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The Future Of Farming

manx maid

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Agreed. I know Tesco is very busy but make it difficult for them and they'll just walk away and concentrate on places with vastly larger catchment areas and less hassle.


I hope they do. Now I know that any VAT I pay is not even contributing to our economy I won't be shiopping there in future. Its a shame other people won't do the same.


juan wattason is starting to sound like a cock, well with that comment he is,

woulden he be better in asking why tescos arent allowed to open a fuel station here!!!!!


And am i mistaken in thinking that tescos employ a lot of ppl in the island,


And pot kettel black springs to mind, thay offer uk companys cheap tax to move here so there takeing tax of other goverments, same thing aint it,

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And am i mistaken in thinking that tescos employ a lot of ppl in the island,


Every employer employs people. All I said was that I am glad that Juan pointed the VAT position out because as a consumer its helped me make a choice. If I pay VAT on certain goods and the IOM does not get its share of that VAT to spend on public services etc then I don't want to shop there. Its my choice. I am, however, glad Juan raised the issue.


All these companies jerk off by pretending to be 'local companies' and in this case clearly they are not doing much for the local economy other than taking our money and employing a few people. I suppose though that they do stick a few overpriced Manx cheeses by the door to keep up the pretence that they want to promote local produce!

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This is the box we all live in. The fact is that I am paying taxes to allow lots of people in a completely uncompetitive industry to carry on as they are. Farmers can start bleating when you are on the PAYING end of the relationship, not the SPONGING end

Isn't the above based totally on the bogus assumption that farmers do nothing? You don't even know where the box is, let alone what's in it.

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Once again, triskelion has a pop, but there's no substance there. I like it, because I know I piss him off no end.


And no, you tit, it's not based on the assumption that farmers do nothing. It's based on the assumption that the farming industry in its current form will never be able to turn a profit without subsidy. I'd be delighted to be proven wrong, because that will of course mean that they shouldn't be getting the subsidy anyway.


Over to you, brains. once again, I'm waiting to be wowed by your expertise

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Practice what you preach sonny,now go back to frying your burgers.....



A Route 66 cheeseburger is made from Manx beef, Manx cheese and a bap from Pat-a-cake bakers made from Manx flour


Should you want to eat spuds & herrin you would have to import the herring from Norway like we do for the kippers


Why don't you call into the shop and I'll give you some Afterburners sauce to rub on your bell end.

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Once again, triskelion has a pop, but there's no substance there. I like it, because I know I piss him off no end.


And no, you tit, it's not based on the assumption that farmers do nothing. It's based on the assumption that the farming industry in its current form will never be able to turn a profit without subsidy. I'd be delighted to be proven wrong, because that will of course mean that they shouldn't be getting the subsidy anyway.


Over to you, brains. once again, I'm waiting to be wowed by your expertise

Haha, your efforts are far too amaturish to infuriate me. Tatlock and droid do so, but they usually bring something considerably more substantive to the table than 'I don't think farmers should be paid subsidies on the basis that I don't want my taxes to go to them.'


'Kay, point one, land management is a service farmers provide. Otherwise it'd all go to scrub, which benefits no one and raises the potential for vermin infestations and fires. Yes, yes more productive use could be found for the land than keeping it 'farmable,' (at least in straightforward economic value terms) but there are only so many hideous estates we can build. In the meantime, I don't think its unreasonable that farmers receive some compensation for this service, even if only that it keeps the Island much nicer-looking. Again, yes this could probably be handled by a much smaller number of farmers, but as Chinahand said up-thread, a contraction in numbers is likely anyway.


Point two, the payments system has been revised on the very basis that the system of farming on the Island needs to change, so you aren't exactly a step ahead here, so you can give the whole 'One day you will all realise I am right,' routine a rest.


Point three, the farming industry could turn a profit without subsidy, but that would require the rest of the developed world to stop subsidising as well. Thus the issue is a great deal more to do with the structure of the market than the structure of the industry. There are indeed flaws in the industry's structure, but these are predominantly the result of petrification brought about with the regulatory approach taken towards the market and industry by Governments.


