected but, no more than any other man on the street & like has been mentioned previously they do tend to treat offences against the police with more 'something' than they do offences against civillians. Oh best be careful, I have already been into trouble once this week for suggesting double standards.......but I'm not imagining things am I? It really is more serious to hit a policeman than a normal person..why?

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I don't know the circumstances and given that I want rid of the state and hate the police, for all I know the boyfriend may have been wrongfully arrested or may have been arrested for a crime such as drugs use in which case kicking a police officer in the nads would seem a humorous form of resistance to an unjustified authority, in my opinion she may have done the right thing!


LDV has previously stated that he is involved in helping with the organisation known as 'Victim Support'.


A very noble act, one would think?


I fail to see how anybody who would encourage an assault on any human being could be involved in 'Victim Support'.



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I don't know the circumstances and given that I want rid of the state and hate the police, for all I know the boyfriend may have been wrongfully arrested or may have been arrested for a crime such as drugs use in which case kicking a police officer in the nads would seem a humorous form of resistance to an unjustified authority, in my opinion she may have done the right thing!


LDV has previously stated that he is involved in helping with the organisation known as 'Victim Support'.


A very noble act, one would think?


I fail to see how anybody who would encourage an assault on any human being could be involved in 'Victim Support'.




Noble? No it's not at all. Just good work.


And I think you are misunderstanding what I said. I am not encouraging assault, rather saying that the girl may have done the right thing. I do not share the conventional view that the police use a legitimate form of force and power.

If say I was wrongfully arrested when I had done nothing wrong at all, the police got the wrong person, and the police force entry into my house and forcefully arrest me then in my opinion if I kicked the crap out of the officer it would be an act of self defence. In this case I very much doubt there was a wrongful arrest but excessives force may have been used, or the crime for which the boyfriend had committed would be one which in my mind should not be a crime at all (but I doubt everyone would share my views on such things).


As for Victim Support, I support people who have been victims of crime, and my mentioning of the fact that the girl may have been in the right is about her and her boyfriend possibly being the victims of violence i.e. a forceful arrest.


My beliefs and my job do not clash in the slightest.

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I understand that the police should be respected but, no more than any other man on the street & like has been mentioned previously they do tend to treat offences against the police with more 'something' than they do offences against civillians.


I haven't been given any reasons for why I should respect the police.


Oh best be careful, I have already been into trouble once this week for suggesting double standards.......but I'm not imagining things am I? It really is more serious to hit a policeman than a normal person..why?


I get the impression from the manner in which the media pick up on assaults on the police and the way judges refer to them that it is treated more seriously. I suspect because the many wrongly think about the police as simply people doing good work. Whereas the normal person is just neutral.


I give the kid 0% chance of not becoming a feral, alcopop swilling chav with a mother like that!


Hmm, the mother sounds selfish and foolish so I would agree. If you kick a police officer you are going to get punished in our society, that's just the way it is, now she must have known that but nevertheless kicked out and got herself in the shit. Somehow I think even if she had the baby then she may have done the same, which is pretty terrible really.

But you never know what did prompt her to kick the policeman, it was her 'family' or lover being arrested, she may fea or hate the police because of her past, she may have been manhandled herself. I just don't know but it is a shame she can so easily put herself into trouble. Her behaviour doesn't anger that much because although she is an individual she is part of the society we live in and that made her the way she is. It just seems very sad really that she is in so much trouble and has an alcohol problem when only 18.


Assault against anyone is a criminal offence and should be treated as such.


I agree with Wake up Call, that this type of crime should never be glorified or "ok" in any society.


Depends on the circumstances whether force or violence should be used.

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I don't know the circumstances and given that I want rid of the state and hate the police, for all I know the boyfriend may have been wrongfully arrested or may have been arrested for a crime such as drugs use in which case kicking a police officer in the nads would seem a humorous form of resistance to an unjustified authority, in my opinion she may have done the right thing!


LDV has previously stated that he is involved in helping with the organisation known as 'Victim Support'.


A very noble act, one would think?


I fail to see how anybody who would encourage an assault on any human being could be involved in 'Victim Support'.




Noble? No it's not at all. Just good work.


And I think you are misunderstanding what I said. I am not encouraging assault, rather saying that the girl may have done the right thing. I do not share the conventional view that the police use a legitimate form of force and power.

If say I was wrongfully arrested when I had done nothing wrong at all, the police got the wrong person, and the police force entry into my house and forcefully arrest me then in my opinion if I kicked the crap out of the officer it would be an act of self defence. In this case I very much doubt there was a wrongful arrest but excessives force may have been used, or the crime for which the boyfriend had committed would be one which in my mind should not be a crime at all (but I doubt everyone would share my views on such things).


As for Victim Support, I support people who have been victims of crime, and my mentioning of the fact that the girl may have been in the right is about her and her boyfriend possibly being the victims of violence i.e. a forceful arrest.


My beliefs and my job do not clash in the slightest.


I am sure your colleagues at Victim Support would cringe at what you are posting on this forum. There is no excuse for the violence you endorse in your original post.

As for you 'kicking the crap' out of anybody, I find the thought of this as hilarious.

You strike me as a frustrated, weak individual who couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Have you thought about joining a gym or your local Rugby Club?

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I am sure your colleagues at Victim Support would cringe at what you are posting on this forum. There is no excuse for the violence you endorse in your original post.

