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Now you mention Descartes! All you have done previously was not to argue with what I was saying but to insult me. I wondered if the phenonmenon of system justification was something you were demonstrating, but I didn't realise how intelligent you really are.


You realy are very, very tiresome. I wonder how long you can keep this up for?

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We are! And I hope so, it is an additional avenue, but I don't expect to educate and convert all forums members, but it might elicit some interest, though that is not why I am explaining myself.


Ok, I'm converted. Shall we meet at 12:30pm outside The Alpine? I reckon we can have brought down society by tea time.

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We are! And I hope so, it is an additional avenue, but I don't expect to educate and convert all forums members, but it might elicit some interest, though that is not why I am explaining myself.


Ok, I'm converted. Shall we meet at 12:30pm outside The Alpine? I reckon we can have brought down society by tea time.


Being 14 my Mum wouldn't let me out that late Mojo. Sorry.


You realy are very, very tiresome. I wonder how long you can keep this up for?


I am sorry you find it tiresome. I would have genuinely of much preferred some form of debate and then you could have refuted my arguments piece by piece if you could. If I am so arrogant and sanctomonius I would have been interested to hear why and why you take such offence of my views.

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We are! And I hope so, it is an additional avenue, but I don't expect to educate and convert all forums members, but it might elicit some interest, though that is not why I am explaining myself.


Ok, I'm converted. Shall we meet at 12:30pm outside The Alpine? I reckon we can have brought down society by tea time.


Being 14 my Mum wouldn't let me out that late Mojo. Sorry.


It's anarchy, kill your mother and death to the system. Is 12:30pm too late, how about 1:00pm? Society needs to be brought down and I don't think half an hour should stand in the way. Comrade, the ball is in your court.

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If I am so arrogant and sanctomonius I would have been interested to hear why and why you take such offence of my views.


I've told you why several times and so have other people - there is no point in structuring a debate with you as a tsunami of shite is unleashed and 3 extra pages get added to any thread for no use or reason. Its like being an adult arguing with a 10 year old who is trying hard to appear clever in front of a class of 10 year olds.


Who else would be pretencious enough to suggest that I read a Wiki article on false conciousness?



You might as well type "By the way I'm a pretencious twat" in red at the top of your post!

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It's anarchy, kill your mother and death to the system. Is 12:30pm too late, how about 1:00pm? Society needs to be brought down and I don't think half an hour should stand in the way. Comrade, the ball is in your court.


Hahaha, well I would have to catch a boat over. I am in Salford but you are getting me excited, if we can do it together on the Island there is hope for the world over.


there is no point in structuring a debate with you as a tsunami of shite is unleashed and 3 extra pages get added to any thread for no use or reason. Its like being an adult arguing with a 10 year old who is trying hard to appear clever in front of a class of 10 year olds.


A tsunami of shite? You mean stuff you disagree with? As to the size of my posts, they do get epic, but then when people like you misunderstand what I am trying to say, such as your misunderstandings of what I think of people on the dole and the value of work, and I am left to having to write reams to bring it to the basics. I would happily private you, but I don't think the issue is as much about my ruining debate but about you disagreeing with. I will take writing shorter posts into advisement.


You might as well type "By the way I'm a pretencious wanker" in red at the top of your post!


It is getting a bit tit for tat, you are demonstrating just as much arrogance in ridiculing my views without proper debate. I see that as you being on the assumtion that you think your views are better or more correct. Anyway...I'm off it's degenerating in a bit of a slanging match.

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I would happily private you, but I don't think the issue is as much about my ruining debate but about you disagreeing with. I will take writing shorter posts into advisement.


You realy are very, very tiresome. I wonder how long you can keep this up for? (again)


I am in Salford


So your not even at a proper Uni?

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FFS LDV, I have just looked at your posting times on the forum and I am wondering about your welfare/life balance/mental health.


If you are a student at Salford Uni, then what on earth are you doing constantly thrapping away over your laptop on a Friday evening when you could be out having fun, socialising or meeting up with other folk your age?


Here is some advice....if you do choose to venture into a bar/pub/stripjoint etc, talk about footy, beer, sex, footy, etc and you will be fine. Start going on about Rene Descartes and Socrates and there is every likelihood you will be frantically phoning Victim Support after your release from A and E.


Let us all know how you get on. x

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FFS LDV, I have just looked at your posting times on the forum and I am wondering about your welfare/life balance/mental health.


If you are a student at Salford Uni, then what on earth are you doing constantly thrapping away over your laptop on a Friday evening when you could be out having fun, socialising or meeting up with other folk your age?


Here is some advice....if you do choose to venture into a bar/pub/stripjoint etc, talk about footy, beer, sex, footy, etc and you will be fine. Start going on about Rene Descartes and Socrates and there is every likelihood you will be frantically phoning Victim Support after your release from A and E.


Let us all know how you get on. x


Thanks Wake Up Call, nah don't worry about me, I am a student at uni but also working full-time.

I got my arse out last night and was out till the late morning clubbing, given how I feel my mental welfare health isn't so good now. But I don't think I would have got very far talking about footy in the club I went to last night, hehe, besides too loud. But like I said I not trying to post on here to hijack the thread and convert people.

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