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Dna Database Breaches Human Rights


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do you think that Liberal-Demoncrary would work in reversing the issues that blight the UK today?

er...the UK is a liberal democracy, ask any of the party's. It doesn't mean that the lib dems have to be in charge for it to be so, if that's what you are inferring.

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Thats not what I am saying, It seems that the UK esp is completey screwed up, starting from the bottom and work your way up. I could list for hours just the Social issues of Inner City Life.


So your Liberal Democratic Government has not done too well.


I just advocate tighter security and that a database holding all out DNA date in a secure and well controlled manner is not a bad thing.

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So your Liberal Democratic Government has not done too well.


I just advocate tighter security and that a database holding all out DNA date in a secure and well controlled manner is not a bad thing.

er...you mean like they do in Europe (not), where they don't have nearly half the problems the UK has, and none of the fascist bullshit we are getting thrown at us.


You (and NuShite) are talking about dealing with the symptoms not the causes. Not dealing with the causes is the bulk of the problem in the UK.


Why not pack your bags and go and live in China, Zimbabwe or North Korea if you like that sort of thing.

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I agree they are all symptoms of Social problems, but its still these Symptoms that effect our lives a lot more than just having our DNA details on a database.


Infact due to being a both a organ and blood donor I am sure my details are already on similar lists, the effect of this on my life, has so far been receiving the odd letter telling me they need my blood group.


The issues in China, Congo and Korea are nothing to do with a DNA Database.


Or did you just tell me to get the boat in the morning? :lol:

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Prisoners 'not on DNA database'


A "substantial number" of the most serious offenders in Britain's prisons, including murderers and rapists, are not on the DNA database.


Home Secretary Jacqui Smith says she will close the loophole which means they can be freed without their DNA being added to the database.


She also proposed changes to stop under-10s' DNA being stored.


The database is controversial because people who have never even been charged with an offence can be put on it.


Ms Smith insisted that a recent European court ruling against holding the DNA of people not convicted of any crime would not "undermine" Britain's DNA database.


But she added: "We will consult on bringing greater flexibility and fairness into the system - a differentiated approach possibly based on age, or on risk, or on the nature of the offences could be retained."


The last bit is ace - Postcode Minority Report :ph34r:

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Security should only trump liberty in times of war


Even in times of war I disagree with liberties being overridden.


I just advocate tighter security and that a database holding all out DNA date in a secure and well controlled manner is not a bad thing.


Wait a sec, you don't just think tha the DNA of people who have previously committed crimes should be destroyed but rather that the government should hold EVERYONE's DNA?


I agree they are all symptoms of Social problems, but its still these Symptoms that effect our lives a lot more than just having our DNA details on a database.


You have lost me a bit now, why do you want the DNA details being kept, what do you want to see happen with the information?

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Wait a sec, you don't just think tha the DNA of people who have previously committed crimes should be destroyed but rather that the government should hold EVERYONE's DNA?


You've missed the point. The case revolves around DNA records being taken and retained in respect of people who have been arrested, and then either been charged and found Not Guilty, or not charged at all.


It's not about criminals' DNA.



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Wait a sec, you don't just think tha the DNA of people who have previously committed crimes should be destroyed but rather that the government should hold EVERYONE's DNA?


You've missed the point. The case revolves around DNA records being taken and retained in respect of people who have been arrested, and then either been charged and found Not Guilty, or not charged at all.


It's not about criminals' DNA.


Aah ok, I was under the impression that it was about the DNA of ex-criminals. If what you say above is the issue then keeping this DNA can be justified at all. The State has absolutely no right to it. (Sorry must have been lazy and not read into this enough).

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