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Would The Island Sink Into The Sea If The Tt Stopped?


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Even most people in the UK associate it with the TT.


Really? You've spoken to more than 30 million people?


Impressive. Not even my mother-in-law can match that.


But I think it does depend on who you talk to. Hanging around in low dives near motor-racing circuits might up the average quite a bit.



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and the most common questions they ask with the regard to the TT are, Is it still going and how many died this year.


I've found that most say "isn't that when they shut the public roads and race through the mountains"? Others who have been here have said how much they enjoyed it and there's nothing else like it anywhere in the world, and they've told all their mates and they've either been or they're coming the following year.



Yes sure they enjoy it, they don't have to drive to work everyday through hordes of inconsiderate motorcocks or deal with having to drive half way round douglas just because I live on Governors Hill. Seems to me like a "nice place to visit but dont have a clue what its like to live there" statement

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So in addition to jobs for the boys, its also an excuse for local businesses to shaft not only the locals but the idiot visitors, with over inflaited prices for 2 weeks of the year.


I'm sure tehe Island could survive if it lost even the £20 milion, lets face it more is probably wasted by the DOT on daft non-projects.

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they don't have to drive to work everyday through hordes of inconsiderate motorcocks or deal with having to drive half way round douglas just because I live on Governors Hill.


I'm not a TT supporter and think its a waste of money however if the event continues just so that it pisses off comeovers like you who can't put up with 10 days inconvienience to get to and from their identi-kit estates then its worth it.

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Just a hyperthetical. I know this is a touchy subject, so I dont want this to turn into a witchhunt on from either the pro/anti TT camps. I'm just curious as to whether the Island is so attached to the TT would it function with out it?
So in addition to jobs for the boys, its also an excuse for local businesses to shaft not only the locals but the idiot visitors, with over inflaited prices for 2 weeks of the year.


...and there was I thinking you were looking for other people's opinions.


Try going to Stratford-upon-Avon or York or the Edinburgh Tattoo etc etc...you will discover PDQ that the TT is not the only tourist shafting activity in the world (or the most extreme). Personally I am not particularly into bike racing but I reckon an event like the TT is a whole lot more interesting than watching bikes or F1 cars going round and round a small circuit. Plus it is something that at leasts gets the IOM mentioned internationally as something other than a 'tax haven'.


If people come here and enjoy themselves and have fun that to me is GREAT!!! The more enjoyment and fun that people can have the better - and if it is a bit inconvenient for me for a short while I am more than happy as the benefits for them outweigh this by a country mile.

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Really? You've spoken to more than 30 million people?


Impressive. Not even my mother-in-law can match that.


But I think it does depend on who you talk to. Hanging around in low dives near motor-racing circuits might up the average quite a bit.




I think that you'll find there aren't many low dives near motor racing circuits anymore.

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Even most people in the UK associate it with the TT.


Really? You've spoken to more than 30 million people?


Impressive. Not even my mother-in-law can match that.


But I think it does depend on who you talk to. Hanging around in low dives near motor-racing circuits might up the average quite a bit.




most people would have known what the poster meant trust you to try and take it out of context.

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I would say if the IOM scrapped the TT you might not miss it until it was gone for good. Once it's gone most people in the UK and the rest of the world would forget about the IOM in years to come.


So what if it is remembered as "that place that does motorbike racing on the public roads". At least people know it for something. Most places in the world would be pleased to be associated with such a world famous event. Except comeovers in Douglas that that have their travel disrupted 10 days of the year. (most UK folk have their daily commute disrupted much more than that!). The only people that should have the real say, are those who were born and brought up on the island and have had no say that their birthplace should be used for such an event. Everyone else unless they moved to the island 100 years ago should really be aware of the TT before they moved.


In the current global financial crisis, can the island really afford to turn away whatever revenue the TT brings?

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Your so quick to have a moan about us "come overs" disrupted on our way to work, which by the way we're doing because the manx are either unable to do or can't be arsed doing, to earn wages to spend in the shops and services here on the IOM and contributing to the tax pool, yet you cant wait for the boat to arrive TT week, rubbing your hands together at the thought of the massive mark ups your going to charge on everything from bed & board to a bloody hamburger.


Talk about hypocrites.


And to the matter of the roads, I wonder what percentage of road taxes generated every year go to maintaining the TT track, because lets face it take a drive around IOM off the TT track and some of the roads are in down right disgusting states.


I didn't want this thread turning into another pro/anti TT thread but some of the down right nasty anti-come over comments have got my back up. So here it is, planting my flag firmly in the ground.....


The TT is a dying sport (not just the competitors) from a left over age when the number of cars on the IOM could be counted on both hands (11 for the locals). Its disruptive, unnecessary and lets not get started on the environment (not one of my usual bugbears but in this case...).


From some of the comments here, you would literally think the IOM would sink if the TT stopped. Lets hope the reciprical health agreement and the SPC's need for greed speed up the process.

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I didn't want this thread turning into another pro/anti TT thread but some of the down right nasty anti-come over comments have got my back up. So here it is, planting my flag firmly in the ground.....


I'll think of a few more yet just to get your back up. The TT was here before you moved here so basically what's your f**king problem? Did you not notice that the roads have closed in May and June here since 1907 ... long before you bought your little comeover house in comeover close.

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I'll think of a few more yet just to get your back up. The TT was here before you moved here so basically what's your f**king problem? Did you not notice that the roads have closed in May and June here since 1907 ... long before you bought your little comeover house in comeover close.


Comeover, my arse.

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I'll think of a few more yet just to get your back up. The TT was here before you moved here so basically what's your f**king problem? Did you not notice that the roads have closed in May and June here since 1907 ... long before you bought your little comeover house in comeover close.


Comeover, my arse.


I'd rather not.

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I didn't want this thread turning into another pro/anti TT thread but some of the down right nasty anti-come over comments have got my back up. So here it is, planting my flag firmly in the ground.....


I'll think of a few more yet just to get your back up. The TT was here before you moved here so basically what's your f**king problem? Did you not notice that the roads have closed in May and June here since 1907 ... long before you bought your little comeover house in comeover close.



Did you not notice that when the TT started there probably 2 cars on the IOM. So not much of a problem closing there roads then. Now there are probably upwards 60,000+ cars on the IOM. Bit of a difference if you ask me. So if your going to make a comparison to over 100 years ago.


Oh and the boderline racsim is most becoming of you. If all us "comeovers" went back whence we came the IOM would be screwed. I know you like to make the distinction between "comeovers" at TT when you want to rape their wallets for a fortnight and us Tax paying "comeovers".

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