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Would The Island Sink Into The Sea If The Tt Stopped?


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I didn't want this thread turning into another pro/anti TT thread but some of the down right nasty anti-come over comments have got my back up. So here it is, planting my flag firmly in the ground.....


I'll think of a few more yet just to get your back up. The TT was here before you moved here so basically what's your f**king problem? Did you not notice that the roads have closed in May and June here since 1907 ... long before you bought your little comeover house in comeover close.

Please don't tar all comeovers with the same brush, some of us do not mind the minor disruption for TT and MGP, nor do we mind paying the little extra for decent produce, nor do we dwell on our past lives in that shithole some miles to our east, speaking for myself I came here to live because I have been coming here several times a year from as long as I can remember and I love the place and people, if you move to a new country then you adapt the the way of life there, anyone who instead expects local people to change to accomodate thier culture or lifestyle deserves to be told "there's a boat in the morning". So if you come here to live the choice is simple, you fit in with the lifestyle of your new adoptive country or fuck off back to whence you came.

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I didn't want this thread turning into another pro/anti TT thread but some of the down right nasty anti-come over comments have got my back up. So here it is, planting my flag firmly in the ground.....


I'll think of a few more yet just to get your back up. The TT was here before you moved here so basically what's your f**king problem? Did you not notice that the roads have closed in May and June here since 1907 ... long before you bought your little comeover house in comeover close.

Please don't tar all comeovers with the same brush, some of us do not mind the minor disruption for TT and MGP, nor do we mind paying the little extra for decent produce, nor do we dwell on our past lives in that shithole some miles to our east, speaking for myself I came here to live because I have been coming here several times a year from as long as I can remember and I love the place and people, if you move to a new country then you adapt the the way of life there, anyone who instead expects local people to change to accomodate thier culture or lifestyle deserves to be told "there's a boat in the morning". So if you come here to live the choice is simple, you fit in with the lifestyle of your new adoptive country or fuck off back to whence you came.


I don't think anyone is tarring comeovers with the same brush - Port Erin is a troll, and the views of MilitantDogOwner are hardly representative of most comeovers / stayovers.


When you move to another country it is not uncommon for your views to go through three phases - Phase 1 is the 'Fairyland Stage' - when everything seems different, wonderful, new and exciting, Phase 2 is the 'Disillusionment Stage' - when the novelty has worn off, the cultural differences start to irritate you, and you start to wonder why you are there, Phase 3 is the 'Acceptance Stage' - this is the stage where you have overcome the Disillusionment Stage, are realistic about the good points and the bad points and have started to embrace your new identity - this is the stage you reach when you stop whingeing about things and start being constructive - the stage you have reached when you realise that you have been living here long enough to be part of the problem. Some people, however, just never experience Phase 1, or Phase 3 - and really for them the best you can recommend is the cut their losses and go back to the o-so-wonderful place that they have come from.

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Please don't tar all comeovers with the same brush.


I wasn't - just the tosspot who started this thread with his half arsed views on the future of the TT and how it shouldn't continue specifically because it inconvieniences him even though he should have known it would inconvienience him before he moved here.


I know you like to make the distinction between "comeovers" at TT when you want to rape their wallets for a fortnight and us Tax paying "comeovers".


I wouldn't want to 'rape' anything of yours and it might have escaped your notice but everyone pays tax (its true you know ....). Am I supposed to be grateful that you pay tax too? Do you want some sort of taxpaying reward? Thank you for your money masser, am a good yessir me ... can I shine your shoes?

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When you move to another country it is not uncommon for your views to go through three phases - Phase 1 is the 'Fairyland Stage' - when everything seems different, wonderful, new and exciting, Phase 2 is the 'Disillusionment Stage' - when the novelty has worn off, the cultural differences start to irritate you, and you start to wonder why you are there, Phase 3 is the 'Acceptance Stage' - this is the stage where you have overcome the Disillusionment Stage, are realistic about the good points and the bad points and have started to embrace your new identity - this is the stage you reach when you stop whingeing about things and start being constructive - the stage you have reached when you realise that you have been living here long enough to be part of the problem. Some people, however, just never experience Phase 1, or Phase 3 - and really for them the best you can recommend is the cut their losses and go back to the o-so-wonderful place that they have come from.


Ah I must be an oddball then I had a week of stage 1 then went to stage 3, stage 2 never even came into the equasion, but saying that I came here because I liked the people, values and lifestyle, in fact I resigned from a good job took a good pay drop to come here, so the money and tax wasn't considered and will not even consider going back for whatever reason.

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20k given to a man who regularly uses his TV show to present the Island in a really poor light? Are they mad?


Frankly, in an ideal world they would both have lost, since either party could have prevented this by compromising and being reasonable. But somehow I and every other Manx tax payer has ended up paying for this.


