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Almost Free Xbox 360 At Gamesmaster


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Mark is currently doing deals on 360's and PS3's bundled with 19" HDTV's, thing is he has miss priced the 360 bundle by £100.

This is almost the full price of the 360 arcade.

Im not near the shop at the moment but someone should go and wind him up, print out the advert from manx classifieds and quote the consumer rights thing to him about selling at the advertised price.

Im not saying go and buy one and rip him off or anything cos he a mate but I just think it would be funny to get him going.

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Ah well, I thought it was unlawful for shops and suppliers to display an item at a price which is different to the price requested at the point of sale.

I know there are exceptions and a shop can always refuse to sell you anything, its not funny anymore...


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I used to get this all the time back when I worked at GAME (we're talking across in the UK, in the 90s).


We knew the law (ans is quite correct, the price is merely an invitation to trade, and not backed up by any 'right' to buy at that price) - but since we ran arguably the scummiest GAME in the country (Blackburn - oop North), and our clientèle consisted somewhat of knife wielding drugged-up thugs, we thought we were doing well getting them to come to the till at all, rather than simply have them try to pinch everything. (I'm sure they would have tried to pinch the consoles, but they were locked up in the back.)


If it looked like the customer might resort to physical violence, we generally just took the hit and sold the gear cheap (and cursed head office for knobbing up the prices again), and in the end it got so bad we employed someone who knew absolutely nothing about computers or consoles or games at all, but was built like a brick shithouse and was capable of telling people to piss off when they demanded their 'rights' to buy a Playstation with ten games for £3.96.


Bloody scummers.


We don't have people like that in Ramsey, fortunately.

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I used to get this all the time back when I worked at GAME (we're talking across in the UK, in the 90s).


We knew the law (ans is quite correct, the price is merely an invitation to trade, and not backed up by any 'right' to buy at that price) - but since we ran arguably the scummiest GAME in the country (Blackburn - oop North), and our clientèle consisted somewhat of knife wielding drugged-up thugs, we thought we were doing well getting them to come to the till at all, rather than simply have them try to pinch everything. (I'm sure they would have tried to pinch the consoles, but they were locked up in the back.)


If it looked like the customer might resort to physical violence, we generally just took the hit and sold the gear cheap (and cursed head office for knobbing up the prices again), and in the end it got so bad we employed someone who knew absolutely nothing about computers or consoles or games at all, but was built like a brick shithouse and was capable of telling people to piss off when they demanded their 'rights' to buy a Playstation with ten games for £3.96.


Bloody scummers.


We don't have people like that in Ramsey, fortunately.




erm couldnt you have just started doing your job properly and priced them right :P

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erm couldnt you have just started doing your job properly and priced them right :P



Well that's the point, the prices were faxed through from head office, often on a daily basis as we were in mortal kombat (sic) with other retailers, and they fucked the prices up all the time, especially the updates that the tills were supposed to be getting (via a 14.4K modem :D).


If it was a real clanger then we noticed ahead of time (Playstations did not cost £29.99, for example), but for some of the special offers it was only when we'd rung everything into the till and it came up different from what the customer was expecting that the fireworks started. (The ones who were capable of adding up, that is.)


It was the worst job I'd ever had, and that's including the post of 'dogsbody' I got at the Marine when I moved to the IOM, which included cleaning the toilets and polishing the brass on a daily basis. (Like, polished brass really lent the place an air of class.)

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