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[BBC News] Inmates raise funds for homeless


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Are there many homeless on the Island? Bit shocked that there are any to be honest, very sad. Would be interested to know what efforts the State makes in getting these people back on their feet.

a lot of the 'homeless' are there by choice, they won't take the help and won't do what is necessary to keep themselves under a roof. if you can't keep your public sector house in a state of cleanliness and tidyness above a level that makes them want to evict you, you don't deserve the house. same if your the neighbour from hell. anyway, a tent is a home, give em tents and move them all to sulby claddaghs.

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Some homeless are there through no choice of their own, rather by decisions taken by capitalist institutions and their vulnerability to market forces. Others are just druggies and deserve no sympathy.

Prisoners respond to approaches from warders to act for a worthy cause, why not, nothing else to do. The idea they are doing it through any kind of altruism is laughable, rather a need to kiss arse and gain brownie points from the screws.

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a lot of the 'homeless' are there by choice, they won't take the help and won't do what is necessary to keep themselves under a roof. if you can't keep your public sector house in a state of cleanliness and tidyness above a level that makes them want to evict you, you don't deserve the house. same if your the neighbour from hell. anyway, a tent is a home, give em tents and move them all to sulby claddaghs.


You are probably just trolling here, are you really that cold-hearted? If they do not look after their public sector home they should be turfed out into the street? IF you really believe that I would welcome the idea of having you on the streets to see what it is like for a while. If people are not tidy or clean that is their business, if such uncleanliness attracts rats and vermin and becomes a problem for others in the area then move them somewhere else away from others, but do not put them on the streets. They are entitled to a roof about their heads as much as anyone else.


Some homeless are there through no choice of their own, rather by decisions taken by capitalist institutions and their vulnerability to market forces. Others are just druggies and deserve no sympathy.


I completely agree with the first part but in talking about druggies I think sympathy is deserved because someone has to be well and truly hooked and dependent on drugs to risk losing their home over it.


Prisoners respond to approaches from warders to act for a worthy cause, why not, nothing else to do. The idea they are doing it through any kind of altruism is laughable, rather a need to kiss arse and gain brownie points from the screws.


Again, I completely agree with you but for different reasons. It might be something to do to spend their time but such efforts are unlikely to be the product of some 'social spirit' or some wish to do good. I mean, why would they want to contribute ANYTHING to a society that locks them up and denies them their freedom? And may have locked them up for something that they think is not wrong, such as drug taking or dealing. If recognises that society deals with its problems i.e. the people who commit crimes, by hiding them away then such people are unlikely to have goods thoughts about society. But at least they are doing something useful and doing good work rather than being idle.

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