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Open Verdict At Menezes Inquest


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And I'm still not sure where you get the impression I want to attack someones house? I make no claim to any sort of pyrotechnic can't be lethal. If they are used properly by trained professionals then the risk is reduced. Simple really.

Just as a "for instance" then. Say you don't like the fact that a brass band can play in the street at around 8:00 pm (I was going to say "Twenty-Hundred-Hours" but my watch only goes up to twelve) because the bands lack of psychic powers means they are stupidly unaware that your wife does a night shift - more fool them eh? So you decide to let off a few t-flashes around the house of the tuba player at 5:00 am, presumably to encourage him to be better at reading your mind. So if you chuck one in the garden does your "using it properly as a trained professional" guarantee that they won't just walk out of the house at that moment and tread on it?


I'm just curious to know, thanks.

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I love the fact that people without any thing intelligent to say, attack someone elses spelling mistakes and mistypes. Well done you hero, you've added something that has changed the course of history as we know it, how this discussion coped without you up to now is a mystery.


Wrong on two points:


(1) I deliberately ignored the content of your post and responded instead to the form because your arguments (where they could loosely be described as arguments) were pretty weak and not worth responding to. Poor spelling tends to be symptomatic of wooly-mindedness and my response simply sought to point this out.


(2) I had already responded on topic earlier in the thread, so the discussion had not 'coped without [me] up to [the post to which you refer]'


It seems I did have something to say after all! :)

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And I'm still not sure where you get the impression I want to attack someones house? I make no claim to any sort of pyrotechnic can't be lethal. If they are used properly by trained professionals then the risk is reduced. Simple really.

Just as a "for instance" then. Say you don't like the fact that a brass band can play in the street at around 8:00 pm (I was going to say "Twenty-Hundred-Hours" but my watch only goes up to twelve) because the bands lack of psychic powers means they are stupidly unaware that your wife does a night shift - more fool them eh? So you decide to let off a few t-flashes around the house of the tuba player at 5:00 am, presumably to encourage him to be better at reading your mind. So if you chuck one in the garden does your "using it properly as a trained professional" guarantee that they won't just walk out of the house at that moment and tread on it?


I'm just curious to know, thanks.


Kind of off topic don't you think but I'll humour you for now.


Look in this day and age some people have to work nights. Fact. Brass bands do not have to pitch up outside someones house to play. If they were to perform at a scheduled and publicised venue then they would not be disturbing people in their homes and more likely to raise some money.


The point I made about setting off pyros outside their house is that I'm sure they would not welcome the disturbance and such an early hour.


As for you making me out like some mad arsonist, your barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid. And your example of me throwing it out on the garden and them somehow standing on it???? Have they magically teleported from their beds to the exact spot where I was to place the pyro???? Or does their psychic powers grant them the ability to know someone is going to setoff pyros in their garden.


I have some suspicsions that you may have served some time in the Forces from some of your posts. Although your lack knowledge of pyros and use and appliction said pyros, would suggest that your superiors issued them to others with in your unit for fear of you blowing yourself up with one.


"But I do know I've been blown over by a t-flash, so don't try and claim they can't be lethal... " your words I believe.

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I love the fact that people without any thing intelligent to say, attack someone elses spelling mistakes and mistypes. Well done you hero, you've added something that has changed the course of history as we know it, how this discussion coped without you up to now is a mystery.


Wrong on two points:


(1) I deliberately ignored the content of your post and responded instead to the form because your arguments (where they could loosely be described as arguments) were pretty weak and not worth responding to. Poor spelling tends to be symptomatic of wooly-mindedness and my response simply sought to point this out.


(2) I had already responded on topic earlier in the thread, so the discussion had not 'coped without [me] up to [the post to which you refer]'


It seems I did have something to say after all! :)


(1) So you can't respond to the content of my post because of the wooliness. That in it self is a very "wooly" response. If you would care to point what I have said so far that is "wooly" maybe I can responde and remove the wool from your eyes.


(2) I do apologise, I have gone back and read your earlier post. I shall correct my original statment.




"Well done you hero, you've added something that has changed the course of history as we know it, how this discussion coped without you up to correct my minor spelling mistakes, while completly avoiding the points I have raised, is a mystery"

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The point I made about setting off pyros outside their house is that I'm sure they would not welcome the disturbance and such an early hour.


As for you making me out like some mad arsonist, your barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid. And your example of me throwing it out on the garden and them somehow standing on it???? Have they magically teleported from their beds to the exact spot where I was to place the pyro???? Or does their psychic powers grant them the ability to know someone is going to setoff pyros in their garden.

Thank you for your response, it was most Schermuly illuminating. Especially about folks not wanting to be disturbed at 5:00 am, which is hardly rocket science. Although any reasonable person would say 8:00 pm for live music was fine.

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The point I made about setting off pyros outside their house is that I'm sure they would not welcome the disturbance and such an early hour.


As for you making me out like some mad arsonist, your barking up the wrong tree I'm afraid. And your example of me throwing it out on the garden and them somehow standing on it???? Have they magically teleported from their beds to the exact spot where I was to place the pyro???? Or does their psychic powers grant them the ability to know someone is going to setoff pyros in their garden.

Thank you for your response, it was most Schermuly illuminating. Especially about folks not wanting to be disturbed at 5:00 am, which is hardly rocket science. Although any reasonable person would say 8:00 pm for live music was fine.


You seem to be confusing this thread with another. I don't remember the inquiry mentioning a brass band outside the tube station at the time of the shooting. You seem driven to press me on a subject of another thread. I'm sure if I paid a heavy metal band to play at 8:00pm outside your front door every day you would soon complain about the noise.


Now please back the JCM inquiry.

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I thought it was quite funny, 'Dennis Demenezes', or am I wrong?

The troll obviously missed the pun.


I take it by the "troll" you mean me.


I did indeed get the pun. The fact you have to ask if you got it suggests that maybe you yourself didn't. Maybe next time the poster will explain it for you in crayon and big letters.

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