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Would The Island Sink Into The Sea If The Tt Stopped?


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I was speaking to a bloke that runs a burger stall during TT week, he said he takes in £40,000 in the 2 weeks he is allowed to operate. I thought this was a wild estimate and told a few people about it and they nodded and said that the figure could have been correct.


There must be lots of people who cash in on TT week from all walks of life and although the numbers seem to get less and less each year i think there must be people who make a good living off TT week alone.


Personally i am shit scared of bikes but i do enjoy going out on the Keg and the change of atmosphere that the TT brings, its not all doom and gloom like some arse faces would lead you to believe, but i am sure most people know that already.


If the TT went i dont think the Island would sink but it would make 2 weeks at the start of the summer fucking boring.

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Should Edinburgh not bother with the arts festival? Should Wimbledon not bother with the tennis? Should the Isle Of White not bother with the Cowes boat week? Would those places sink without those events? Probably not. Are the locals inconvenienced by the influx of visitors. Yes. Would it be a shame if they were stopped? I think Yes.


The Isle of Man would be useless without the TT - we need that annual deadline, or nothing would ever get done.

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should a shop close because the staff don't like being bothered by pesky customers coming in wanting to spend money ?


should the banks close because the staff don't like being bothered by pesky customers coming in wanting to leave money ?


simple, we need all we can get or we'll be on spuds'n'herrin

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I am not on any side of the trinity, the fanatics, the ones that see commerce as importance nor the anti-TT crowd. Personally I think the TT should continue because it gives us something to mock afterwards and giggle and guffaw at the buffoons organising it. I like the fact that the TT 'Think tank' only has a shallow end.

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It was estimated at bringing in £8M last time I heard - but as I mentioned earlier I think there are a lot of other not easily quantifiable hidden benefits e.g. I personally know 3 people who have set up businesses here indirectly following initial visits to the TT and falling in love with the place.


There are plenty of businesses that make money out of the TT. For a start all the tansport firms, hoteliers, cateerrs etc. However whether it makes money as a whole for the Island I understand that nobody, well not within the Government actually knows having done all the research and figures.


They presume it does but I understand nobody has ever done a detailed analysis of whether the presumption is correct. Probably just in case they are wrong! It would also be presumably very complicated to work out. The Steam Packet and the airlines obviously earn a great deal of turnover in the period, but does this result in profits which stay and are spent or taxed on the Island. What are the "hidden" costs e.g DoT in respect of labour on the course in respect of maintenance, marking, cleaning. What overtime or othercosts do the poice and healthcare sercives run up?

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I have no problem with the TT. Even though I have no enthusiasm whatsoever for motorbikes - or for motorsport in general - it is a very profitable fortnight for me and the festival is almost the last reminder of the days when we had a tourist industry.

But (there's always a 'but'!) it has so overshadowed everything else about tourism that I think it has engendered a degree of complacency; a kind of "as long as we have the TT we're alright" attitude. Just as we're accused of putting too many eggs in the Financial Sector basket, I'm afraid that we've done the same with the TT in the tourist sector.

A much greater degree of diversification is needed but, as long as the TT swallows up so much of the tourist budget, we're unlikely to be able to contemplate any other major events.

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Fact is most outsiders know the island because of the TT, and to a lesser degree other motorsport,


Not in my experience. When I tell people across that I live in the IOM they say, "Gosh, you must be rich." It's the tax haven aspect they have heard about, the TT rings no bells at all with most of them.



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I think that a significant portion of the Island's economy is based on TT, and if it stopped then it would most likely have an effect on the economy.


I have heard estimates of anywhere up to £20 million being brought in by the TT. Nice, but a small fraction of the total economy.



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Fact is most outsiders know the island because of the TT, and to a lesser degree other motorsport,


Not in my experience. When I tell people across that I live in the IOM they say, "Gosh, you must be rich." It's the tax haven aspect they have heard about, the TT rings no bells at all with most of them.


Totally disagree with you Sebrof.

I've been all over Europe the States and Canada and when people ask where you're from, and you say the Isle of Man, they always associate the Island with the TT, not a tax haven.

Even most people in the UK associate it with the TT.

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Totally disagree with you Sebrof.

I've been all over Europe the States and Canada and when people ask where you're from, and you say the Isle of Man, they always associate the Island with the TT, not a tax haven.

Even most people in the UK associate it with the TT.


I agree. I would say the majority know associiate the sland with the TT. Even those in the financial sector who know about the IoM also are heavily aware of the TT. Unfortunately like just like on the Island there is a mixed opinion with regard to the TT, so similarly off Island. Many think it is a great event, others do not. Many though are ambivalent in that they now it is a Motobike race and that is about it and the most common questions they ask with the regard to the TT are, Is it still going and how many died this year.

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and the most common questions they ask with the regard to the TT are, Is it still going and how many died this year.


I've found that most say "isn't that when they shut the public roads and race through the mountains"? Others who have been here have said how much they enjoyed it and there's nothing else like it anywhere in the world, and they've told all their mates and they've either been or they're coming the following year.

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