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Pregnant Woman Spared Prison - Mr Story


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Not deserves it. But the rich do not deserve their riches and such a theft would be an equalisation of wealth.



You dickhead!


Why should some-one who has worked hard to 'feather their pillow' deserve to get robbed by some scum bag?



Why should a family who has had generations of wealth passed down to them to have a 'priceless to them' heirloom nicked by a scrote for drugs?



You utter utter cock! I had Keyboarder down as being the biggest troll here. She is occasionally very funny.




Next you'll be telling me that lowlife chav scum bags can keep illegal breeds of dog because it hasn't bitten anyone yet and it wears sunglasses.


You cock!













Bugger I've bitten haven't I? Felt good though!

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Given that every society on the planet has started off with anarchy, and all have developed some sort of government or authority structure, believing in anarchy is a bit like believing that it should be sunny every day. Arguably a nice idea, but deluded.


With saying that you really do not understand what anarchism is, anarchism does not mean no government of things whatever. Not every society on the planet has been anarchist at all. And the fact that an authority structure has developed does not vindicate the modern system nor assure its continuing existence.

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LDV, you are a f****** cock! As I said in reply to your post, not all rich people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, some work hard and reap the rewards of their efforts. Compared to some people on this island, you are probably rich, so if i see you lying in the gutter covered in your own blood after being mugged, excuse me while i step over you.


I am better off than some people and some people are better off than me, doesn't mean that I am committing burglary or theft whenever i can because i feel aggrieved at some-one elses wealth, just as if some-one tried to justify stealing from me because i had more than them, they would find a size 11 boot up their arse and you would probably have another VS client, ie, them.


Personally, if i am ever a victim of one of these pieces of scum you seem to adore, i'd sooner seek retribution rather than have you spout your PC bulls*** at me!

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With saying that you really do not understand what anarchism is, anarchism does not mean no government of things whatever. Not every society on the planet has been anarchist at all. And the fact that an authority structure has developed does not vindicate the modern system nor assure its continuing existence.


Every society, by definition, HAS begun with anarchy. I realise however that you are referring to the political philosophies rather than the dictionary definition, and you're probably more up to speed on the philosophies than I am. However, the political philisophies are, in a very simple nutshell, 'no authority but everyone has to agree to be nice to each other, ok?', and I maintain that is is deluded.


Of course these philosophies are very much open to debate, and can be further expanded upon (and you will probably try to do that in as many threads as possible that touch upon the subject of laws that you don't agree with, much in the same way as certain people whinge about the nanny state in every other thread), but it doesn't change the fact that kicking people in the nuts is pretty damn naughty, regardless of your political leanings.

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LDV, you are a f****** cock! As I said in reply to your post, not all rich people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, some work hard and reap the rewards of their efforts. Compared to some people on this island, you are probably rich, so if i see you lying in the gutter covered in your own blood after being mugged, excuse me while i step over you.


I am better off than some people and some people are better off than me, doesn't mean that I am committing burglary or theft whenever i can because i feel aggrieved at some-one elses wealth, just as if some-one tried to justify stealing from me because i had more than them, they would find a size 11 boot up their arse and you would probably have another VS client, ie, them.


Personally, if i am ever a victim of one of these pieces of scum you seem to adore, i'd sooner seek retribution rather than have you spout your PC bulls*** at me!


PC bull****? Oh dear, you really haven't got a clue have you? Shall we test your intelligence by asking how anarchist politics can be equated with political correctness? And the fact that I adore scum, what are you talking about? The scum are the rich.


I have explained my position enough and all I shall do to reiterate is to refer to the fact that when I am talking about the wealthy and rich I am talking about the middle classes (in the Marxist sense). It is not about robbing your boss because he earns a lot more than you or something similar. Stealing from your own class is a deplorable.


But the idiotic and badly thought out idea that you and Bananaman seem to have that wealth and riches are related to how hard one has worked is complete shite. For example, You can have a labourer working their arse off every day 9 hours a day for most of their life and then have someone who is an entrepreneur that has some great business ideas but works to nowehere near as hard or as long. Now in our society it is far more likely that the businessmen gets rich. He may end up with millions whereas the labourer just gets by. What does hard work have to do this accruing of wealth??? And this example is the reality of our world.


You dickhead!


Why should some-one who has worked hard to 'feather their pillow' deserve to get robbed by some scum bag?

Why should a family who has had generations of wealth passed down to them to have a 'priceless to them' heirloom nicked by a scrote for drugs?

You utter utter cock! I had Keyboarder down as being the biggest troll here. She is occasionally very funny.

Next you'll be telling me that lowlife chav scum bags can keep illegal breeds of dog because it hasn't bitten anyone yet and it wears sunglasses.

You cock!

Bugger I've bitten haven't I? Felt good though!


I am not trolling! Go and read something about anarchism and you will find that I am quite sincere in how I understand things. I know this is the Isle of Man and as much of a lovely place it is the political environment is so completely conventional and quite conservative that I can understand the shock, anger, dismay and confusion caused by my explanations of what socialism is.


But you are only a few clicks away from a website where you can read about anarchism and it may explain things in far better way than I could.


When I think that there are homeless people thrown out of their homes because they cannot pay for a roof above their head (maybe they lost their job) and then in contrast you have someone whose wealth adds up to millions of pounds, who has bought large areas of land (preventing others using it), purchased housing to charge rent (and rent is a travesty in itself), and owns a house on the Isle of Man and maybe one in Italy and Spain too then yeah I hope that homeless person squats in his unused home and robs his money.

