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No Taking Your Kids Out Of School!


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Statement on Attendance of Pupils Policy by Minister for Education the Hon Mrs Anne Craine MHK


For 2009/2010, we will introduce the policy changes which will limit leave of absence to: 1. Where times spent together is important to the well-being and cohesion of the family, following serious or terminal illness, bereavement or other traumatic events; 2. Where a parent’s employment is of such a nature that family holidays cannot be accommodated within school holiday periods (e.g. armed services or emergency services); 3. The off-Island wedding of a member of the immediate family.


In addition, a fourth criterion will be introduced for that year only (2009/2010) which will leave the door open to parents to advance other exceptional circumstances for consideration by the Department. We hope that this phased and pragmatic approach will give parents time to adjust their holiday plans in light of these changes for the benefit of the children.


We will, of course, be continuing to monitor attendance at school very closely and, in particular, we hope to see the number of applications for holidays in term-time reduce.


As part of the Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill the Government wants to introduce £50 fines for unauthorised absence. What the Minister is saying is that it will be impractical to chase parents who take their kids out of school during term time for holidays unless they are away for more than 30% of the term.

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How is this the word on the street?


Well I suppose it just means that quite a few parents were narked that the Department tried to clamp down on term time holidays. So, when it became known that the Minister said that she can't really do anything about the odd weeks holiday here and there the skeet got round.


Perhaps I really meant the word on the net.

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I just thought I'd make that available for future referencing/quoting. :D



Fair enough, well I was thick and missed out a chunk of that article.


When I first looked at it it did seem boggle the mind why schools and business have good relationship, but of course it is advertising or trying to give companies a lovely and caring face. Not to say that some people in business and the police force genuinely think it does good, I recognise that, don't agree with it.


But yes, keep these kids in school.

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