As for you 'kicking the crap' out of anybody, I find the thought of this as hilarious.

You strike me as a frustrated, weak individual who couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Have you thought about joining a gym or your local Rugby Club?


You however strike me as someone too desperate to try and dig for some apparent contradictions in my views in an attempt to attack me. I have already provided the 'excuse' for the violence AND have stated that there is no conflict with my VS work. You haven't said much else other than to try and insult. It appears a bit pathetic and may be a reflection of a frustrated and weak mindso because I am nice I will explain again.


For starters, yes you are completely right, I could not kick the crap out of anyone, I am not that frustrated...yet. I was, however, making a case for when such violence would be right, because it MIGHT be a little too early to make judgements on her behaviour. And it is acceptable when someone uses force and violence against you to respond in kind. If the police use force on someone who is innocent then I would endorse retaliation. I think it is a perfectly valid reason. It is not about finding an excuse to slap a policeman just because you are angry.


And stop wittering on about Victim Support, this has nothing to do with my work, I would never do visits to officers who have been slapped about when doing their duty, and their duty is singularly unique what I would condone is a particular form of retaliatory violence. In such a situation as that above when someone is in fact innocent the victim would be the person getting arrested, not the police officer.

No coercion, authority, or force is acceptable for someone just going about their day, but when someone enters your home and forces you to be handcuffed and dragged out of your home for something you are innocent of or for a crime that does not actually involve harms to others then it is quite right if it is resisted. It is NOT advisable as it will get you banged up but it would still be the right thing to do.


But my work revolves around muggings, thefts, verbal abuse, criminal damage, and assault (not against officers). All of which are wrong. And I would not be visiting a person who initiated a 'conflict' between two parties. You visit the victim.

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It is of course pure speculation on your part that she and/or her boyfiend were 'victims' or that the police acted innappropriately. I suspect your confessed 'hatred' of the police is clouding your opinion, and making you, frankly, talk bollocks.



Exactly what I'm thinking.


Twat a copper - expect to fall up and down the stairs a couple of times. That's how I see it.


Now, twat any Public Servant, be it Ambulance, Fire, The Bronze or even Coastguard then I would hope you would be given a harsh sentance. Look at how bad it has got in the badlands of Greater Manchester where cars are set alight to drag the fire brigade in so that they can be attacked.


No I do not read The Mail, The Sun, The Guardian.


Beggars (my) belief really. Look at the assaults on Ambulance crews?


Yes I agree with what LDV does with the victim support groups but for crying out loud - don't go looking for and worse still, making up victims. She gave a copper a kicking in the knackers, the Dibble is the victim here. Now she pays her very very lenient price.

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Pregnancy is not an illness, in that view, I think its quite wrong that she has been spared prison, but, on the other hand, the punishment of prison seems a bit much just for kneeing someone in the nads. I understand that the police should be respected but, no more than any other man on the street & like has been mentioned previously they do tend to treat offences against the police with more 'something' than they do offences against civillians. Oh best be careful, I have already been into trouble once this week for suggesting double standards.......but I'm not imagining things am I? It really is more serious to hit a policeman than a normal person..why?


Of course assaulting a police officer should be viewed more seriously, you are interfering with the state honouring its side of the bargain to maintain law and order, keeping you and I safe. That is the bargain. It is somewhat distorted now, but regardless of what various posters here think about a 'police state', if you take that special categorisation away from the police then they are nothing more than uniformed neighbourhood watch.


Any crime is not a crime against the individual victim (which is why a victim cannot drop charges, they can decide not to co-operate by not providing a witness statement, but they cannot 'forgive' a crime as you can 'forgive' a civil wrong against you), but a crime against society as a whole or, to personalise it, against the Crown. The police are the Crown's way of defending itself.


The whole point of the police is that when they come on the scene everyone knows it is serious and that they shouldn't play silly beggars; the police's side of the bargain is to maintain law and order and our side should be to respect that and allow them to do it unhindered and, ideally, assist them.


We have emasculated teachers from maintaining discipline, and intend to emasculate parents, best leave the police alone eh? Otherwise, we will end up with a society made up of Karen Matthews types.


That is not to say that the powers of the police and courts should not be subject to open scrutiny; they should be fully accountable as they are only fulfilling a function of the state - they are not the state.


So only a jab in the nads? No, it is an assault on a police officer which cannot be acceptable and must carry the highest penalty. Humanely, for the child, a prison sentence may not be the best (I would always argue against prison sentences except for the really dangerous to society) but the offender should be in no doubt that what they did was wrong and there should be a punishment which constantly reminds them that they have broken their side of the bargain.


Reality shift - I suppose everyone has to understand what the state and individual bargain is; sadly, I don't think many believe it is a two way street.

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I am sure your colleagues at Victim Support would cringe at what you are posting on this forum. There is no excuse for the violence you endorse in your original post.

As for you 'kicking the crap' out of anybody, I find the thought of this as hilarious.

You strike me as a frustrated, weak individual who couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Have you thought about joining a gym or your local Rugby Club?


But my work revolves around muggings, thefts, verbal abuse, criminal damage, and assault (not against officers). All of which are wrong. And I would not be visiting a person who initiated a 'conflict' between two parties. You visit the victim.


LDV - Take a look at the headlines today and you will see that a man has been charged with GBH with intent on a copper.

What happens if the copper asks for help from Victim Support and in the highly unlikely event, you are designated to provide some care for that victim?

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