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£ To The €


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see today the tourist rate is one to one so Broons done what he set out to do - hes totally buggered the country. Thinkabout it. anything we want to buy will now cost the earth, prices are going to go up


also The news media make you laugh - all they go on about is how much more expensive your holiday will be They dont seem to realise that for most people everything will get more expensive as we are so reliant on imports.

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Surely though, by the same token, it is good for Britain in that it will encourage the manufacturing of products in-country, whilst making it easier for those exporters we do have?

That's great in theory...all we need now is some engineers, mathematicians and scientists to do it. With all the media studies degrees, bankers, lawyers and accountants we've got, and the dumbed down celebrity worship culture we've been busily creating - why not go for some singing/dancing toy like this in time for xmas - a bargain at only £100K each.



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The news media make you laugh - all they go on about is how much more expensive your holiday will be They dont seem to realise that for most people everything will get more expensive as we are so reliant on imports.

It should be good for tourism in the the UK and IOM - both for sterling area tourists and for visitors from the Euro zone, USA, Japan, China etc...what is DOTL doing to respond to the opportunity? Holiday at home!


Also means that M&S will make even more profit on its euro area sales - in Ireland the € price is currently 20%-30% higher than the UK for the same items - they now cut off the £ price so shoppers won't see the difference! Saw a UK published magazine in Cork - UK price £7.99 (about €8.90) Irish price €12.99 a healthy 45% mark-up.

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Having seen the Czech currency move from 40 down to 30 against the pound in less than a year and then stabilise I thought it was a great time to transfer some savings into GBP. 'Surely it won't get any lower than that.' I thought. I thought wrong - recent fiscal shennanigans have pushed it down to 29 already.


My days as a currency trader are over - I'm sticking to gold bullion from now on.

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hes totally buggered the country.


Luckily its not even his country the miserable Jock twat.


His country is the UK, you nitwit. And furthermore, if you hadn't realised it, the currency is the same as that used in the IOM. So we're all stuffed.



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I think the clue to the joke was in the jock


Its no more Brown or Blair but it dates back to Thatcher &Co and Reagonomics on the other side of the pond. De regulate, let anyone borrow anything to keep on stimulating the economy. They have now run out of space to maouevre. Whose watch it occurred ion is irrelevant. Problem is not that the country is bust and cannot borrow, borrowings are lowe, lower than when major left office, its that the population has borowed itself out as well so cannot afford to buy to re start the economy


The huge difference with the EU and Euro zone is that whilst German governmemt borrowing and french borrowing arevery high, even after Brown borrows all the billions it will still be lees than is owed in Germany (due to the ongoing re integration struggle) BUT the people are not borrowed ot on credit cards and equity loans so they will be able to spend eralier. That is why the Euro is so strong. Large internal market and lots of buying power and Governments can stimulate as well.


Only way out of this is that UK has a reduced value currency or goes into the Euro at a very low rate and over time exports its way to success. And it has git the manufacturing ability and capacity. It is the 6th largest industrial economy and 5th l;argest exporter in the world. If we all bought british because "foreign" was too expensive those positions could improve.


The US is much the same, if not worse than Britain, the dollar is about to fall

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It's ironic that the political €sceptics and their friends at the Daily Mail used to argue that the UK should not join the common currency because, they essentially said, the Euro economies were over regulated.


And it's a pity that they brain washed the British public with their anti €, anti foreigner rubbish. What a pity that Britain did not join the common currency when sterling was stronger.


So I wonder how that brain washing will be reversed? Actually - I bet it will be a referendum but the govt will be neutral. But the question will be expressed in the media as, something like: Yes - join the Euro, No - live on cabbage and die hungry. Even when it is inevitable, no viable political party will want the responsibility.

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Can Wail readers actually be brainwashed?


Doesn't that require a functional cortex and not just a collection of primitive cells programmed to go to outrage mode on sight of key words such as chavs, immigrants, benefits, unemployed, labour, primark and so on.

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What a pity that Britain did not join the common currency when sterling was stronger.


No. This is the ideal level. If its 1 to 1 or as good as we cannot blame inflation on it as we will only change the name not the value and what is more it allows us a huge boost to not just the industrial economy but the financial service economy


If we insure items abroad, which we do then to insure a million Euro item last year at 1% premium meant we got €10,000 or £6,800. Now we get £10,000


A car from Germany which, excluding tax and subsidy costs €20,000 to produce woud have been £16,600. It is now £20,000. The car from UK is still costing £16 600 to produce so we buy more Brittish and export more.It used to sell for €20,000, it now sells for €16,600


The reason devaluation may work this time is the recession world wide. Commodities are priced in dolars and have fallen. The dollar will fall so we will not have upward inflationary pressure.


Yes that means raw materials for the existing euro economies are less but most of their costs, wages, plant, machinery, welfare are still high.

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A car from Germany which, excluding tax and subsidy costs €20,000 to produce woud have been £16,600. It is now £20,000. The car from UK is still costing £16 600 to produce so we buy more Brittish and export more.It used to sell for €20,000, it now sells for €16,600


How do our costs stay low when we import raw materials and energy John?

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Surely though, by the same token, it is good for Britain in that it will encourage the manufacturing of products in-country, whilst making it easier for those exporters we do have?



does that mean all the call centres will be relocated back to the UK from india and we are going to be able to understand what is being said?? and what manufacturing??

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They are priced in dollars, the US economy is stuffed and the dollar is about to fall. The prices are in any event at a four year low in dollar terms


However the largest cost of industrial production is not the raw material or the energy but the labour, factory etc.


I agre that old style devaluations led to infaltion and the export of unemployment. The recession may make this one different, although the export or import of employment is the only real tool Euro economies have as individuals

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