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Every society, by definition, HAS begun with anarchy. I realise however that you are referring to the political philosophies rather than the dictionary definition, and you're probably more up to speed on the philosophies than I am. However, the political philisophies are, in a very simple nutshell, 'no authority but everyone has to agree to be nice to each other, ok?', and I maintain that is is deluded.


Authority does not force or influence people to be nice to each other? Quite the opposite because authority has to justify itself, except to those who are too indoctrinated, and when it can't people fight against it.


Dictionary definition? Are you talking about anarchy in the sense of chaos? This is not political anarchism at all.


Of course these philosophies are very much open to debate, and can be further expanded upon (and you will probably try to do that in as many threads as possible that touch upon the subject of laws that you don't agree with, much in the same way as certain people whinge about the nanny state in every other thread), but it doesn't change the fact that kicking people in the nuts is pretty damn naughty, regardless of your political leanings.


It is naughty. All I was saying and this might actually be something I was trolling about considering that she does sound like a troubled person or just bad news, without realising it, was just that this officer might have been forceful to this girl before she kicked him, in which case it is not necessarily her fault and that she could have done the right thing. It is just that we do not know the facts at all. It simply isn't good enough to say that kicking a policeman about is bad full stop. It is fair game to respond to violence or force against someone who has just been violent to you. And there are plenty of instances of where the police has used force (simply in arrests) against the innocent or for crimes that should not be crimes or where the authority of the police has been challenged.


But to get back to things I think that she did a stupid thing. If you kick a policeman you are in the shit! She should have had the forethought to recognise that, though maybe she was pissed and wanted to protect her boyfriend. I can maybe understand but it wasn't wise at all.

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So define wealth? If a boat load of Africans arrive in Douglas, you are wealthy compared to them so by your own ramblings, they have every right to steal from you. As for my intelligence, yes, i am very intelligent, thank you. I am not ashamed of the fact I earn good money, i work bloody hard for it and funded my own way through uni', post grad' etc without resorting to theft. I also give a considerable amount to charity but that isn't to appease people like you. I would also kick the s*** out of some-one i caught stealing from me regardless of their class.


So if you are a student of the Marxist way of thinking, can you tell me which is still alive and kicking today? Marxism or capitalism? Anarchist politics! What are you getting for Christmas? Box set of The Young Ones?

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Dictionary definition? Are you talking about anarchy in the sense of chaos? This is not political anarchism at all.


Chaos is one of the definitions, but there are other, more relevant ones:



   /ˈænərki/ [an-er-kee]


1. a state of society without government or law.

2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy.

3. a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.

4. confusion; chaos; disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith.



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Dictionary definition? Are you talking about anarchy in the sense of chaos? This is not political anarchism at all.


Chaos is one of the definitions, but there are other, more relevant ones:



   /ˈænərki/ [an-er-kee]


1. a state of society without government or law.

2. political and social disorder due to the absence of governmental control: The death of the king was followed by a year of anarchy.

3. a theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society.

4. confusion; chaos; disorder: Intellectual and moral anarchy followed his loss of faith.




Number three is what I am talking about.


So define wealth? If a boat load of Africans arrive in Douglas, you are wealthy compared to them so by your own ramblings, they have every right to steal from you. As for my intelligence, yes, i am very intelligent, thank you. I am not ashamed of the fact I earn good money, i work bloody hard for it and funded my own way through uni', post grad' etc without resorting to theft. I also give a considerable amount to charity but that isn't to appease people like you. I would also kick the s*** out of some-one i caught stealing from me regardless of their class.


So if you are a student of the Marxist way of thinking, can you tell me which is still alive and kicking today? Marxism or capitalism? Anarchist politics! What are you getting for Christmas? Box set of The Young Ones?


I am using the term rich and wealthy to avoid having to use terms such as middle class and employing class which could add more confusion.


From my ramblings I do not mean anything of the sort. I am working class and I assume they are too. If I earn £20,000 and you earned £80,000 I would recognise that you are paid too much regardless of what you do but if you NEED that money to live off and could not support yourself without having to work then you are as working class as I am. I would be in the wrong for stealing off you.


The fact that one is wealthier than the other is not the issue. But when it gets to the wealthy and rich, i.e. the middle classes, it is a different situation.


Which is still alive? Neither in reality. There has never been a truly communist state and nor does capitalism exist as it is supposed to. It is convenient to the call the West capitalist but what you actually have are some corporate national states. The Soviet Union was only different because of the size of its government and the control it had.


The Young Ones? Are you talking about punk?

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Is it just me or is this what most people think about when they read a post by LDV?




That was funny, but he wasn't my favourite of the Young Ones.


Will you at least look up terms such as conventional wisdom, false consciousness, class consciousness, but most importantly system justification?









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Will you at least look up terms such as conventional wisdom, false consciousness, class consciousness, but most importantly system justification?










Why the fuck would anyone want to to that?


If you want to analyse states of conciousness I'd suggest maybe starting with Descartes rather that crappy links to wiki ....

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Why the fuck would anyone want to to that?


If you want to analyse states of conciousness I'd suggest maybe starting with Descartes rather that crappy links to wiki ....


Now you mention Descartes! All you have done previously was not to argue with what I was saying but to insult me. I wondered if the phenonmenon of system justification was something you were demonstrating, but I didn't realise how intelligent you really are.


Apparently anarchy is posting on a low volume internet forum, aren’t we all wild? I’ll bring down government, royalty, society, and wildlife through the medium of font.


We are! And I hope so, it is an additional avenue, but I don't expect to educate and convert all forums members, but it might elicit some interest, though that is not why I am explaining myself.

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