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Pregnant Woman Spared Prison - Mr Story


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I am sure your colleagues at Victim Support would cringe at what you are posting on this forum. There is no excuse for the violence you endorse in your original post.

As for you 'kicking the crap' out of anybody, I find the thought of this as hilarious.

You strike me as a frustrated, weak individual who couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag.

Have you thought about joining a gym or your local Rugby Club?


But my work revolves around muggings, thefts, verbal abuse, criminal damage, and assault (not against officers). All of which are wrong. And I would not be visiting a person who initiated a 'conflict' between two parties. You visit the victim.


LDV - Take a look at the headlines today and you will see that a man has been charged with GBH with intent on a copper.

What happens if the copper asks for help from Victim Support and in the highly unlikely event, you are designated to provide some care for that victim?

I suspect the poor copper will be told it is his own fault for oppressing the masses in this police state and he should expect and embrace the fact people want to kick him in the bollocks, in fact he should have positioned himself better to enable the poor oppressed criminal to hit him with more effect to cause greater damage to himself and give satisfaction to all minorities who hate the police

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Jim, I'm not sure police haters are a minority group. Every person I know dislikes the police, I cannot think of one person I know that would say "Oh, the police, they are a nice helpful bunch of people.". I have said previously that respect is something that is earned, ALL the recent dealings I have had with the police have meant I have no respect for them. Honestly, I had more respect for the police when I was 'on the wrong side' of the law, good old Mr Scully eh, a gent and a scholar. I have thought about it, & there is one policeman I like....haven't seen him for a while though, probably been ousted for being nice (I know someone who knows of at least 3 police people that have been forced out for being nice).


Yeah yeah Grant & Old git, you lads and your nads.

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I have no problem with the police. I've (nearly!) always found them to be helpful and pleasant.

However, they are people. That means that they have 'off-days' the same as the rest of us. I imagine that if they've recently attended a RTA and viewed the remains of a reckless teenager in a smashed-up car, or been insulted or abused by some drugged-up/pissed dickhead, they might find it difficult to keep smiling.

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Jim, I'm not sure police haters are a minority group. Every person I know dislikes the police, I cannot think of one person I know that would say "Oh, the police, they are a nice helpful bunch of people.". I have said previously that respect is something that is earned, ALL the recent dealings I have had with the police have meant I have no respect for them. Honestly, I had more respect for the police when I was 'on the wrong side' of the law, good old Mr Scully eh, a gent and a scholar. I have thought about it, & there is one policeman I like....haven't seen him for a while though, probably been ousted for being nice (I know someone who knows of at least 3 police people that have been forced out for being nice).


Yeah yeah Grant & Old git, you lads and your nads.

I think you missed the point about my reply it was more about LDV's views on society that what people think of the police

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I'm still trying to equate a self confessed 'anarchist' working for victim support.


Why are you having trouble? With some specific exceptions I view crime as something as terrible as anybody else. Theft (from your own class), muggings, burglaries, abuse, domestic violence, assault. They are all awful.


It is of course pure speculation on your part that she and/or her boyfiend were 'victims' or that the police acted innappropriately. I suspect your confessed 'hatred' of the police is clouding your opinion, and making you, frankly, talk bollocks.


Talk bollocks? I may have been trolling slightly without realising it because the likelihood is slim that the girl was the subject of force before she kicked out. But I have a different understanding of the police from the liberal democratic norm so it does 'cloud' my understandings.


LDV - Take a look at the headlines today and you will see that a man has been charged with GBH with intent on a copper.

What happens if the copper asks for help from Victim Support and in the highly unlikely event, you are designated to provide some care for that victim?


On duty or off duty? I would be happy to provide support for an off-duty officer. If on-duty I don't think I could do it, especially as I see the police and the state as part of the problem and not the solution to crime. But as far as I am aware the police receive support from within and not from VS.


you are interfering with the state honouring its side of the bargain to maintain law and order, keeping you and I safe. That is the bargain.


If you believe that the state and police exist to reduce and prevent crime then your argument makes complete sense, I don't agree with it, but from what you say it is probably the reason why it is viewed more seriously.

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LDV - Exactly what do you mean when you say that theft from your own class is awful? Are you saying if a drugged up chav burgles the house of a well to do person, that is ok because the person being burgled deserves it or something?


Newsflash! Not all rich people were born with silver spoons in their mouth, some have actually worked very hard to get what they have and regardless of class, theft is theft.

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I'm still trying to equate a self confessed 'anarchist' working for victim support.


Why are you having trouble? With some specific exceptions I view crime as something as terrible as anybody else. Theft (from your own class), muggings, burglaries, abuse, domestic violence, assault. They are all awful.