This horrid vile arrogant man, who makes grotesquely obnoxious tv programmes about ugly motor cars, out of spite chooses to move to my Island and because he is a precious primadonna decides people can't walk where they used to walk. Then an equally vile bunch of busybodys (who've also moved here) decides that they don't like him and are going to kick up an unnecessary fuss. So the original grotesque gentleman unreasonably hires a load of lawyers, and the most pompous man in Tynwald decides that the upshot is the Taxpayer pays for all this hubris.



It suggests that here is a good place for petrol heads to come and drive fast. That's a bad light in my book.


Just plucked these from a discussion about Jeremy Clarkson and a certain foot path.


Look at what the second quotes says. So its okay for 2 wheel petrol heads to come here and go fast but not those of the four wheeled variety.


Motorbikers and their riders are worshipped on this island for some bizarre reason.

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Almost inevitable that it was to become a Manxie against the comeovers discussion really!


I am a Manxie and was involved in catering at the Grandstand for many years as a child helping the father of my mate and thoroughly enjoyed it but that was in the 1950/60's. I now feel that we have grown past the stage where it is either safe or necessary to have these races on the Island due to the deaths on and off the course, and also the massive inconvenience to people going about their daily work.


The TT has for many long years been merely a redistribution of wealth in that the costs of Government and other expenditure (out of our pockets) is matched by the income spent by visitors (into the pockets of the IOMSP/Airlines/hotels etc - some of which may stay perchance on the Island).


When costing the TT, it should also be noted that there is the negative cost of having them. Namely, those people who refuse to come to the IOM due to the TT and the presumption that the IOM is just one big race track full of noisy bikers at all times. If the latter were true may be there would, indeed, be some purpose.


I agree that one should always try and integrate into the society that you move into but, inevitably, with large immigration (and less than half those on the IOM were born here), the incoming people will bring change and the population has to accept that this will happen - for better or worse. So get used to the concept and stop berating those who made a decision to come here and not, like me, who did not have to decide but was lucky enough to be born here.


For me..the IOM would survive without them and should do!

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Almost inevitable that it was to become a Manxie against the comeovers discussion really!


I am a Manxie and was involved in catering at the Grandstand for many years as a child helping the father of my mate and thoroughly enjoyed it but that was in the 1950/60's. I now feel that we have grown past the stage where it is either safe or necessary to have these races on the Island due to the deaths on and off the course, and also the massive inconvenience to people going about their daily work.


The TT has for many long years been merely a redistribution of wealth in that the costs of Government and other expenditure (out of our pockets) is matched by the income spent by visitors (into the pockets of the IOMSP/Airlines/hotels etc - some of which may stay perchance on the Island).


When costing the TT, it should also be noted that there is the negative cost of having them. Namely, those people who refuse to come to the IOM due to the TT and the presumption that the IOM is just one big race track full of noisy bikers at all times. If the latter were true may be there would, indeed, be some purpose.


I agree that one should always try and integrate into the society that you move into but, inevitably, with large immigration (and less than half those on the IOM were born here), the incoming people will bring change and the population has to accept that this will happen - for better or worse. So get used to the concept and stop berating those who made a decision to come here and not, like me, who did not have to decide but was lucky enough to be born here.


For me..the IOM would survive without them and should do!


Sorry - for clarity the last line refers to the TT not those who chose to come and live here!!

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The clue is in the world famous race course we live on.


No we live on an Island that has a public road that is used as a race course. Many appear to think it is the other way around i.e. it is race course that is used as a public road. This appears especially to be the case on sunny weekends although some bikers and motorists seem just to think it is a race course.


I think the TT is an anachronism these days as I believe that with the powers and speeds of the bikes etc public roads such as on the IoM are no longer appropriate places to stage races on. When the TT started yes, now No. If they decided to make the "course" a race track then I would not have a problem, but the govt could not affored the costs to do so, and road racers etc would complain as they would say that it is now a race track bot a road race.


For all that I would miss the TT races if they went but to be honest whilst it would a bit of an empty feeling for while I am sure after a couple of years the Island would would back on with nostalgia and some would miss I doubt if it would effect many of us in our every day lives.


If it does continue though it does need a serious kick up the back side as sometimes I think it is almost seen as blasphamous to critisise or make changes to the TT. But it does to be brought up to date especially with improvements for spectators including in entertainment & hospitality. We still seem to think that a beer tent, a port a loo, a cut down fair and the same stunt riders night after night, year after year is putting on a bit of an effort.

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This discussion is irrelevant, as no matter what anyone says the TT is here to stay for years to come.


I agree with Lost Login quoted below that it needs a serious kick up the back side with regards to improvements for people who spend an awful lot of money to come and support the event , stop ripping them off would be a good start.


If it does continue though it does need a serious kick up the back side as sometimes I think it is almost seen as blasphamous to critisise or make changes to the TT. But it does to be brought up to date especially with improvements for spectators including in entertainment & hospitality. We still seem to think that a beer tent, a port a loo, a cut down fair and the same stunt riders night after night, year after year is putting on a bit of an effort.
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