Point four, these changes should have come in a long time ago, but there was no point acting until the EU had decided what is was doing and the difficulties negotiating the CAP are well-known.

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triskelion theres no point in giveing the reasons even if it ment life and death, some ppl can only see whats in front of them,


thats all thay want to see, and 90% of the public only see farmers getting paid cash for northing,


thay cant see the reason behind it, the fact that its because of them makes it even worse as why subs are paid,


makeing the public see the big pic is like getting blood out of a stone!!!!!!!

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Am I reading this right, the farmers are being paid for NOT farming?


If thats the case, why would that be?

Is it to prevent supplies of Manx goods to our stores, so that there's more imports?




You are reading this right..... The farmers will be paid NOT to farm - the less they produce, the more the government will pay (Your tax and mine) they do have to keep the countryside cared for though :P


Why indeed would that be? :rolleyes:


well not really true is it, there not told if u farm 100 sheep we give u £1000, if u farm 10 sheep will give you £10000,


No but they are being told that in order to qualify for payments under Countryside Care Scheme all they need to do is maintain the land in a condition where it could be brought back into production the following calendar year. So if you were to get paid your wages for doing just the bare minimum, what would YOU do.... ?


I would like the local farmers to keep producing high quality local food and I don't think this government proposal encourages this.

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I didn't realise that were that many farmers on the island to claim the £11.000..or will that include all the gentlemen :rolleyes: farmers who've sold land to the islands largest builder at a GINORMOUSE profit :rolleyes:


My guess is that there will only be a few claiming just £11,000 - most will be claiming more than that and and some will be doubling their foreign holidays with their new found wealth.


I would be interested to know how much stock has been exported this year, by farmers who realised that with just land to maintain, their pockets would still be FULL. :huh:

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I didn't realise that were that many farmers on the island to claim the £11.000..or will that include all the gentlemen :rolleyes: farmers who've sold land to the islands largest builder at a GINORMOUSE profit :rolleyes:


My guess is that there will only be a few claiming just £11,000 - most will be claiming more than that and and some will be doubling their foreign holidays with their new found wealth.


I would be interested to know how much stock has been exported this year, by farmers who realised that with just land to maintain, their pockets would still be FULL. :huh:


well theres noboody just sold up all there cattle,

but i would say on avarge theres prob 20-40 cattle a week getting shipped to the uk,


this new way of subs will only last 3 years, then it will go back to the old way,

england is prob changeing back to the old way soon

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I didn't realise that were that many farmers on the island to claim the £11.000..or will that include all the gentlemen :rolleyes: farmers who've sold land to the islands largest builder at a GINORMOUSE profit :rolleyes:


My guess is that there will only be a few claiming just £11,000 - most will be claiming more than that and and some will be doubling their foreign holidays with their new found wealth.


I would be interested to know how much stock has been exported this year, by farmers who realised that with just land to maintain, their pockets would still be FULL. :huh:


well theres noboody just sold up all there cattle,

but i would say on avarge theres prob 20-40 cattle a week getting shipped to the uk,


this new way of subs will only last 3 years, then it will go back to the old way,

england is prob changeing back to the old way soon


I have a friend who works at the abattoir - says they are slaughtering a lot of animals which in previous years would be used for breeding - higher levels than in previous years. Opinion is there will be lot less livestock on the island in future.


Is it morally right that farmers will be paid not to produce food when there are kids starving to death in Africa? that was a question i heard and i think its something that we should all consider!!

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If I could just go sideways here.


Not coming down in support of any options/positions but just a personal observation.


Early last year, I picked up a kitten from the mother of a Manx farming family.

Anyway we got talking about various things including lambs and the prices they achieved.


I have previous knowledge and experience of the prices in part of the UK from the late eighties.


I was staggered that the prices that were being achieved now, here, were almost the same as they were so long ago elsewhere.


Like I said just an observation.

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