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Sark Stuffs The Barclay Twins


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Barclay brothers tell Sark: you didn't vote for us, so we'll take our money elsewhere


At a press conference yesterday , Sark's judge and returning officer, Lieutenant Colonel Reg Guille, was upbeat. "We have a healthy and thriving democracy," he said. But sounding defiant, he added: "We've welcomed people to live among us and accept our way of life. We are a very independent breed. We live and work by our own hand and long may it continue."


Good for them.


But they have paid the price for it:


But joy turned to despair for many, and uncertainty for all, when the Barclay brothers, owners of the Telegraph and the Ritz hotel, reacted to their disappointment at failing to get their chosen candidates elected by announcing they were ceasing their multimillion-pound operation on the island and laying off 140 workers.


What a sad sign of the times when a group of proud independent islanders are bullied by a couple of billionaires who, apparently, have only once set foot on the island.

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But joy turned to despair for many, and uncertainty for all, when the Barclay brothers, owners of the Telegraph and the Ritz hotel, reacted to their disappointment at failing to get their chosen candidates elected by announcing they were ceasing their multimillion-pound operation on the island and laying off 140 workers.

Tw@ts. Where do they think they are - Russia in the 50s?


That's the last time I don't buy the Telegraph, people should boycott it for that.

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From another SOURCE


Hotel staff at the Aval du Creux Hotel, one of four on the island owned by David and Frederick Barclay, confirmed the hotel was to close from Friday morning, after guests checked out. It was due to stay open all winter.


One receptionist, who declined to be named, told AFP by telephone that the other three Barclay hotels as well as three restaurants, a children's play centre and a beauty salon owned by the brothers "were closed".


And a final thought: The Barclay Brothers were knighted in 2000 for their services to charity.

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Tw@ts. Where do they think they are - Russia in the 50s?


The interesting bit about the Sarkees is that they have clearly put independence and their way of life above immediate prosperity and employment. I.e. they are confident they can survive without international capital and flashy modern things like better roads, helipads and motorised transport!


I went there some years ago and they were having a good old beef about the Barclays manipulative tactics. It was clear they were up for a fight and it's great to see they won.


Is their a lesson in this for the Isle of Man?

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The interesting bit about the Sarkees is that they have clearly put independence and their way of life above immediate prosperity and employment. i.e. they are confident they can survive without international capital and flashy modern things like better roads, helipads and motorised transport!


I went there some years ago and they were having a good old beef about the Barclays manipulative tactics. It was clear they were up for a fight and it's great to see they won.


Is their a lesson in this for the Isle of Man?

I disagree. I don't think the Sarkees (just how good is that name?) put independence above prosperity, I think they quite rightly put independence above bully boy tactics. Despite not having a vote the Barclays issued a newsletter that basically said "Vote for our boys (listed) and we'll put money in so we can develop and control the tourist industry. Vote for this lot of pinko lefties (listed) and we'll put you out of work" - or similar. So having a lot more gumption than, say, the Manx they refused to just roll over to maintain the status quo and the moneyed control that goes with it.


So they voted in a group of islanders with honesty and integrity who will put the Sarkees' independence and interests first and the vulgar money men second.


Is there a lesson in this for the IOM? I would say most certainly - if you have the will to embrace change it can be done. But it takes courage. For example for those out of work there's no welfare state cushion, but then there's no tax hence "The Sark Lark" (is that still going?).


Edited to add this link to my morning Grauniad. It gave me a chuckle over breakfast.

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I think you are right. Shame those out of a job can't set their mansion on fire or something amusing like that, they deserve it, but anyone entering the island of Brechou (or however it is spelt) will probably get caught on the CCTV they apparently have covering the Island day and night.


Is there a lesson in this for the IOM? I would say most certainly - if you have the will to embrace change it can be done. But it takes courage. For example for those out of work there's no welfare state cushion, but then there's no tax hence "The Sark Lark" (is that still going?).


What possible lessons are there for the Isle of Man, don't think I understand?

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Wow the anarchist is really coming out LDV... Arson is a criminal offence !! lol


Lesson for the Isle of Man, more an opportunity, lets get the Barclay Brothers over here!!


I can't help it, it just makes me really angry when some rich bastards cause these people lose their jobs. It's not on.

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Reminiscent of 'It's A Wonderful Life' - the Barclays' Potter pitted against the Sarkees' George Bailey. I think that in the long term a healthier economic system will result from the election, despite the short term hardships it may cause. However, I'm a little concerned that the result may represent a vote for the status quo: the preference for an existing oligarch (the current lord and his powerbase) over a new one. Neither is desirable.

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What possible lessons are there for the Isle of Man, don't think I understand?


So the Barclay brothers did not get the controlling interest that they wanted, and they threw their toys out of the pram.


Probably something similar would happen here if The Steam Packet had the User Agreement withdrawn.

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What possible lessons are there for the Isle of Man, don't think I understand?


So the Barclay brothers did not get the controlling interest that they wanted, and they threw their toys out of the pram.


Probably something similar would happen here if The Steam Packet had the User Agreement withdrawn.


And the Island really would be in the shit then!


However, I'm a little concerned that the result may represent a vote for the status quo: the preference for an existing oligarch (the current lord and his powerbase) over a new one. Neither is desirable.


True though I think the Barclay Brothers seem the worse option. I can imagine that all their motivations are driven by financial interests or trying to make the best use of their money in the selfish of ways.

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