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The silence of the Muslim community when one of their own commits an act of terrorism speaks volumes.


Sorry but that's absolute bollocks. The majority of people, irrespective of their religion, do not condone terrorism. By your logic every Muslim is a terrorist, its the extremes in all parts of society that cause the problems. You really should stop reading The Daily Mail.

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The silence of the Muslim community when one of their own commits an act of terrorism speaks volumes.


Sorry but that's absolute bollocks. The majority of people, irrespective of their religion, do not condone terrorism. By your logic every Muslim is a terrorist, its the extremes in all parts of society that cause the problems. You really should stop reading The Daily Mail.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but I dont read the Daily anything. Do you ever hear of the Muslim community handing one of their own over, because they found him to be planning an act of terrorism (other than the man mentioned in the original post)? No you don't, they close ranks and the authorities are met by a wall of silence. The acts of terorrism are all deplored by the Muslim leaders but they don't appear to be helping stop said incidents.


Its you that is talking "absolute bollocks" and living in a dream world.

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I see no evidence to back up your statements. People are arrested everyday, I don't know the background to it and neither do you. It sounds purely like the sort of rubbish found within the Mail and the Express.


Looking at the majority of your posts so far you appear to be a troll, please prove me wrong.

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I see no evidence to back up your statements. People are arrested everyday, I don't know the background to it and neither do you. It sounds purely like the sort of rubbish found within the Mail and the Express.


Looking at the majority of your posts so far you appear to be a troll, please prove me wrong.


And the evidence to back yours is where exactly? "Muslim extremist terrorist outed by parents and friends" in the headlines no I dont think so. The "Shoe Bomber", the "9/11 Bombers", the "7/11 Bombers" and the "Glasgow Airport Bombers". Can you honestly think that no-one in the terrorists family, friends, neighbours and co-workers knew there people were planning on carrying out these acts? Did they not know or not tell? I'm guessing someone somewhere knew and chose not to tell.


I have experience from being in the Armed Forces and Operational experience.


You call me a troll, I can it voicing my opinions. Looking at the majority of your posts your living in some delusional dream world where everybody gets on and nobody wants to kill anyone else.

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You call me a troll, I can it voicing my opinions. Looking at the majority of your posts your living in some delusional dream world where everybody gets on and nobody wants to kill anyone else.


I was merely offering you an opportunity to stop appearing so aggressive and, well, troll like. I'm honestly not looking for an argument, I rarely do on here (have you really read the majority of my 1,200+ posts??). Out of pure interest, what's your connection to the Isle of Man?


Anyway, I don't think I can compete with you - after all you have Armed Forces and Operational experience, you dislike brass bands that do Christmas charity collections and are oddly called MilitantDogOwner. I'll leave it at that thanks.

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You call me a troll, I can it voicing my opinions. Looking at the majority of your posts your living in some delusional dream world where everybody gets on and nobody wants to kill anyone else.


I was merely offering you an opportunity to stop appearing so aggressive and, well, troll like. I'm honestly not looking for an argument, I rarely do on here (have you really read the majority of my 1,200+ posts??). Out of pure interest, what's your connection to the Isle of Man?


Anyway, I don't think I can compete with you - after all you have Armed Forces and Operational experience, you dislike brass bands that do Christmas charity collections and are oddly called MilitantDogOwner. I'll leave it at that thanks.


Good news is no news. We'll never hear "good" Muslims promoting peace in the mainstream media because it doesn't sell papers. The Mojo is right.



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You call me a troll, I can it voicing my opinions. Looking at the majority of your posts your living in some delusional dream world where everybody gets on and nobody wants to kill anyone else.


I was merely offering you an opportunity to stop appearing so aggressive and, well, troll like. I'm honestly not looking for an argument, I rarely do on here (have you really read the majority of my 1,200+ posts??). Out of pure interest, what's your connection to the Isle of Man?


Anyway, I don't think I can compete with you - after all you have Armed Forces and Operational experience, you dislike brass bands that do Christmas charity collections and are oddly called MilitantDogOwner. I'll leave it at that thanks.


So no evidence to back your claims so backing off.


I dont dislike brass bands doing charity collections, i dislike brass bands playing right outside my house late in the evening, and then ringing my door bell even when all the lights are off, and the reason I call myself MilitantDogOwner is from another board I used to post on about the unfair treatment of dogs on the IOM.


And my connection to the Isle of Man. I'm living in it.



You call me a troll, I can it voicing my opinions. Looking at the majority of your posts your living in some delusional dream world where everybody gets on and nobody wants to kill anyone else.


I was merely offering you an opportunity to stop appearing so aggressive and, well, troll like. I'm honestly not looking for an argument, I rarely do on here (have you really read the majority of my 1,200+ posts??). Out of pure interest, what's your connection to the Isle of Man?


Anyway, I don't think I can compete with you - after all you have Armed Forces and Operational experience, you dislike brass bands that do Christmas charity collections and are oddly called MilitantDogOwner. I'll leave it at that thanks.


Good news is no news. We'll never hear "good" Muslims promoting peace in the mainstream media because it doesn't sell papers. The Mojo is right.




Yes and your years of experience in this subject come from? Reading news papers? Listening to what "bloke down the pub" has to say about it.


Take the examples I gave in my first post on this thread. Were any of them stopped because a person known to the person(s) involved contacted the authorities? Of course not.


In your opinion is that the Mojo is right. But then opinions are like arseholes...everyones got one.

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In support of MDO, I think the lack of "snitching" does permeate all society, look at NI for example.


Having lived in Derby one of the areas that had a large influx of "immigrants" and having worked with them, I also found that in such cases you probably would have been met with a wall of silence, though to be fair there are always some people who's conscience may get the better of this stigma.

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In support of MDO, I think the lack of "snitching" does permeate all society, look at NI for example.


Having lived in Derby one of the areas that had a large influx of "immigrants" and having worked with them, I also found that in such cases you probably would have been met with a wall of silence, though to be fair there are always some people who's conscience may get the better of this stigma.


Even in NI we had snitches and people on the inside, be they plants (deep cover operatives) or turn coats. Because a large portion of the Muslim community is of an ethnically different race, it is much harder to infiltraite and gather intelligence from the inside.

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The silence of the Muslim community when one of their own commits an act of terrorism speaks volumes.


Sorry but that's absolute bollocks. The majority of people, irrespective of their religion, do not condone terrorism. By your logic every Muslim is a terrorist, its the extremes in all parts of society that cause the problems. You really should stop reading The Daily Mail.


Unfortunately Mojomonkey the idea that the Muslim 'community' (?) should speak out against terrorism is very common. But I agree with you. It strikes me as being a very prejudiced view. There is no unitary muslim community to speak of anymore than a Christian one. And simply because you have fanatics who USE their religion to justify their actions why the hell such other people of the same religion openly condemn it?

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