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[BBC News] Isle of Man's 'free' street party


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Surely it's more hypocritical to expect the government to be protecting human rights and, on the other hand, be calling for the (presumably) violent overthrow of the state. You can't have it both ways.


You are right about that, it would be if on the one hand I want there to be state that protects rights and on the other want it destroyed. But I was pointing to the hypocrisy if the government organise such a party. I am not so much interested in human rights as such things give the impression of abilities and permissions that have been given to the people by their Kings or governments, because they did not have these things before. But when you are talking about freedom of expression and freedom of speech for example, such things should be expected in society, not be seen to be allowed and then protected by the state. Yet given that capitalism and liberalism has arguably created such phenonema that have impinged on people's freedoms, such as racism and homophobia, it is better to have a body that can protect people from the effects of capitalism. But then you need to get rid of capitalism and the state.

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Surely it's more hypocritical to expect the government to be protecting human rights and, on the other hand, be calling for the (presumably) violent overthrow of the state. You can't have it both ways.


You are right about that, it would be if on the one hand I want there to be state that protects rights and on the other want it destroyed. But I was pointing to the hypocrisy if the government organise such a party. I am not so much interested in human rights as such things give the impression of abilities and permissions that have been given to the people by their Kings or governments, because they did not have these things before. But when you are talking about freedom of expression and freedom of speech for example, such things should be expected in society, not be seen to be allowed and then protected by the state. Yet given that capitalism and liberalism has arguably created such phenonema that have impinged on people's freedoms, such as racism and homophobia, it is better to have a body that can protect people from the effects of capitalism. But then you need to get rid of capitalism and the state.


Are you for real?! Do you REALLY believe in anarchy?

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Are you for real?! Do you REALLY believe in anarchy?


Well yes, I am an anarchist and part of the IWW, I am inclined to think that anarchism as set-up in anarcho-communism is achievable, it has worked before, but I am not sure when it will come about if it ever will, but even if it is not possible to remove all forms of unjustifiable authority it should still be worked towards to reduce to power of these authorities. In my view, what is commonly called capitalism or the system that operates today HAS to go and so does the State. This is only achievable in anarchism or communism, but the latter will I think lead to an ever bigger state before as it did in the Soviet Union.

But why are you surprised by me really believing in the viability of anarchism, there has to be something better than the current system? What do you believe in, out of interest?

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Well yes, I am an anarchist and part of the IWW, I am inclined to think that anarchism as set-up in anarcho-communism is achievable, it has worked before, ............

But why are you surprised by me really believing in the viability of anarchism, there has to be something better than the current system? What do you believe in, out of interest?

Amazing an anarchist who takes money from the state (and possibly his parents who are part of the oppressive capitalist system), becomes part of the trends of society i.e. goes to uni to do some degree he will never use, from the picture we see you like to join in with capitalist festivities by spending spare cash on costumes and make up when you could donate it to the homeless. LDV if you are such a commited anarchist then why are you conforming to what the capitalist society expects of you, shouldn't you be out there in some small oppressed nation helping them to achieve a socialist ideal. It's about time you either pissed or got off the pot, if you believe in it so much go do something about it.

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In my view, what is commonly called capitalism or the system that operates today HAS to go and so does the State.


The State has to go ... but not until its paid your grant and funded your education LDV? Then if you choose not to work in this oppressive capitalist society maybe you'll still want the State there to pay your benefits too so you don't have to dirty your hands working in a system you despise.


The hypocracy-meter is now off the scale.

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You are a dull cunt.


It happens when you get asked dull questions, I would much rather talk about the topic than give an ABC to people who can't be arsed reading about what they want to criticise. But maybe I should be glad of the attention.


It's about time you either pissed or got off the pot, if you believe in it so much go do something about it.


From your line of thinking because I am an anarchist that means I have to eschew every connection to capitalism, I mean please use your brains here, I live in an capitalist society, it is impossible for me to stop using money, accept wages, avoid paying rent, avoid paying taxes, etc. Your argument would also render communists to be hypocrites.


The State has to go ... but not until its paid your grant and funded your education LDV?


As above.

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"From your line of thinking because I am an anarchist that means I have to eschew every connection to capitalism, I mean please use your brains here, I live in an capitalist society, it is impossible for me to stop using money, accept wages, avoid paying rent, avoid paying taxes, etc. Your argument would also render communists to be hypocrites. "


Barter; resign; live in a yurt/commune; covered in 2; etc.

You give up too easily.

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I would ask why is LDV a student? Surely as an anarchist, he has no intentions of moving into a capitalist world when (if) he graduates as paying taxes into an oppressive regime would make him a sponsor of said regime and thus liable for the actions of said regime and surely any anarchist does not need a piece of paper to prove they are as intelligent as the general Proletariat by way of a degree certificate. If it is education you require, why not spend your days in a library and hand back your grant/fees cheque.


Also, if, as is usually assumed, a degree gives you a greater chance of earning more money, surely this means he would not mind people stealing from him as per his earlier arguments.

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I would ask why is LDV a student? Surely as an anarchist, he has no intentions of moving into a capitalist world when (if) he graduates as paying taxes into an oppressive regime would make him a sponsor of said regime


No it wouldn't, I don't have a choice about paying taxes, but voting would be 'sponsoring' or supporting the state. But I don't know what you mean about having no intentions of moving into a capitalist world, it is inescapable if the world is capitalist.


Also, if, as is usually assumed, a degree gives you a greater chance of earning more money, surely this means he would not mind people stealing from him as per his earlier arguments.


Didn't we run over this point Fubar?

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LDV you do have a choice, you can always move to some third world nation where local tribes use the barter system or would you miss the comforts of the capitalist society and the money it gives you. So come on why don't you?

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LDV you do have a choice, you can always move to some third world nation where local tribes use the barter system or would you miss the comforts of the capitalist society and the money it gives you. So come on why don't you?


You've lost me, what do third world nation tribes have to do with anarchism. (I assume you mean those living in a nation state). How do you think it is possible to escape from capitalist system and all illegitimate authorities?


So STFU then


Well...no, because I don't agree with the system that makes this an impossibility.

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