It is of course pure speculation on your part that she and/or her boyfiend were 'victims' or that the police acted innappropriately. I suspect your confessed 'hatred' of the police is clouding your opinion, and making you, frankly, talk bollocks.


Talk bollocks? I may have been trolling slightly without realising it because the likelihood is slim that the girl was the subject of force before she kicked out. But I have a different understanding of the police from the liberal democratic norm so it does 'cloud' my understandings.


LDV - Take a look at the headlines today and you will see that a man has been charged with GBH with intent on a copper.

What happens if the copper asks for help from Victim Support and in the highly unlikely event, you are designated to provide some care for that victim?


On duty or off duty? I would be happy to provide support for an off-duty officer. If on-duty I don't think I could do it, especially as I see the police and the state as part of the problem and not the solution to crime. But as far as I am aware the police receive support from within and not from VS.


you are interfering with the state honouring its side of the bargain to maintain law and order, keeping you and I safe. That is the bargain.


If you believe that the state and police exist to reduce and prevent crime then your argument makes complete sense, I don't agree with it, but from what you say it is probably the reason why it is viewed more seriously.


Crikey! With your warped outlook on life, I struggle to think what use you would be providing a victim with support. I dread to think what your true thoughts would be if a wealthy person was a crime victim or a shopkeeper who had been subjected to theft came and sought expert help from you.

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LDV, How are the Police part of the problem? In all honesty are you stating that it is because of the Police that a person commits crime?


If that’s the case then you are sadly very confused. You see as far as I was aware, a person commits a crime because they CHOOSE to, yes plain and simple they express their own desire and make a CHOICE.


What ever their circumstances, there social level, their dreams etc etc.. they made the CHOICE to commit a crime.


You can argue the whole law system, justice etc etc for ever and a day. But it was put in place to form society, for without law, structure or confines upon negative behavior would any of what we enjoy today exist?

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LDV - Exactly what do you mean when you say that theft from your own class is awful? Are you saying if a drugged up chav burgles the house of a well to do person, that is ok because the person being burgled deserves it or something?


Not deserves it. But the rich do not deserve their riches and such a theft would be an equalisation of wealth.


Newsflash! Not all rich people were born with silver spoons in their mouth, some have actually worked very hard to get what they have and regardless of class, theft is theft.


Some people do work hard, but this should not entitle them to riches. Because we live in a capitalist society the gains they make are in ownership of property, ownership means that such things are not shared so someone can continue to amass more and more and leave others with less and less. From an anarchist perspective the ownership of property is theft, theft from the whole of society. Besides ownership of wealth and property is not proportionate to the amount of work put in by its owner.


Crikey! With your warped outlook on life, I struggle to think what use you would be providing a victim with support. I dread to think what your true thoughts would be if a wealthy person was a crime victim or a shopkeeper who had been subjected to theft came and sought expert help from you.


Warped? Nothing warped about my outlook on life, I just put more emphasis on matters such as freedom, in doing so my way of viewing many aspects of society is different to those who are often oblivious or do not care as much about their freedoms.


But I would not offer support to a business as VS do not offer such services for obvious reasons. A shopkeeper would be a clear victim if their livelihood depended on their business, but if VS were allowed to offer a small retailer a service I could not do it given the role that such a business takes in capitalist system.

And I would not be willing to offer support to someone who was Middle Class (in the Marxist sense) if they had something stolen from them. I would be a hypocrit to do so.


Don't struggle though, I do not have to endorse the role of the police or the legal system in doing my job. My job is to listen, provide practical support and this involves recognises the IMPACT of the crime on the victim.


LDV, How are the Police part of the problem? In all honesty are you stating that it is because of the Police that a person commits crime?


I don't want to write reams but I would be happy to do so in private or recommend anarchist works. But to be as brief as possible the police are used to clean up the mess that the existence of the State creates. Ownership of property creates inequality and authority of the State conflicts with the human need for freedom. The State is there to sanction ownership of property and then uses to police to maintain it. To what extent is debatable, but this inequality and unjustified authority leads to most crime being committed.


People have free will, but why should people respect property rights when such rights amount to theft and why respect the authority of the State when such authority cannot be adequately justified if freedom is of any value to people. And then there are the other products of inequality and barriers to freedom which lead to serious anti-social behaviour, anger and resentment.


But it was put in place to form society, for without law, structure or confines upon negative behavior would any of what we enjoy today exist?


The modern State was put in place to protect people from the work they were doing. It also grew to take a role in allowing property ownership and protecting that property. People do not need the State, a legal system or the police to have a society.

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